Fic Talk > Updates

Rose's Update-palooza

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I forgot to post this in here this morning. Not an update, just a one shot.

It's called "Haunted".

Posted a new chapter of RMTW :).

And I'm sorry if anyone got two email notifications. The damn browser timed out on me, and said I sent a bad request. So I went back to post the chapter again, thinking it didn't take. Only to see it posted twice. *kicks it* LOL.

And I have officially finished RMTW. I'm not sure whether to be happy or sad about that LOL. But I hope everyone enjoyed it.

Now, I'm gonna refocus on my Brian story, "Walked Out Of My Dreams" next.

WOOT!!!  Congratulation s, Rose!   It's so bittersweet to see RMTW finished; I cried... but I'm so happy for you, too!  The ending was perfect!

WOW, what an ending!  I'm crying here and so glad I'm not in work and that the kids are still asleep in bed.

Congrats on finishing the story.  I absolutely loved it :)


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