Fic Talk > Updates

Rose's Update-palooza

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Thankies :). Part of my update was due to you urging me to lol. Let's see if this whole deadline thing works a second time lmao. You said two weeks right? lol

Just updated "Walked Out Of My Dreams". :) Hoping to churn out a RMTW chapter next.

Yes, two weeks more specifically Sept 21st! lol

Yoot for you updating something though. Sept 21!! :)


--- Quote from: mare on September 11, 2010, 08:55:08 AM ---Yes, two weeks more specifically Sept 21st! lol

Yoot for you updating something though. Sept 21!! :)

--- End quote ---

LOL yes ma'am. I've got an Undead chapter to write too. I'm leaving it to the writing gods as to which one happens first LOL.

So, I'm now unable to have my update show on the Most Recent Page too! LOL.

That said, I finally updated RMTW again. (And while I'm sick, so this is impressive haha)

Here's the link to the new chapter :)


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