Fic Talk > Updates
One thread for all my updates!
ok, I updated Jamie, but my "last chapter" turned out to be my "last two chapters" so it's not done yet. I was going to wait to post this one till it's all over cause you're going to hate me for where I ended it, but I'm hoping that posting it will give me the motivation I need to spit out the end.
And look at that, it wasn't during finals. lol Yay, new Jamie chapter!
OMG IT'S FINISHED!!! And it's about FREAKING time! GAH! I was stuck forever and have been giving myself migraines trying to figure out what my problem was. But I finally got it! It probably sucks, but at least it's done, so...
*does the finished story happy dance*
Oh, and it's posted! Read the end and if anything sucks, or is totally confusing, or doesn't work, please tell me! I'll go back and fix it on the edit!
Now I can focus on Fan Friction a little! Woot!
Congrats Kelly!!
thanks Julie! Seriously, I've never had something be so difficult, so I'm just ecstatic right now. I think I'm going to have to start a thread about difficult writing, because this seriously was the hardest piece of writing I've ever done. But... it can wait till later cause right now my brain is fried and I have to get to the library before it closes. American Gods is due back, and I'm only half done lol. Gotta renew it.
I'm seriously thinking of having a party right now, I'm so relieved!
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