Fic Talk > Updates

Saka's updates!

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Of course LOL That's how it ALWAYS is. I'm currently getting caught back up on IP, so I'll send you feedback later when I get done babysitting.

^Cool, thanks Mel! I'm glad you're still reading :D

Gah! You only have an epilogue left? Sad day. I love this story, but congrats all the same. It's always very gratifying and bittersweet to finish a story. I can't wait to see what happens in the epilogue... though I have an idea :)

Got any new stories planned?

Thanks Dani!  I do have a couple of ideas in mind for new stories, but I'd also like to finish up Red Herring before starting anything new.  I might turn Left and Leaving into something more than just a one shot, or I may do a sequel to In Pieces.  We shall see!

I love the sound of all of those. I should read Red Herring. I remember reading the summary and thinking it was interesting, especially cause it has House stuff in it right? I should definitely get on that, and I'll let you know what I think.

Left and Leaving would be absolutely amazing. You already know my thoughts on that. I adored it!

And a sequel to In Pieces? Course I'd read it!

So hey, do what you think would be most fun :)


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