Fic Talk > Updates

One thread for all my updates!

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That sounds like a good thread topic.

It seems like (not always, but a lot of the time) the fics that seem the hardest and take the longest are the ones that turn out best in the long run, because you take your time with them and don't settle for crappy writing in order to rush them along.

Also, you may be hitting the point where the novelty of writing has worn off, so you're not a machine plugging out chapters of everything you write anymore, so it's just going to be a slower process from now on.  It seems like everyone hits that point after a couple years.  It's not necessarily a bad thing though... I know when I hit that point, my productivity went down, but my writing got a lot better LOL.

OMG, posted? So going to read!

I loved it! :-*

aww, congrats Kelly!

Updated Fan Friction. Woot! Hopefully the updates for this one will start flowing now that Jamie's done.


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