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--- Quote from: mare on April 24, 2008, 03:25:51 PM ---YAY! i'm looking forward to reading this Kelly. I just wanted to let you know that your summary was very confusing to read. lol I don't know if it is just me nt beiong able to comprehend things but I had to read it about five times to figure out who was in a mental institution and even still i'm kind of confused. lol Just wanted to give you a heads up about that.

I am going to read this before watching SN or maybe i should wait unti after...hrmmm

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haha see? I knew it was. oh, wait I edited that post. I mean, I'm still working on it, cause it confused me to after I wrote it, but then I got tired and went to bed.

I posted one of those I couldn't figure out how to summarize this one, comments, but then erased it cause I was going to just try to come up with something better. But I haven't yet... I suck...  for some reason I cant figure out how to put into words what the heck is going on in this story.   

anyway, thanks for the heads up Mare, I was already planing on fixing it, I just haven't figured out how to word it yet...   :-\

^ I figured i'd mention it because you had to see me this morning reading it on AC. Granted it was 6am but I was sitting there going wait Nick is dead but he's been institionalize d? lmao i'm so blonde sometimes! I hate writing summaries. I have the hardest time trying to explain what's in my brain.


--- Quote from: mare on April 24, 2008, 03:34:45 PM ---^ I figured i'd mention it because you had to see me this morning reading it on AC. Granted it was 6am but I was sitting there going wait Nick is dead but he's been institionalize d? lmao i'm so blonde sometimes! I hate writing summaries. I have the hardest time trying to explain what's in my brain.

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yeah, my problem is I can't really figure out a way to explain the scenario. It's very complicated...

it sounds complicated. It also sounds great though :) so yay to that!


--- Quote from: mare on April 24, 2008, 03:38:09 PM ---it sounds complicated. It also sounds great though :) so yay to that!

--- End quote ---

lol. i don't know about great, but we'll see.


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