Fic Talk > Updates

Rose's Update-palooza

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I used to do that with Mersey and Maria *misses them and their free time* LOL


--- Quote from: mare on July 17, 2010, 08:17:07 PM ---I used to do that with Mersey and Maria *misses them and their free time* LOL

--- End quote ---


I miss their stories. I was such a huge fan of those two.

Will you guys inspire me to write more already? Geez.

:) Great update btw Rose, and I'm not touching the ferret/penguin thing with a 10 foot pole because it freaks me out a little.

Mersey is 12 hours ahead and we used to keep her company all day when she worked on IM but now she has a new job as does Maria so we don't get to chat all day anymore! lol I have been trying to get them to write! Maybe they'll recatch the bug. Mersey said she has a bunch of ideas.


--- Quote from: julilly on July 17, 2010, 08:25:18 PM ---Will you guys inspire me to write more already? Geez.

:) Great update btw Rose, and I'm not touching the ferret/penguin thing with a 10 foot pole because it freaks me out a little.

--- End quote ---

Well we could send the Siamuse over but you just said it freaks you out LOL.

And thank you :)


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