Alright...I am here! Are you ready? First of all CONGRATS on making story of the month. Second of all I would like to give you both props...when reading the story (which I read prolly in like January) I couldn't tell when the story switched writters, you both were able to make it flow. I have written stories with friends before and you could TOTALLY tell the differance in writting styles or whatever. Overall the story was REALLY REALLY well written.
Next, I think you portrayed Nick and the emotions of a cancer patient REALLY well. You made sure to give details on his ever changing emotions and difficuly in dealing with the disease. He wanted to be strang but yet in that situation you have to lean on others and it can be very hard...I think you pin pointed the struggle that a person deals with when they realize they CAN'T be strong any more. (I have seen a few people go through it.)
I liked that you bunked him with AJ and the special bond that they kind of formed there. How AJ had to help him out SOOOO much but bore it on his shoulders without spilling it to the guys. You made AJ a really good friend. It was sweet how he tried to be so strong for Nick. But, I have to admit, I loved it when AJ blew up and finally told all the guys about having to listen to Nick puke and all the things Nick said to him. now I will quit my rambling...I think you get the idea that I enjoyed the story
Again...great was extremely well written...and I don't usually read this type of story
So, in closing...MAD PROPS! MAD PROPS!