Fic Talk > Updates

Rose's Update-palooza

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--- Quote from: mare on September 29, 2010, 08:50:48 PM ---good! I know I shouldn't talk. I'm going to be missing updates pretty soon myself. LOL

--- End quote ---

LOL nooooo don't miss updates! You're not allowed!

I haven't written anything and don't see myself writing anything soon. :( unless I get motivated this weekend. I do have one chapter to post so thie Saturday i'm good.  lol


So I updated RMTW! Yay!

It's not showing up still on the Most Recent page... (boooo...). So here's the chapter for those interested. :)

Honestly I have no idea if it'll show up on the Most Recent page any time soon lol. So if you don't have it favorited so that it sends update emails, you might want to, to keep up. :)

So Mare, does this mean I don't get deadlines anymore? LOL


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