Fic Talk > Updates

One thread for all my updates!

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Hey, original fiction is awesome. I LOVE LOVE LOVE There Were Five and Love Potion Number Nine is good too. Both of them are great stories. Whatever you work on next, you know I will read it.  ;D

aww, Sinara is making me blush...   :-*

ok, so i  decided on what I'm going to do next. It's the new idea that's been festering in my brain for a while. I sat down last night and wrote the first paragraph just to see if it would work, and I ended up with the whole first chapter! yay!   

Um it's original fiction, but I'll post it on the off chance anyone would like to see what I'm up too, since I don't seem to be writing much fan fic these days...

It's Called, Being Jamie Baker

Summary: An accident that should have ended in tragedy, instead gave Jamie Baker a slew of superhuman abilities; though she believes the two are one in the same. She never saw her powers as anything more than a curse until someone a little less pessimistic changed her perspective.

Hey, did you get my really long IM that basically was a review that I didn't bother posting under reviews on FP lol


--- Quote from: starbeamz2 on April 06, 2008, 01:49:48 PM ---Hey, did you get my really long IM that basically was a review that I didn't bother posting under reviews on FP lol

--- End quote ---

um, no but if I was signed in when my power went out, which it did several times this morning, then it would have been erased I think...


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