Fic Talk > Updates

One thread for all my updates!

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--- Quote from: honey on October 01, 2008, 01:45:47 PM ---I'm working on it right now! I'm nine pages in! I basically have just one more "flashback" to write and then the chapter is done. Then, I'm ready to start the next chapter. I was worried that I wouldn't be able to fall back into this story, especially because I'm so close to being finished with Jamie, so my brain is kind of "super-obsessed" at the moment, but I think it finally clicked and it feels good to be writing the boys again. Yay!

--- End quote ---


all right...  4 months later... there you go.   Fan Friction has been updated. It's a miracle.

(and two days before self imposed deadline, might I add.)

Well it's about gosh darn time! >:( I'm just kidding? ::) Yay! An FF update! ;D

lol ashley. I know, I know....   But the bright side is, people bugged me enough for an update that I finally forced myself to do it, and now I feel much better. It was kind of nice to be writing about the boys again.

wow! I don't know if it's because Supernatural started again, or if it's because it's October and fall and Halloween and everything, or if it's because I finally made myself write that chapter, but I've been in FF mode since, and already have the next chapter half done. Yay! Hopefully I'll have it posted by Monday or Tuesday at the latest. 


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