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Author Topic: Quarantine check in  (Read 151480 times)


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Re: Quarantine check in
« Reply #315 on: March 13, 2021, 03:08:37 AM »

I'm good!  I didn't feel any different yesterday, but woke up with the sore arm this morning.  It's still a little tender, but not too bad.  I haven't had any other side effects.  I'm glad it hasn't been bad for you either.  Yay second dose!
Which one did you end up getting? That was me pretty much after the first one.

Honestly I just want to feel safe doing things. Huzzah vaccines!
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Re: Quarantine check in
« Reply #316 on: March 13, 2021, 09:44:15 AM »

Moderna was what they offered me, so that's what I got.  I hear that one is worse with side effects after the second dose.  I'll get my second one during spring break, so at least I'll be home anyway if I feel like crap afterwards.  But my mom already had both of hers (Moderna) and said the worst side effect for her was the sore arm.  So maybe it won't be bad at all.

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Re: Quarantine check in
« Reply #317 on: March 13, 2021, 01:31:34 PM »

Which one did you end up getting? That was me pretty much after the first one.

Honestly I just want to feel safe doing things. Huzzah vaccines!

Same. Can't wait!

Moderna was what they offered me, so that's what I got.  I hear that one is worse with side effects after the second dose.  I'll get my second one during spring break, so at least I'll be home anyway if I feel like crap afterwards.  But my mom already had both of hers (Moderna) and said the worst side effect for her was the sore arm.  So maybe it won't be bad at all.

That was my experience too. I showed up for my first dose appointment and they handed me a form and said "We're giving the Pfizer vaccine today, so check that box." Then I showed up for my second dose appointment and they said "You're here for your second dose, right? It's Pfizer today, make sure to give them your vaccination card from your first dose." I'm guessing they're doing second doses at different times than first doses because everyone who arrived around the same time I did said it was their second for the same vaccine.

Did you get to pick, Rose?

Day two was much worse than day one, but overall fine. Still the sore arm, but I was also completely exhausted. Temperature regulation was a little more extreme than typical (though our classroom fluctuates in general between way too hot and way too cold, I was just vigilant about giving myself temp checks if I felt off and it went back to normal fairly quickly with a thermostat or clothing layering adjustment). I managed to make it through the work day, but came home and thought "I'll get some writing in this afternoon" and wrote a sentence, then laid on the couch, napped, and watched Friends until I went to bed at 9:30.

Day three, arm is sore only if I lift it over my head or the area right around the injection site gets touched. Though I heard some people say they felt worse maybe three days afterward, so we'll see what happens tomorrow.

I guess all of this makes sense since a vaccine is basically a puncture wound in the name of health and puncture wounds hurt! I flinched a little, since I'm not a huge fan of shots, and the hospital employee said "No one likes pokes." And I thought, I'm sure this is what you tell the children at this children's hospital all the time, but I'm also in my thirties? You're right though, no one likes pokes. Makes me feel a little bad for the amount of times I've had Nick get stabbed. Sorry, Nick, for giving you so many puncture wounds; they hurt! Don't tell him I said that. He can't know that he's my favorite, has control of the plot, and that I feel badly for inflicting pain on him.

People think it would be fun to be a bird because you could fly. But they forget the negative side, which is the preening.

From "And Now, Deep Thoughts" by Jack Handey


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Re: Quarantine check in
« Reply #318 on: March 13, 2021, 03:22:39 PM »

I'm glad you're feeling better today.  Hopefully the worst of it is over!

The nurse who did mine gave me this whole speech beforehand about the possible side effects and her own experience with getting it and how I was making a good choice to get it and how I would be 67% protected after the first dose and that even if I were to contract COVID now, I wouldn't die from it, and on and on and on.  I just kept nodding, like, yep, I know, I've heard all this before, I'm ready, just get it over with!  She went on about how the vaccine has been thoroughly tested and shown to be safe and effective, even though there are conspiracy theories out there that say otherwise.  I was finally like, "I'm not worried; I respect and trust in science," and she was like, "Thank you!!"  Then she told me about how she had just talked to a woman who told her she refused to get the vaccine until "Q" told her to.  I can only imagine how tired these poor healthcare workers get of trying to convince the batshit crazy conspiracy theorists and other ignorant people to believe in science.  God bless them!

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Re: Quarantine check in
« Reply #319 on: March 13, 2021, 03:48:53 PM »

Thanks! Me too! Hopefully yours is smooth for this one and the second dose too!

Sorry you had to get that speech when you kept saying you understood! Mine was basically "Have you read up on the benefits and risks? Do you have any specific questions?" And I said I had and got my one question answered, then got stabbed and went on my merry way.

The amount of people who are anti-vaccine is crazy to me, like they all know that they likely got so many vaccines as children and are doing a disservice to their own children by bringing back things that have pretty much been eradicated by vaccines like all the MMR diseases? That must be a hard job trying to convince people who believe otherwise to get vaccines, I appreciate them for trying.

People think it would be fun to be a bird because you could fly. But they forget the negative side, which is the preening.

From "And Now, Deep Thoughts" by Jack Handey


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Re: Quarantine check in
« Reply #320 on: March 13, 2021, 04:10:01 PM »

Anti-vaxxers annoy me too.  I know we eventually want anyone who can be vaccinated to get it so we can have herd immunity, but while doses and appointments are still in such high demand, I don't know why they even bother trying to talk people into it.  Just give it to the people who want it!

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Re: Quarantine check in
« Reply #321 on: March 13, 2021, 04:56:58 PM »

There's probably people in high risk groups and early priority groups that don't want them or possibly can't have them because of other medicines they're taking? Not too sure on that second portion. I know there are teachers at my school who opted not to get the vaccine through the school set up pool and I don't know if that's because they were doing something else or just didn't want it. I'm trying not to think about it being "just didn't want it" because it seems crazy to me (especially when on top of all the good, it's also free).

But it's also weird to me that the nurse seemed like she was trying to convince you on your choice when you were literally there having already made it. Getting all the way to sitting in the chair ready to be stabbed seems like a long way to go if you're still unsure about a vaccine.

People think it would be fun to be a bird because you could fly. But they forget the negative side, which is the preening.

From "And Now, Deep Thoughts" by Jack Handey


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Re: Quarantine check in
« Reply #322 on: March 13, 2021, 05:57:14 PM »

I'm sure there are people who can't get it or have valid concerns because of prior reactions to medications - that's different from the people who don't want it because they think it contains microchips to track them or will cause autism or whatever crazy conspiracy theories they believe.  There are probably others who are just waiting and letting others be the guinea pigs first before they decide whether or not to get it, and that's fine too - like I said, let people who want it get their shot.

Yeah... I know there's a protocol with certain questions they have to ask, and they're probably required to go over the list of potential side effects, but I brought in the consent form I had printed from the health department's website already filled out and signed and told her I was excited to have finally gotten an appointment, so clearly I was not on the fence about it LOL.

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Re: Quarantine check in
« Reply #323 on: March 13, 2021, 06:02:22 PM »

Anti-vaxxers annoy me too especially since I’m in that high risk group and still can’t get my hands on one. Meanwhile there are places that literally have to throw them away because people aren’t showing up for appointments. I mean, it’s not like I go anywhere, but it would be nice to feel like I can go get my COVID hair cut without worrying about dying.
Writing is something you do alone. Its a profession for introverts who want to tell you a story but don't want to make eye contact while doing it. ~ John Green


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Re: Quarantine check in
« Reply #324 on: March 13, 2021, 06:19:32 PM »

That's so frustrating!  The health departments here are doing a dose-saver thing where they have a list of people they can call to come fill an appointment at the last minute if they have extra doses left at the end of the day due to cancellations.  It's like a ticket lottery.  But as more people are able to get appointments on their own, I'm sure that list is dwindling.  Keep trying.  I know certain grocery store pharmacies around here were releasing their new appointment times at midnight each night, so some people I know were able to score an appointment early in the process by getting on right at that time.  Not sure how many places are offering the vaccine in your area.

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Re: Quarantine check in
« Reply #325 on: March 13, 2021, 07:54:14 PM »

I'm sure there are people who can't get it or have valid concerns because of prior reactions to medications - that's different from the people who don't want it because they think it contains microchips to track them or will cause autism or whatever crazy conspiracy theories they believe.  There are probably others who are just waiting and letting others be the guinea pigs first before they decide whether or not to get it, and that's fine too - like I said, let people who want it get their shot.

The best thing about the people who are worried about microchips tracking them is that most of them have cell phones, a device that tracks things you do and knows where you are at all times. And they don't care about that at all!

Yeah... I know there's a protocol with certain questions they have to ask, and they're probably required to go over the list of potential side effects, but I brought in the consent form I had printed from the health department's website already filled out and signed and told her I was excited to have finally gotten an appointment, so clearly I was not on the fence about it LOL.

You were so prepared with a consent form! At that point, I feel like you could shorten protocol to "do you understand the risks and do you have any questions."

Anti-vaxxers annoy me too especially since I’m in that high risk group and still can’t get my hands on one. Meanwhile there are places that literally have to throw them away because people aren’t showing up for appointments. I mean, it’s not like I go anywhere, but it would be nice to feel like I can go get my COVID hair cut without worrying about dying.

That's is really frustrating, Mare! I've been trying to help my mom get an appointment and it is a process for sure. You should be able to go get your COVID haircut without worrying.

We have a similar thing here with the dose-saving lists that you can sign up for if you can guarantee you can be to the location in fifteen minutes or something like that. Keep trying! I'm sending good vibes your way! If it gets too ridiculous, I'll just come get you and drive you to Syracuse so my in-laws can help get you vaccinated! (This sounds weird, but they're both doctors so it's semi-relevant, lol.)

People think it would be fun to be a bird because you could fly. But they forget the negative side, which is the preening.

From "And Now, Deep Thoughts" by Jack Handey


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Re: Quarantine check in
« Reply #326 on: March 13, 2021, 08:54:48 PM »

The best thing about the people who are worried about microchips tracking them is that most of them have cell phones, a device that tracks things you do and knows where you are at all times. And they don't care about that at all!

So true!

You were so prepared with a consent form!

LOL I saw on the website when I made my appointment to print it and fill it out in advance if possible, so I did... and then the receptionist acted so surprised when I brought it in.  Typical, I guess most people don't read or follow directions.  Hence the need for nurses to be really detailed when checking to make sure people understand what they're getting into LOL.

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Re: Quarantine check in
« Reply #327 on: March 13, 2021, 09:17:50 PM »

LOL I saw on the website when I made my appointment to print it and fill it out in advance if possible, so I did... and then the receptionist acted so surprised when I brought it in.  Typical, I guess most people don't read or follow directions.  Hence the need for nurses to be really detailed when checking to make sure people understand what they're getting into LOL.

Ugh, so true! The big one on mine was pre-filling insurance information and consent on their online database, so I wonder if they had issues with that with people or not since I didn't get quite the detailed checking in that you did.

People think it would be fun to be a bird because you could fly. But they forget the negative side, which is the preening.

From "And Now, Deep Thoughts" by Jack Handey


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Re: Quarantine check in
« Reply #328 on: March 13, 2021, 09:20:36 PM »

They are getting a little closer. There were a few appointments opened in Rochester lol
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Re: Quarantine check in
« Reply #329 on: March 13, 2021, 09:32:35 PM »

Ooh, that's a lot closer! I'm excited to hear that. Soon!

People think it would be fun to be a bird because you could fly. But they forget the negative side, which is the preening.

From "And Now, Deep Thoughts" by Jack Handey
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