Fic Talk > Updates

Rose's Update-palooza

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Loved the new chapter!

I REALLY like this story it's sweet.. so different from the rest of the stories round here.. well kinda haha but I have a SMALL question.... when you going to finsh "rehab" if ever? Thanks, and again awesome job with RMTW so far.


--- Quote from: Krys1984 on July 06, 2010, 04:58:43 PM ---I REALLY like this story it's sweet.. so different from the rest of the stories round here.. well kinda haha but I have a SMALL question.... when you going to finsh "rehab" if ever? Thanks, and again awesome job with RMTW so far.

--- End quote ---

Thanks! :)

Rehab...I have no idea. Whenever my muse comes back to it, honestly. I know that's bad LOL, but I don't wanna lie and then not have it get updated. Right now I'm really in the zone with 00Carter, Remember Me This Way, and Song For The Undead.... so that's pretty much what I'm focusing on right now. Never fear though, it takes a lot for me to abandon a fic forever, so I will get back to it at one point. :)

fair enough I am be chill with that... besides RMTW is holding me over til the rest is done anyways... lol

Added a new chapter to "Remember Me This Way" :)


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