Fic Talk > Updates

Rose's Update-palooza

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Wow...a month since the last update. I suck lol.

But I did manage to update RMTW today, so yay me. LOL

Yay You!

Only two weeks since my last update. I feel this is an improvement LOL.

Posted Chapter 36 of RMTW.

And I fail again. Two months! GAH!

But I finally...fina my mojo back for it. So I posted the new chapter for RMTW :)

Since this computer is stupid and moody and sometimes feels like letting me do things and sometimes not, i'm puting my review in here lol

Yay, you updated! Your story said I last read it in late May and I had forgotten you had killed Aaron off so it's been awhile lol Poor Nick and alll he's going through. Loved his time with the therapist and his feelings about Leigh. Not a nice way to leave things off though. Cliffy means not having to wait for two months for the next update, okie dokie smokey?


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