Fic Talk > Updates

Rose's Update-palooza

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You know I wub you bwunches. :-*

Wow it's been forever since I touched this thread. Probably cause the only fic I've been updating was either 00Carter or Born To Be and those two have their own threads.

Yeesh. I sorta suck lol.

Anywho, I just updated Glitz and Glamour, so yay me! lol

And now Rehab has been updated.

Go me being productive! lol

Go me being even more productive! lol

I don't know if any of the few readers this story still had actually care now lol, but I did manage to update Divisions of Reality! Yay!

I'm finally getting closer to the end. I'm at the climax of the story after so much time went into this one and I'm really excited about it lol. Though it amuses me everytime I see the earlier chapters, cause I grew writing wise so much since then lol.

Rehab has been updated, which is whoa cause I haven't even looked at it since my last update in September, and suddenly pulled it out tonight and wrote up an update.

Yay random spurt of muse love! lol


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