Fic Talk > Updates

Rose's Update-palooza

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don't you love random spurts? I know I do! Yay Rose!

haha I still need to read rehab. That's the one you said I'd like, right?


--- Quote from: honey on December 14, 2008, 12:29:09 AM ---haha I still need to read rehab. That's the one you said I'd like, right?

--- End quote ---

Well you're my romance lover, so I'd say so. Kayden's pretty much the anti-Cally lol. Though I think you'd like Born to Be too. It's fantasy but I'm very proud of that one.

--- Quote from: starbeamz2 on December 13, 2008, 11:55:14 PM ---don't you love random spurts? I know I do! Yay Rose!

--- End quote ---

Yes! LOL especially since I've been so blah about any of my romance fics. I had an urge to write, and out it came. Loved it.

I just re-read rehab yesterday and dude I think you so work on this.. it's good. I like how Kayden kicks Nick's ass its funny. It's nice tho Nick isn't such a "prick" now tho. (no-pun intended to the use of prick)


*blink* A new reader? *happy dances* lol.

I'm glad you like it :)


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