lmao no gypsiedoodle is her twin
And Dee well, they have issues, but hell what couple doesn't? You know me, can't stay fluffy forever!
*raises hand* I haven't. Not just with my husband, but ever. I've never broken up with anyone. I married my first actual boyfriend. And since we got married less than 3 months after we met there was no time for us to break up.
Maybe that's why I can always stay fluffy? because my life in real life is kind of fluffy. Well the relationship part anyway, I do have PLENTY of other issues. (I'd probably make you all sick if you knew the whole story lol so I won't bore you with it.)
But YAY for the third story, not that I've actually read the second one yet, but hey. I will eventually. And I must apologize because I've had a really rough month and have been pretty scarce around here. I didn't really get the chance to be as vocal about this story as I planned on being. But I wanted to pop in and say again that I LOVE THIS STORY!!! Congrats again Rose and I hope you loved your month! Everyone (you know I have to say it) GO READ IT! ROSE ROCKS!!!