Fic Talk > Updates

I'm Following Kelly's Example...

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Okay, so I'm not sure this will make any difference to anyone who reads this, but I just wanted to say that I'm fully and completely done with BSB fanfiction. It was nice while it lasted and writing it gave me plenty of experience and helped my writing grow. However, there are greener pastures (lol) that I am exploring, which would be original fiction. I've already got a few stories up on FictionPress under the same penname, so, if you're curious, you can check them out.

Thanks to everyone who did read my stuff! It sucks to leave, but I do think I'll probably write for the challenges because Mare comes up with fun ones. Other than that, I'm done, done, DONE! Sorry for not finishing something you were really excited about. I can promise that Hensley will be completed because it may as well be original fiction, but that's it...

Wow, this thread is entirely me talking to myself. Apparently, I like fawning over myself and feeling big, important, and special. Although, maybe I'm just "special" lol

Anywho, I thought I'd post here to say that, after two months of hitting dead-end after dead-end with story ADD, I've finally managed to write something!! YAY! So, I thought I'd continue my one-girl thread by partying because I was seriously worried about my writing abilities shriveling up. So yay! *tosses confetti*

YAY for talking to yourself! whooohooo  :P

YAY for writing new stuff! I'm excited! Does this mean we might be getting some updates here soon?


--- Quote from: Sinara on April 18, 2008, 11:17:47 PM ---YAY for writing new stuff! I'm excited! Does this mean we might be getting some updates here soon?

--- End quote ---

Yay for two new voices in my thread (besides my own lol)!!

Actually, the writing I'm doing is original, but I'd be more than happy to post it on AC if you want to read it ;D

I'm on a short story kick at the moment, too, so, if I do ever write fanfic again, it'll be short stories. I like them a lot because they're short and sweet. Lately, I've been losing track of my plotlines and getting bored with longer stories (which was part of the writer's block), so short stories make me happy! hmm...maybe I'll post a couple on AC...


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