Fic Talk > Updates

Rose's Update-palooza

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Woohoo! lol

And because I'm just incredibly fond of my banner (sorry Mare since I know you hate them lmao).

This is a preview for what I MIGHT write once RMTW is finished. This idea has been sitting very heavily in my head lately lol. I showed Julie this the other day, and I'm in the mood to post it up here. :)

I'm 10 days early again! YES! Yoot!

Just posted Chapter Twenty Eight of RMTW...and it's a long one lol.

Okay so per your request, I will not make your deadline shorter. lol you're next one is Saturday the 19th. This is hard to figure out without a calander. Yes, I still don't own a 2011 calendar. LOL

Hey if I get this one way before the deadline, we'll start making them shorter :) lol.


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