Thanks, Ash! I just PMed you with my email.
I did some more exploring of the Open Doors site and the other archives they've already preserved, and each one of them has an identical announcement post like the example I linked for MuggleNet yesterday. So I think that was coming from Open Doors, not MuggleNet's moderators, and is representative of their policy for all archives, meaning they should check for duplicates of our stories, too. They seem very organized! I also read that it can take months to years to fully import big archives, so if there are others in front of us, this may not even happen this year. I was surprised at how few stories were in the MuggleNet collection because Harry Potter is a huge fandom, but it looks like they just started archiving it in December, so it's probably still in progress.
I'm glad they already have a backup of everything, just in case AC goes down before everything gets moved. For anyone else who wants to save their reviews, I backed up all mine a few years ago when AC was getting really glitchy, and we were concerned it was going to disappear. I did it by clicking through each page of reviews and saving the page as an HTML file. (On Chrome on a desktop, you go to the three dots menu -> Cast, save, and share -> Save page as.) It took awhile, but it'll be nice to have them if/when the site goes down for good. The overall quality and quantity of comments on AO3 are just not the same!
As far as sub-categories go, I don't think that would be necessary as long as the fandoms get tagged during the import (which I think they will). It's easy to filter by fandom on AO3. Here's an example of a collection from another preserved archive over 3000 stories from multiple fandoms: If you click on Fandoms, it lists the various fandoms that are represented, and you can click on the one you want to browse. This one also has three sub-collections for various challenges they did, so you can see what that would look like.
I also read that the collection will be automatically restricted to registered viewers for the first 30 days (probably to give authors time to claim their work or request that it be deleted if they don't want it on AO3), but I'm fine with it being visible to everyone after that period.
Thanks for the info! Let me know if there's anything else you need from me at this stage or if there's anything I can do to help. I'm also happy to have co-moderators of the collection. I think once the transfer is done and the collection is set up, moderating will just be a matter of responding to user requests to add or delete their stories and that kind of thing. Depending on what kind of response we get from other AC writers, it may be a lot at first, but I doubt it will take much time after that first 30 days or so. I also think it'll be more straightforwar
d than it may seem here once it's all set up. It sounds like Open Doors is doing the hard work of transferring and setting everything up for us.