Fic Talk > Updates

Rose's Update-palooza

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Yay! I am loving all the Nick birthday stories :) I will have to read this (and your RMTW update) once I get home from work!

I just saw this Rose. I will gladly give you deadlines lol when shall I start?

And lol'd at all the birthday stories I saw when I got home. Glad I posted mine last night. :P

I'd say I probably need a two week span. Maybe if I can keep updating consistently I may one day finish and my story ADD will leave me alone lmao. I so blame you for the birthday one though, LOL.

--- Quote from: Sakabelle on January 28, 2011, 08:24:14 AM ---Yay! I am loving all the Nick birthday stories :) I will have to read this (and your RMTW update) once I get home from work!

--- End quote ---

Sweeeet :)

okay then, your first due date is Friday Feb 11th! :)

Thank you! Maybe that'll help motivate me. Cause the only words in the doc are "Chapter Twenty-Seven" lmao.


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