Fic Talk > Updates

Rose's Update-palooza

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I started working on converting Just Another Day to original fiction. So check it out :)


--- Quote from: Rose on April 08, 2008, 07:03:44 PM ---*kidnaps Dee the moment she looks at this*
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Well, that was a pretty uneeffective kidnapping....

Just Another Day (the novel) was updated for any interested.

--- Quote from: nicksgal on May 01, 2008, 11:59:07 AM ---Well, that was a pretty uneeffective kidnapping....

--- End quote ---

Yeah Dee well if I wasn't so lazy I'd have my faerie bitches go and poof you to me so I could kidnap you more effectively. But eh, I'd rather have them do my bitch work lol.

Maybe.... But I didn't look at it until like a month after you posted it. lol


--- Quote from: nicksgal on May 07, 2008, 01:13:00 PM ---Maybe.... But I didn't look at it until like a month after you posted it. lol

--- End quote ---

Yeah yeah *feels unloved* I'm gonna send an evil faerie after you  >:( :P lol


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