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Dani's Updates
double Yay! Most of mine are Brian stories, but I did write one Howie story. I should write more. Poor Howie doesn't get enough love.
--- Quote from: honey on February 21, 2008, 04:58:42 PM ---double Yay! Most of mine are Brian stories, but I did write one Howie story. I should write more. Poor Howie doesn't get enough love.
--- End quote ---
*excitement!* I'm going to ransack your stories now, I hope you realize this. I know I should have known that you write a lot of Brian stories, and it just goes to show how newbie-ish I still am! I've been totally meaning to read 'If We Were A Movie'. I've heard glorious things.
lol. aww well I would be honored if you wanted to read any of my stories. IWWAM is my fave of all my stuff so far, and then Not Your Average Cinderella Story, which is my Howie one. But Welcome To My Heart tends to my my most popular, no matter how much it makes me cringe when I look back on it.
lol, Sarah (starbeamz2) is also a wonderful Brian writer. She's more drama/angst and I'm more lighthearted/fluff, and we're writing one Brian story together so it has a little bit of both angst and fluff. Its called In The Shadows and it's a comic book type story. It's interesting, lol but I'm sort of addicted to it.
Sarah!!! I take it back, we have to finish it like it is!!!
Finally, I updated Unsuspecting Sunday Afternoon with Chapter 27. Whoop!
You. Go. Now. Read. Enjoy :D
Yaaaaaaaaaaaay!!! *does a happy dance*
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