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Author Topic: Writing & Thread (aka The Writing Thread 4)  (Read 342592 times)


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Re: Writing & Thread (aka The Writing Thread 4)
« Reply #195 on: July 12, 2021, 12:31:38 AM »

Is Season One even finished? Will we ever get to Season Two, let alone finish the whole story?

LOL No.  I think that would be a good goal for now... finish Season 1.  We're like halfway through it, but in 00Carter time, that could mean we'll be working on it into our sixties LOL.

It's a shame it isn't. I feel like more of high school should allow for elective selection rather than just focusing on graduation requirements to prepare for college and career. I only say this knowing I finished 90% of my requirements by Junior Year, so I was really taking things like calculus as an elective because my mom wanted me to or AP Physics because my friends said we should all do it together... We should not have done it all together, lol.

Maybe it's better to do it for fun anyway. I think I would have hated it more if it was an assignment.

I agree.  Although it seems like the high school in the community where I teach offers a lot more electives than my high school did, so maybe it's different now, or maybe it just depends on the size of the school.  My high school was smaller than the one I'm comparing it too, so not as many options.  But it seems like there are more electives available for students on the vocational track who don't care about going to college.  For the college-bound kids, the focus is definitely more on AP classes and getting so many credits for each subject area.

The only writing-related elective I took in high school was a print journalism class, which was a total joke - a lot of messing around and very little actual writing or learning.  The best thing I got out of it was an appreciation for Monty Python and the Holy Grail, which we watched in class during a unit on satire.

A creative writing class would have been interesting, but I would not want to be forced to write fiction for an assignment either - or share and discuss my work with random classmates.  So I definitely think it's better to do it for fun.

Fair. Like you said, I can see both sides. Have you ever talked with anyone who read both? Either, they found you from Swollen Issues or you led them to it from Broken?

I know people who have read both, but I don't remember ever asking them which one they thought was better.  Too awkward of a question, at least at that time.  If anyone here who has read both sees this and wants to weigh in, feel free.  You won't offend me if you say you liked Swollen Issues better; I obviously love it, too, and am far enough removed from Broken to see its flaws.

Yeah, I think I usually ended up skipping the first few chapters of every Babysitters Club book now that you mention it. Why would I need to be reminded of something I loved? lol I guess it does feel like a little of a waste in a BSB fanfic, but then part of me thinks "Would I really mind someone waxing poetic on Nick's smile or Kevin's eyebrows or Brian's curls or Howie's wink or AJ's eyes when he just so slightly pulls down his sunglasses because it's the 90s again?" Probably not. Go ahead and replace Nick's smile with literally any part of his face while we're at it, lol. I'm pretty sure I never ordered a series out of order specifically to avoid having to read the backstory chapters, lol.

I have definitely waxed poetic on some of their physical features, like Brian's "cerulean orbs" LOL.  I think it works best when describing them from another character's perspective (especially when said character is a girl who finds them attractive), rather than doing it BSC style where you devote a paragraph to what each one looks like and what outfit they're wearing on that particular day.  Though I did enjoy reading the descriptions of Stacey and Claudia's crazy outfits LOL.

In my defense, the Scholastic book order did not make it clear that the book was a sequel!  They're not numbered or anything, but there are definitely some books featuring the same characters that come before it chronologicall y.  So then when I read those later, I already knew which characters were going to die because it was spoiled for me.  Curse you, Scholastic!

I don't think I ever considered using the internet to look up a map until I was writing PBox and needed a vague idea of New York City, lol. So you're right, "Florida is surrounded by ocean and Orlando is a city in Florida, therefore, Orlando is beachfront" is a pretty logical leap, lol. See, I thought about saying Tampa, but I figured if the Boys really did all live in a beach house together, Nick would want to be as far away from his family as possible. Isn't that why he likes the Keys so much? Obviously it has nothing to do with them being islands and islands being awesome, lol.

I don't remember when I did either.  I don't think I ever wrote one of those "they all live in a beach house in Orlando" stories, but I'm sure my old stories have some geographical errors.  Although I remember one time a reader from Kentucky told me there was no airport in Lexington, and I was like, "Whoops, I guess I should have looked that up instead of assuming," and then I did look it up once, and there totally is an airport in Lexington!  A small airport, sure, but still a real airport with major commercial airlines.  But that was probably one of my first lessons in fact-checking locations I'm not familiar with.  I often look up flights from one city to another to get an idea of travel time and availability of flights.  Expedia always thinks I'm planning some cool vacation when I'm really not. :(

I think Undead is when I discovered the true potential of Google Maps - although, actually, I discovered that Bing Maps was better at that time for 3D satellite view.  You can't Street View through an air force base, but you can get a good bird's eye view.

LOL Yeah, Nick would totally prefer the Keys to get away from his family.  I bet the beaches/water are also nicer down there.  Never been to either place though.

This is really off topic, but speaking of Nick's family... I was thinking the other day about how his mom made Brian his legal guardian in Germany. First of all, how crazy is that to look at some 18-year-old and say "yes, you can be my 13-year-old's legal guardian." I'm guessing Brian didn't just volunteer. lol. Was it because Brian's Christian values seemed more wholesome than Kevin who had been a legal adult for a few years at that point? I have so many questions.

I wondered that, too.  Why Brian and not Kevin or Howie?  They were both real adults who also had religious values, and Howie even had a college degree and had known Nick longer.  Was it just because Nick was closest to Brian?  Just one of many questionable parenting decisions Nick's parents made.

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Re: Writing & Thread (aka The Writing Thread 4)
« Reply #196 on: July 12, 2021, 10:07:53 PM »

Same!  Sometimes I'll have one drink while I write, but any more than that and it usually just makes me sleepy.  I am definitely more of a social drinker.

Same. I can do it, but I am the absolute slowest snail. And I sit right against the screen, squinting as I think really hard, lol.


Um, technically neither, but I did get the bathroom all prepped for painting.  I wiped down the walls, put down painter's tape, and took all my painting supplies upstairs.  It's all ready for me to go up there, pour some paint in the tray, and go for it.  Maybe tonight, unless I get on a writing kick.  I finally had a good writing session after waking up this afternoon LOL.  I forced myself to make coffee and take it back to bed, and voila!  I stayed there three hours and wrote over 700 words, which is by far the most productive writing session I've had this month.  I'm now nearing the middle of my chapter, so I hope the rest will be easier.

Yay! I'm glad coffee did the trick! :) Hopefully getting through the middle was a breeze! Or you got painting done. I think either is productive.

I gotta finish this edit and write at least something for my current project. I was so Backstreet excited this afternoon, then I sat through a PD and now I'm tired. So I think I have a hotel room description in me, but not much else.

Oh cool, I'll have to look that up!  I think I have that channel.

I think you said you have Xfinity. So you should if you do.

I need to finish my editing-all-the-mistakes-Google-Docs-found project first, and once I finish that, I'm going to make new ebook versions with the new covers I made earlier in the summer.  I haven't felt like working on that in a while either though.  Why did I write such long stories?! LOL

Oh right, I forgot that you were working on that project! You wrote long stories because they needed to be that length. Hopefully the mood strikes again. Or maybe it will once you hit 150 days and take a little break.

If only Safest Place to Hide existed in April 2000!  I had that song playing in the background of my site for quite a while after NG came out because I felt it perfectly fit the theme.  It even has the word "sanctuary" in it LOL.  But at least I didn't call it something like "jOoLiEe'Z kEwL bSb FaNfIcZ!"  That would have aged much worse.

Aww, I love that song. That would have been a good choice. LMFAO! But I love "jOoLiEe'Z kEwL bSb FaNficZ"! Although, where are the squiggles and stars? lol "^~*jOoLiEe'Z kEwL bSb FaNficZ*~^" At least we would know that it had kewl BSB fanfics.

LOL Those are just walkways.  The driveway is off the garage, and you can't even see the house from the road down below/Google Street View.  Gotta use the satellite view and zoom in on 3D to see anything LOL.  Since he doesn't live there anymore, here is the realtor.com listing that has the address if you want to look it up on Google Maps: https://www.realtor.com/realestateandhomes-detail/1377-Miller-Dr_Los-Angeles_CA_90069_M29784-27493

Yeah, I'm a stalker.  All in the name of accuracy! LOL

You know what, that makes way more sense. Why did I think it was a road? lol That is exactly as rustic as I was expecting Kevin's house to be.

A stalker of history. Doesn't that make you an Indiana Jones type? lol

I get this.  I typically keep track of timelines in my outlines for stories like this, but putting in every tour date or whatever is so time-consuming!  I did it for Curtain Call because there's a good chunk of chapters that follows the first leg of the TIU tour from city to city, so I needed to know every date.  But for MBK, I just put in the start and end dates of each leg of the Unbreakable tour.  I can't tell you how many times I've had to look up the full list of tour dates in Wikipedia to find out where they were on specific dates in between, and they were only on tour for a few chapters LOL.  I guess even if I did write them down, I would have still had to look them up on my outline, so I'm not sure it would have saved me much time.

Yes! It's that level of detail I just feel like I can't commit to and have zero desire to keep looking up, but here we are. It's why I hate writing about the tours and actively avoid it as much as I can. I know this is the same as looking up anything else in research, but I just feel like I gloss over if it's a bunch of names and dates. Also, I feel like when it's a tour, that is a thing people can actively look up, so it requires more accuracy instead of just hand-waving. I'd rather hand-wave.

Yeah, I think that's the advantage to you writing so far in the past.  I doubt anyone's going to remember what specific media appearances they did when.  I am pretty sure they did that two-hour live MTV special on the Sunday before Millennium came out and then a shorter live special on release day.  I still have both of those on a VHS tape somehow and used to watch the two-hour one a lot.  Beyond that, I don't remember.

It's definitely easier when you make up the timeline yourself, as long as you keep track of it so you can stay consistent.

Thank goodness! My four things are already exhausting, lol. Thankfully, I'm pretty sure this story ends before Millennium gets released (for the most part), so I really don't have to worry about it. And aww, I miss recording BSB things on VHS tapes.

Can confirm. Don't have to look up tour schedules. Thank goodness.

IWITW is so iconic!  Seriously one of the best pop songs of all time, even if it makes no sense LOL.  OMG, I would have been so mad at my mom for doing that!  That's a long time to hang on to a present!  My dad worked at the mall where Sam Goody was, so I had him pick up my reserved copy and was waiting at the door for him like a dog when he got home from work that day LOL.  Of course he messed with me and acted like he forgot to pick it up, but he didn't forget.  My original copy still works, surprisingly!  I can't remember the last time I played one of the physical CDs because I have everything digital now, but I still have them all.

It really is. I read an article today where Kevin said they wanted to be the pop version of the Rolling Stones and I thought they totally were already. I think part of the beauty is that it doesn't make sense and is open to interpretation . (As an aside, this is how hubs feels about Meatloaf's "I Would Do Anything For Love," lol.)

I kept begging her to get it and she refused every time. Thankfully, that was the last time it happened with an album and never for concert tickets. Also luckily for her, it was very easy to buy Christmas presents during that time, lol. And I'm sure she was grateful to say "but you wanted to go to the Backstreet Boys concert" and I was perfectly happy with that.

Of course he would do that, lol. What a dad move.

I also still have all of mine and would probably still buy a physical CD for anything they released. I haven't listened to the physical CDs in a long time, but I still love having them.

Aww, the heartbreak is real!  That's the only tour that happened to me to as well.  We didn't have any trouble with B&B or anything since, but I think it's a big reason why so many of us get so much anxiety over buying tickets.  We have PTSD! LOL.  I'm glad you eventually won tickets!  We relied on the radio station to get tickets for the second leg; they offered a charter bus trip to the St. Louis show that guaranteed tickets, so we jumped on that opportunity.  God bless my saint of a mother for taking me, my sister, and my best friend on a bus full of BSB fans for six hours round trip LOL.

I'm also a big fan of having instant digital tickets, although I do miss having paper tickets to put in my BSB concert scrapbook.

Yes, buying tickets does make me anxious! I feel like I might have a mini heart attack tomorrow; don't let me do it! I love everything about that charter bus idea, but you're right, your mother is a saint for that. My mother also wasn't a fan, but always took me when I was younger. I appreciate her.

You know, I actually did get paper tickets for the second leg of the DNA tour, just for the nostalgia of it all. They're sitting in a little box on my desk waiting patiently.

People think it would be fun to be a bird because you could fly. But they forget the negative side, which is the preening.

From "And Now, Deep Thoughts" by Jack Handey


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Re: Writing & Thread (aka The Writing Thread 4)
« Reply #197 on: July 13, 2021, 12:10:08 AM »

Yay! I'm glad coffee did the trick! :) Hopefully getting through the middle was a breeze! Or you got painting done. I think either is productive.

I gotta finish this edit and write at least something for my current project. I was so Backstreet excited this afternoon, then I sat through a PD and now I'm tired. So I think I have a hotel room description in me, but not much else.

I got the first coat of paint on last night!  It's gonna need another coat tonight, but I like the color.  I did not appreciate just what a pain in the ass it is to paint a bathroom though, getting behind the toilet and all that - ugh!  Will be glad to have that job done.

BSB planning got in the way of my writing today, but I have the story open now so I can get something written before midnight.

I bet it was hard to concentrate on your PD after all that excitement! LOL

I think you said you have Xfinity. So you should if you do.

Yes!  Good to know.

Oh right, I forgot that you were working on that project! You wrote long stories because they needed to be that length. Hopefully the mood strikes again. Or maybe it will once you hit 150 days and take a little break.

Absolutely.  I'm usually proud of their length, but whenever I have to do something that involves clicking through each chapter, I'm always like, "Ugh, why?!"  Broken and BMS will be terrible if I ever make it to those stories LOL.

Aww, I love that song. That would have been a good choice. LMFAO! But I love "jOoLiEe'Z kEwL bSb FaNficZ"! Although, where are the squiggles and stars? lol "^~*jOoLiEe'Z kEwL bSb FaNficZ*~^" At least we would know that it had kewl BSB fanfics.

Oh yeah, the squiggles and stars make it even better!!  And it would have had plenty of animated gifs and midis of BSB songs playing in the background.  (I actually did have midis of BSB songs playing in the background.  And purple Comic Sans font LOL.)

A stalker of history. Doesn't that make you an Indiana Jones type? lol

Yes!  Let's go with that.  I'm like an architecture archeologist.

Yes! It's that level of detail I just feel like I can't commit to and have zero desire to keep looking up, but here we are. It's why I hate writing about the tours and actively avoid it as much as I can. I know this is the same as looking up anything else in research, but I just feel like I gloss over if it's a bunch of names and dates. Also, I feel like when it's a tour, that is a thing people can actively look up, so it requires more accuracy instead of just hand-waving. I'd rather hand-wave.

Yes!  You never know who's reading who lives in a certain city and went to that show, so you want to write it accurately if you can.

And aww, I miss recording BSB things on VHS tapes.

Aww, I know!  I actually still have all my old BSB tapes and a working VCR.  I can't remember the last time I tried watching any of them, so I'm not sure they still work, but I couldn't bear to throw them away.  I still have my Titanic and Disney VHS tapes for the same reason.  #hoarder

It really is. I read an article today where Kevin said they wanted to be the pop version of the Rolling Stones and I thought they totally were already. I think part of the beauty is that it doesn't make sense and is open to interpretation . (As an aside, this is how hubs feels about Meatloaf's "I Would Do Anything For Love," lol.)

They totally are!  Btw, Kevin's gonna be 50 by the time we see them in December... ahh!

That is so true about "I Would Do Anything for Love... but I won't do that."  Won't do what??

I also still have all of mine and would probably still buy a physical CD for anything they released. I haven't listened to the physical CDs in a long time, but I still love having them.

Yep, same!  I will always buy BSB CDs.

Yes, buying tickets does make me anxious! I feel like I might have a mini heart attack tomorrow; don't let me do it! I love everything about that charter bus idea, but you're right, your mother is a saint for that. My mother also wasn't a fan, but always took me when I was younger. I appreciate her.

You know, I actually did get paper tickets for the second leg of the DNA tour, just for the nostalgia of it all. They're sitting in a little box on my desk waiting patiently.

I know, I'm already anxious about tomorrow too!  I think the fact that it's only 12 shows after all this time with no concerts has me worried everyone's gonna be wanting tickets.  But at least it's just a fan club presale.  We should be fine, but if we don't get what we want, there's always the general sale on Saturday or whenever.

Our parents were saints!  Both my mom and dad took me to shows back in the day.  I'm so grateful, but also glad to be an adult with my own income and transportation and friends who are real fans and genuinely want to go with me LOL.

Aww... and your tickets will still have the original date to remind you of how many times they got rescheduled due to COVID LOL.

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Re: Writing & Thread (aka The Writing Thread 4)
« Reply #198 on: July 13, 2021, 12:22:26 AM »

My writing actually went great, I put on some beach ambient music which helped with the next chapter of Take Me Home. It’s a flashback where Nick and Brian are just getting to the island they live on while they’re in hiding. I just posted chapter 36 today, so I will probably have this new chapter done very soon. So then I started watching Titanic and it inspired this little one shot thing, at least I think it’s a one shot? I don’t know what it is yet. I did write a couple paragraphs of it though. So all in all its been very productive for me.


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Re: Writing & Thread (aka The Writing Thread 4)
« Reply #199 on: July 13, 2021, 12:50:58 AM »

Ooh, that's awesome, Tracy!  A Titanic-inspired one-shot - or more?  I can't wait!

I was not able to focus on writing at all today.  The night is still young for me, but I will probably spend part of it painting instead of writing.  I did at least get 20 words written before midnight to keep the streak alive.

"Sometimes writers and sociopaths are hard to tell apart." -J.K. Rowling


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Re: Writing & Thread (aka The Writing Thread 4)
« Reply #200 on: July 17, 2021, 11:40:24 PM »

It's been a slow week on here!  How's everyone's writing going?

My streak is still alive at 127 days, but I have literally been writing the same chapter all month and haven't even hit 2,000 words yet on my 25,000 word Nano goal.  *facepalm*  I don't know what my deal is.  I don't have writer's block in the sense of not knowing what to write next.  The chapter I'm on is one I've had planned for a while and was actually kind of looking forward to.  I think I'm just burnt out.  This doesn't usually happen to me in July.  July is usually my best writing month of the year because it's the middle of summer; I've had all of June to get into my groove, but don't have to really start thinking about going back to school until August, so I'm usually very productive in July.  But I had more momentum going into June this year than I usually do from doing Camp Nano in April, so maybe my usual August slowdown is happening a month early.  I just haven't been feeling it lately, and I hate that because then I feel like I'm wasting my last few weeks of freedom.  Ugh.  Hopefully I'll snap out of it soon.

What usually causes your slumps?  Writer's block?  Stress?  Burnout?  Something else?  Not sure?  What has helped you to get over them?  

I hope everyone else is having an easier time!  Tracy, did you figure out an ending for Take Me Home yet?  Dee, how's your new story going?  Rose, have you written any fanfic lately?  Mare, have you written anything lately?  Anyone else who reads this, feel free to chime in too!

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Re: Writing & Thread (aka The Writing Thread 4)
« Reply #201 on: July 18, 2021, 05:58:39 AM »

That’s quite a streak you’ve got going there. Even though it’s slow, at least it’s going.

Writer’s block is the worst. I don’t think that’s what I have. I think I’m beyond a block. Back in the day, I would just try moving to something else to get unblocked. Usually in the form of a short story.

I’m not writing anything, sadly. Every time I want to, I just can’t bring myself to do it. If and when I do get going, it’s probably going to be a short story. I think that’s how I need get myself going again. Like above.
« Last Edit: July 18, 2021, 06:03:22 AM by mare »
Writing is something you do alone. Its a profession for introverts who want to tell you a story but don't want to make eye contact while doing it. ~ John Green


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Re: Writing & Thread (aka The Writing Thread 4)
« Reply #202 on: July 18, 2021, 06:53:21 AM »

Thanks!  I actually had a fairly productive writing night/morning after venting here and am now up to like 2500 words in my chapter.  Venting usually helps!  I also thought about taking a break from my novel and trying to work on something else (maybe a short story?), but I don't have any other ideas demanding to be written, so probably best for me to keep plugging away at this one.

It sounds like you're out of the habit.  Writing is like anything else; the longer you go without doing it, the harder it is to get back into it.  I know it was a struggle for me to get back into a groove after three years of sporadic writing while I was getting my master's.  I'm glad I had an in-progress project to finish because that gave me the motivation to do it.  It was a lot harder to start a new novel after finishing that one.  Short stories are a good way to get back into it without the commitment of a novel.  I hope you'll eventually come up with an idea for one that demands to be written and just go for it.  I know how frustrating it is to feel blocked and/or unmotivated, but I also know how good it feels to actually get something written.  My mood is almost always better after a good writing session.

"Sometimes writers and sociopaths are hard to tell apart." -J.K. Rowling


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Re: Writing & Thread (aka The Writing Thread 4)
« Reply #203 on: July 18, 2021, 07:14:32 AM »

I just saw this thread on Reddit about how to get yourself to write when you're battling depression.  I don't think that's my problem, but it has some good advice regardless of what the reason is for a writing slump.  https://www.reddit.com/r/writing/comments/omo30p/depression_and_writing/  

I liked this response; it's what I have been doing this month:

I have deadlines, so I have to write. But if I'm struggling I completely remove that 1k a day word count target and instead tell myself, "Okay, just five minutes at the computer, that's all, but it has to be writing." and I write for those five minutes.

Or, I tell myself "just 100 words" because anyone can come up with 100 words. Even if I think they're crap, I write them anyway. The first draft doesn't have to be perfect and sometimes, when you come back to revise or edit, you can't tell which words were written in the "slump" and which ones weren't!

But if five minutes or 100 words seem too much? Then miss that day.

If ideas still come to you, let them marinate in your head and use them for your five minutes the next day. You might find that after five minutes, you want to finish that sentence, or that paragraph, or that scene, because you're somehow back in the zone.

Just don't berate yourself if you can't do it. Each day, try again.

If you look at my daily word counts for my Camp Nano goal, I have a couple days where I wrote over 700 words, and then I have days where I wrote under ten words.  On July 3, I wrote two words LOL.  But I've at least made myself open up the story every day and write something, even if it is just two words.  Usually I can at least come up with a sentence, sometimes a paragraph.  Some days that's all I feel like writing, but other days it will lead to another sentence, another paragraph, and before I know it, I'll have written an entire scene.  I never know when it's going to take off, but it always does eventually if I keep at it.  If not for my desire to keep this writing streak going, though, I may not have even opened my story in the last two weeks.  I still like it; I just haven't felt inspired lately.

But I also think ideas tend to come at the right moment, and sometimes we just have to wait for inspiration to strike.  The scene I wrote tonight was not something I had planned to be in this chapter; I just thought of it earlier today.  If I had already finished the chapter, I probably wouldn't have gone back to add it in, so maybe it was meant to be.

Also, thank god I don't have any actual deadlines.  I would like to be able to maintain weekly updates for the duration of the story, but I know it won't be the end of the world if I eventually catch up to myself and run out of chapters to post.  This is why I could never write for a career LOL.  It would feel like homework, and I would hate that.
« Last Edit: July 18, 2021, 07:16:59 AM by RokofAges75 »

"Sometimes writers and sociopaths are hard to tell apart." -J.K. Rowling


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Re: Writing & Thread (aka The Writing Thread 4)
« Reply #204 on: July 18, 2021, 01:07:55 PM »

It's been a slow week on here!  How's everyone's writing going?

Told you it would be slow, lol. Everyone's on a post-Backstreet induced anxiety attack recovery.

My streak is still alive at 127 days, but I have literally been writing the same chapter all month and haven't even hit 2,000 words yet on my 25,000 word Nano goal.  *facepalm*  I don't know what my deal is.  I don't have writer's block in the sense of not knowing what to write next.  The chapter I'm on is one I've had planned for a while and was actually kind of looking forward to.  I think I'm just burnt out.  This doesn't usually happen to me in July.  July is usually my best writing month of the year because it's the middle of summer; I've had all of June to get into my groove, but don't have to really start thinking about going back to school until August, so I'm usually very productive in July.  But I had more momentum going into June this year than I usually do from doing Camp Nano in April, so maybe my usual August slowdown is happening a month early.  I just haven't been feeling it lately, and I hate that because then I feel like I'm wasting my last few weeks of freedom.  Ugh.  Hopefully I'll snap out of it soon.

First, celebrate day 127!  :party: :bsb: (Or 128! ​Not sure what you're calling it if you finished writing at 6am, lol.)

I think there's something to be said for burnout; maybe your brain wants you to relax a little? I think part of it could be the feeling that the world is opening up again, so there's things to do besides writing that we couldn't do this time last year. I know that I'm at this stage where I'm feeling guilty telling people I don't want to do things since we haven't been able to do things and can now. Which is also probably bad... I need to remember that hanging out at home or writing are plans, they're just plans with myself. And possibly you all if we all decide to pop on here for a break at the same time, lol. And that 99% of people wouldn't ask for an explanation beyond "I already have plans." Sorry you've been feeling slumpy, especially at a part you were looking forward to.

What usually causes your slumps?  Writer's block?  Stress?  Burnout?  Something else?  Not sure?  What has helped you to get over them?

You know, I have an answer for this because I have been meticulously tracking my word counts since November!

So let's see... When I was first starting NaNo, I had a very low slump in the beginning of the month, but I think this was related to election anxiety. This is really when I told myself "writing something is better than nothing." And, like you, had a low of 5 words on election night. I remember having a meeting then too that crazy people did not want to reschedule, so it was half not being focused on writing and half not physically being able to write. My next dip was right before I started chapter 14 of PNecklace, which would have been a heavy lore chapter, so I think I spent some time in a research rabbit hole, coupled with not knowing how to start the chapter, because I knew the scene requiring the research wasn't going to take up a whole chapter. So I think I did some editing on some PBox chapters that felt related, but needed some work, to get into the right headspace, rather than actually writing PNecklace. My "productive slumps" in November (ones where I still wrote a fair amount of words, they just made valleys) were football Saturdays. My highest peak (5,000ish words, followed by a 4000 word day) happened to fall on a Saturday football was canceled because the other team was wracked with COVID. It also fell after my research stint for chapter 14, so I wrote four chapters in two days. I don't know if I would have written nearly as much if that football game hadn't been canceled, lol.

My December slumps were all Wednesdays, since I was very devoted to our favorite pink crocodile's Masked Singer run. Plus I skipped writing on hubs' birthday, for obvious reasons. My jumps in December were mostly Mondays or Tuesdays, which makes sense because those are typically the days I edit for weekly updates and I would have been editing PNecklace and PBox at this time.

January was about the same. I skipped two days because I was recertifying for a certification at the same time as coaching in a classroom with a myriad of behavior incidents, so I know the first day I skipped was the day I spent recertifying and I was honestly probably just exhausted that next day, which would have been Friday and the end of a long week. This would have been around the time I finished editing the end of PBox as well, so I was probably just all around tired.

The first week of February was another week in that behavior incident classroom, so I was probably just tired. Otherwise, most of my slumps are Wednesdays. This could be a tired mid-week thing or it could be because Wednesdays are update days and it does take some time to update. There was no discernible slump for my first dose of the COVID vaccine.

I had a slump at the beginning of March/end of February and I did have a meeting that week, so that could be part of it. I was working on chapter 28 at the time, apparently, and I did struggle with that one a bit. My next slump was definitely COVID vaccine dose 2 related. And then otherwise my slumps were around Wednesdays.

All my April slumps fall in line with Wednesdays and a PD I was taking on Thursdays as well as a health thing I had at the end of the month. May same thing Wednesdays and Thursdays, plus the end of the month, but that would have been the end of the school year, so I think I was just exhausted in general.

June was more spikey, but that was also when I wrote the last five chapters of PNecklace, so it was huge spikes for the last few chapters and then kind of slumpy the rest of the time. The end of the month with my new story was very slumpy. Kind of the doldrums of a new story, I suppose.

This has been a very scientific look at my writing, lol.

What has helped you to get over them?

Edited to Add: I realized I didn't address this part of the question. I think what helped me get over them in the past was letting my mind wander where it wanted. I've been pretty stringent this month that my July streak goal must have some words from my new story. But before, I would count any old thing. I think one day of May or June was about 175 words of my current story even though I wasn't working on it at the time.

Or, honestly, and it sucks to say it for the streak, but taking a break. I think I've had more slump days since the streak has been going. And the mid-week slumps have been a lot smaller of a word count. Now that could be because I'd been working on the story for about six months at that point. I think if it gets to a point where it all gets slumpy, then a break isn't the worst thing. :shrug:

I hope everyone else is having an easier time!  Tracy, did you figure out an ending for Take Me Home yet?  Dee, how's your new story going?  Rose, have you written any fanfic lately?  Mare, have you written anything lately?  Anyone else who reads this, feel free to chime in too!

It is going? I saw your "writing during depression" thing down the line and that's been me this week (not the depression part, just the writing a little to keep in the habit part). I write for five minutes no matter what, then either keep going or stop. Like you, I've also hit a bit of a slump this week. I have a headache I can't shake that gets better when I eat, but then comes back later. I'm not sure what is it, because outside of feeling a bit hot, I feel fine. I'm staying very hydrated though, so that's a plus, lol. I woke up today feeling good, but now it's back, so... This is probably a sign to visit the doctor this next week.

I don't know if my slump is new story related or what, but I think there's certain parts I'm enjoying writing and certain parts I'm not, so it's all a mixed bag.
« Last Edit: July 18, 2021, 03:59:13 PM by nicksgal »

People think it would be fun to be a bird because you could fly. But they forget the negative side, which is the preening.

From "And Now, Deep Thoughts" by Jack Handey


  • Supreme Time Waster
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Re: Writing & Thread (aka The Writing Thread 4)
« Reply #205 on: July 18, 2021, 04:19:51 PM »

That’s quite a streak you’ve got going there. Even though it’s slow, at least it’s going.

Writer’s block is the worst. I don’t think that’s what I have. I think I’m beyond a block. Back in the day, I would just try moving to something else to get unblocked. Usually in the form of a short story.

I’m not writing anything, sadly. Every time I want to, I just can’t bring myself to do it. If and when I do get going, it’s probably going to be a short story. I think that’s how I need get myself going again. Like above.

This was me for 10 years. I get it. When I first left I ended up starting a blog; I was feeling lost and I think I wanted to write something. This was also my heavy pinterest cultivation phase, so much so that I tracked it. Honestly this is probably what made me dislike social media so much, because it feels less like a community and more like metrics, but this is a discussion for another day. What helped me stay into it this time around was NaNo, I think. I didn't think I would hit 50,000 words, I just said "I'm going to write something every day." And then at the end I celebrated whether it was a high day or a slump day. I don't know if this worked because inspiration struck beforehand or not, but it kept me going through the slumpy days.

I was scrolling the internet a couple days ago (I should really have spent my non-writing time reading or something, but eh) and found this little short story prompt thing that could be fun if anyone wants some vague prompts for something short [these asides are my attempts to Backstreet-ify them.]:

1.  A conversation you wish had happened in canon [real life?].
2.  An expression of love (romantic, platonic, familial - you choose)
3.  Character meta [BSB being self-referential about... something?]
4.  Episode meta [Album? Song? I'm not sure how to Backstreet-ify this...]
5.  That emotional moment that you can’t find a plot for.
6.  A scene fully without context.
7.  The meeting part of a meet cute AU.
8.  A shocking announcement (or the reaction to it)
9.  A missing moment from canon [real life?].
10.  An alternate ending to an episode or scene. [Could be an alternate ending to something you'd written already?]
11. Someone just having the worst luck. [Every Nick fanfic ever.]
12.  An exchange of gifts or mementos.
13.  That great line that you can’t find a plot for.
14.  The aftermath of a scene you’ll never actually write.
15.  The scene that will give you, personally, the most joy.

And some definitions for short fiction if anyone wants to try something a little different:

6 word stories: exactly 6 words long

twitterature: 280 characters or less

7x7: exactly 49 words long (Blake’s 7 fandom)

dribble: exactly 55 words long (LoTR fandom, The Faculty fandom). The same word count was popular in both Harry Potter and Farscape, but without a specific name. Dribble is sometimes seen as a half-drabble that is therefore 50 words long.

drabble: exactly 100 words long

155 words: exactly 155 words long (X-Files fandom)

double drabble: exactly 200 words long

221B: 221 words long with the last word starting in B (Sherlock fandom)

trabble / tribble / trouble: exactly 300 words long

flash fiction: no exact word count, but generally less than 500 words (pro fiction)

pentadrabble:exactly 500 words long

short short: between 500 and 1000 words

ficlet, snippet: no exact word count needed, but generally 1K or shorter

Here's a six word story: Nick fell in a manhole. "Ouch." <--- lol

People think it would be fun to be a bird because you could fly. But they forget the negative side, which is the preening.

From "And Now, Deep Thoughts" by Jack Handey


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Re: Writing & Thread (aka The Writing Thread 4)
« Reply #206 on: July 18, 2021, 07:28:35 PM »

Told you it would be slow, lol. Everyone's on a post-Backstreet induced anxiety attack recovery.

LOL That probably is part of it!  I do seem to write best when nothing is happening in BSB world.  Concerts, album releases, etc. usually distract me or make me feel guilty for writing whatever horrors I'm writing about them.  Those are the best kind of distractions though!

First, celebrate day 127!  :party: :bsb: (Or 128! ​Not sure what you're calling it if you finished writing at 6am, lol.)

I think there's something to be said for burnout; maybe your brain wants you to relax a little? I think part of it could be the feeling that the world is opening up again, so there's things to do besides writing that we couldn't do this time last year. I know that I'm at this stage where I'm feeling guilty telling people I don't want to do things since we haven't been able to do things and can now. Which is also probably bad... I need to remember that hanging out at home or writing are plans, they're just plans with myself. And possibly you all if we all decide to pop on here for a break at the same time, lol. And that 99% of people wouldn't ask for an explanation beyond "I already have plans." Sorry you've been feeling slumpy, especially at a part you were looking forward to.

LOL I know, it gets confusing keeping track when I go to bed and wake up on the same date, but I do go by date to be consistent, since my sleep schedule is not.  So what I wrote before midnight yesterday counted as Day 127, and what I wrote after counted as Day 128.  So it's Day 128 now, yay!

I don't think that is necessarily my problem, since I'm usually just watching TV or playing on my phone or other time-wasters when I could be writing but am not LOL.  I do go out and do things with my friends and family a few times a week, but not every day.  I still have plenty of time to myself to relax, which is super important for me.  I'm such an introvert, I was well-suited to quarantine, which really wasn't all that different from my normal lifestyle LOL.  It was nice to have an excuse just to stay home.  I definitely get feeling pressured to say yes when people want to make plans now that we can go out again though.  This is why I prefer to have a small circle of friends in real life, because I would get overwhelmed with too many offers of "Wanna go out and so such-and-such?" in a week.  I'm sure the pandemic has been much harder on extroverts and/or people who are used to having busy social lives, but that is a great reminder that it's okay to say "Sorry, I already have plans" when you just want to stay home and have some me time.  That still counts as plans and is important, too!

You know, I have an answer for this because I have been meticulously tracking my word counts since November!

So let's see... When I was first starting NaNo, I had a very low slump in the beginning of the month, but I think this was related to election anxiety. This is really when I told myself "writing something is better than nothing." And, like you, had a low of 5 words on election night. I remember having a meeting then too that crazy people did not want to reschedule, so it was half not being focused on writing and half not physically being able to write. My next dip was right before I started chapter 14 of PNecklace, which would have been a heavy lore chapter, so I think I spent some time in a research rabbit hole, coupled with not knowing how to start the chapter, because I knew the scene requiring the research wasn't going to take up a whole chapter. So I think I did some editing on some PBox chapters that felt related, but needed some work, to get into the right headspace, rather than actually writing PNecklace. My "productive slumps" in November (ones where I still wrote a fair amount of words, they just made valleys) were football Saturdays. My highest peak (5,000ish words, followed by a 4000 word day) happened to fall on a Saturday football was canceled because the other team was wracked with COVID. It also fell after my research stint for chapter 14, so I wrote four chapters in two days. I don't know if I would have written nearly as much if that football game hadn't been canceled, lol.

My December slumps were all Wednesdays, since I was very devoted to our favorite pink crocodile's Masked Singer run. Plus I skipped writing on hubs' birthday, for obvious reasons. My jumps in December were mostly Mondays or Tuesdays, which makes sense because those are typically the days I edit for weekly updates and I would have been editing PNecklace and PBox at this time.

January was about the same. I skipped two days because I was recertifying for a certification at the same time as coaching in a classroom with a myriad of behavior incidents, so I know the first day I skipped was the day I spent recertifying and I was honestly probably just exhausted that next day, which would have been Friday and the end of a long week. This would have been around the time I finished editing the end of PBox as well, so I was probably just all around tired.

The first week of February was another week in that behavior incident classroom, so I was probably just tired. Otherwise, most of my slumps are Wednesdays. This could be a tired mid-week thing or it could be because Wednesdays are update days and it does take some time to update. There was no discernible slump for my first dose of the COVID vaccine.

I had a slump at the beginning of March/end of February and I did have a meeting that week, so that could be part of it. I was working on chapter 28 at the time, apparently, and I did struggle with that one a bit. My next slump was definitely COVID vaccine dose 2 related. And then otherwise my slumps were around Wednesdays.

All my April slumps fall in line with Wednesdays and a PD I was taking on Thursdays as well as a health thing I had at the end of the month. May same thing Wednesdays and Thursdays, plus the end of the month, but that would have been the end of the school year, so I think I was just exhausted in general.

June was more spikey, but that was also when I wrote the last five chapters of PNecklace, so it was huge spikes for the last few chapters and then kind of slumpy the rest of the time. The end of the month with my new story was very slumpy. Kind of the doldrums of a new story, I suppose.

This has been a very scientific look at my writing, lol.

I'm sure election week was not a productive one for any of us, in terms of writing, unless we were using writing as a distraction.  I don't think I got much, if anything, written that week either.  It was also parent-teacher conference week for me, which is the most stressful week of the school year, so writing was definitely not a priority.

It sounds like most of your slumps are because of real life getting in the way, whether it was because of TV/football, job stress, not feeling well, or special events like hubby's birthday.  That totally makes sense.  During the school year, my writing probably follows a similar pattern of being most productive on the weekends and less productive as the work week goes on, dropping off the most on days when I have TV shows I want to watch live or plans with people.

It also makes sense that you'd have the most spikes when nearing the end of a story and then slump when starting a new one.  That always happens to me, too.

I realized I didn't address this part of the question. I think what helped me get over them in the past was letting my mind wander where it wanted. I've been pretty stringent this month that my July streak goal must have some words from my new story. But before, I would count any old thing. I think one day of May or June was about 175 words of my current story even though I wasn't working on it at the time.

Or, honestly, and it sucks to say it for the streak, but taking a break. I think I've had more slump days since the streak has been going. And the mid-week slumps have been a lot smaller of a word count. Now that could be because I'd been working on the story for about six months at that point. I think if it gets to a point where it all gets slumpy, then a break isn't the worst thing. :shrug:

All that makes sense, too.  Writing is writing, no matter what you're working on.  I thought about taking a break from MBK and trying to write something else for a bit to see if that sparked some creativity, but I don't feel inspired to write anything else and am reluctant to stray from a novel that has been going well because I know sometimes it can be hard to go back.  Guilty Roads is a good example of that.

If this was happening during the school year, I would be more willing to say "Screw it" and break the streak, but since it's summer, I'm not gonna do that.  I would be mad at myself for not at least trying while I had time when school starts up again and I have a lot less time.

My biggest problem lately is probably focus.  I've been using YouTube for both writing music and research, but every time I go on there, I get distracted watching recommended videos that have nothing to do with what I'm writing.  Last night it was SNL videos.  I need to either have some more willpower or try some of my focus tricks, like turning off Wi-fi or hiding my bookmarks bar so it's not as easy to randomly click on other websites and go down a rabbit hole.

It is going? I saw your "writing during depression" thing down the line and that's been me this week (not the depression part, just the writing a little to keep in the habit part). I write for five minutes no matter what, then either keep going or stop. Like you, I've also hit a bit of a slump this week. I have a headache I can't shake that gets better when I eat, but then comes back later. I'm not sure what is it, because outside of feeling a bit hot, I feel fine. I'm staying very hydrated though, so that's a plus, lol. I woke up today feeling good, but now it's back, so... This is probably a sign to visit the doctor this next week.

I don't know if my slump is new story related or what, but I think there's certain parts I'm enjoying writing and certain parts I'm not, so it's all a mixed bag.

Sorry to hear you're going through it, too!  It's hard to stare at a screen for long periods of time when you have a headache.  And who knows, maybe that's what is causing the headaches in the first place?  This past year, I started taking my contacts out as soon as I get home from work because I spent so much more time staring at the computer screen, it would dry my eyes out and give me a headache.  I should probably invest in a pair of those blue light glasses.

I'm glad you're staying hydrated; that was my other thought, because I get headaches when I don't drink enough water.  I also get them when I don't drink enough caffeine LOL.  Could also be low blood sugar or something if eating helps.  Who knows.  I hope you find some solutions!

Your slump could definitely also be new story related.  It's hard to go from a story world you've been so immersed in for so long to a brand new one you're just beginning to create.  It took me two-and-a-half years after finishing BMS to get anywhere with a new novel on my own.  Thank goodness I had collabs to keep me going in between.  Other than 00Carter and Undead, all I wrote during that period were one-shots and beginnings of stories that usually didn't progress any further.  I was also stuck on Chapter 4 of my current story for 3 years before I came back to it this year.  Just be patient with yourself, and give yourself permission to write whatever you want until you settle into something.

"Sometimes writers and sociopaths are hard to tell apart." -J.K. Rowling


  • Supreme Time Waster
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Re: Writing & Thread (aka The Writing Thread 4)
« Reply #207 on: July 18, 2021, 07:41:25 PM »

What helped me stay into it this time around was NaNo, I think. I didn't think I would hit 50,000 words, I just said "I'm going to write something every day." And then at the end I celebrated whether it was a high day or a slump day. I don't know if this worked because inspiration struck beforehand or not, but it kept me going through the slumpy days.

I don't have as much experience with NaNo as you do, but I do think it helps to have a story already started (or at least a solid idea for one) going into it.  I think opening a new Doc and staring at a blank page on the first of the month would intimidate me.  It's easier to get a daily writing streak going when you already have some momentum going into it.  But just setting a goal to write something every day, without worrying about hitting a specific word count, has been really helpful to me.  Hopefully that routine I've established will carry over when I go back to work so I don't slump as badly as I usually do when school starts.

I was scrolling the internet a couple days ago (I should really have spent my non-writing time reading or something, but eh) and found this little short story prompt thing that could be fun if anyone wants some vague prompts for something short [these asides are my attempts to Backstreet-ify them.]:

1.  A conversation you wish had happened in canon [real life?].
2.  An expression of love (romantic, platonic, familial - you choose)
3.  Character meta [BSB being self-referential about... something?]
4.  Episode meta [Album? Song? I'm not sure how to Backstreet-ify this...]
5.  That emotional moment that you can’t find a plot for.
6.  A scene fully without context.
7.  The meeting part of a meet cute AU.
8.  A shocking announcement (or the reaction to it)
9.  A missing moment from canon [real life?].
10.  An alternate ending to an episode or scene. [Could be an alternate ending to something you'd written already?]
11. Someone just having the worst luck. [Every Nick fanfic ever.]
12.  An exchange of gifts or mementos.
13.  That great line that you can’t find a plot for.
14.  The aftermath of a scene you’ll never actually write.
15.  The scene that will give you, personally, the most joy.

These are great!  Cracking up at the one I bolded. LOL

Here's a six word story: Nick fell in a manhole. "Ouch." <--- lol

Poor Nick LOL.  I'm glad he's not as accident-prone and unlucky in real life as he is in our fanfics, or I would worry about him getting that vaccine today.

"Sometimes writers and sociopaths are hard to tell apart." -J.K. Rowling


  • Supreme Time Waster
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Re: Writing & Thread (aka The Writing Thread 4)
« Reply #208 on: July 18, 2021, 08:14:36 PM »

LOL That probably is part of it!  I do seem to write best when nothing is happening in BSB world.  Concerts, album releases, etc. usually distract me or make me feel guilty for writing whatever horrors I'm writing about them.  Those are the best kind of distractions though!

Don't let them make you feel guilty with their punny ad. It's 157 days, 3 hours, 3 minutes, and 8 seconds away. That's plenty of time to stab one in fiction-land.

LOL I know, it gets confusing keeping track when I go to bed and wake up on the same date, but I do go by date to be consistent, since my sleep schedule is not.  So what I wrote before midnight yesterday counted as Day 127, and what I wrote after counted as Day 128.  So it's Day 128 now, yay!

Yay!  :party: :bsb: :broccoli: :bananapower: :wave:

I don't think that is necessarily my problem, since I'm usually just watching TV or playing on my phone or other time-wasters when I could be writing but am not LOL.  I do go out and do things with my friends and family a few times a week, but not every day.  I still have plenty of time to myself to relax, which is super important for me.  I'm such an introvert, I was well-suited to quarantine, which really wasn't all that different from my normal lifestyle LOL.  It was nice to have an excuse just to stay home.  I definitely get feeling pressured to say yes when people want to make plans now that we can go out again though.  This is why I prefer to have a small circle of friends in real life, because I would get overwhelmed with too many offers of "Wanna go out and so such-and-such?" in a week.  I'm sure the pandemic has been much harder on extroverts and/or people who are used to having busy social lives, but that is a great reminder that it's okay to say "Sorry, I already have plans" when you just want to stay home and have some me time.  That still counts as plans and is important, too!

I took most of yesterday to just watch TV and play "Little Alchemy" on my phone, so I get it, lol. I think it's good to take time for yourself and I'm trying to be better about that, that's why I watched TV yesterday and moved my writing spot to the couch today. I've gotten a few more here recently and it's been a while since I've seen some of them in person, so I am trying to say yes if I can. But you're right, I should probably space it out a bit. I think it'd be easier if I didn't have work too, lol. So far, my bids to be a stay-at-home wife haven't panned out, lol. I'm mostly kidding, I think I would get bored after a month or two without a job to go to.

I'm sure election week was not a productive one for any of us, in terms of writing, unless we were using writing as a distraction.  I don't think I got much, if anything, written that week either.  It was also parent-teacher conference week for me, which is the most stressful week of the school year, so writing was definitely not a priority.

It sounds like most of your slumps are because of real life getting in the way, whether it was because of TV/football, job stress, not feeling well, or special events like hubby's birthday.  That totally makes sense.  During the school year, my writing probably follows a similar pattern of being most productive on the weekends and less productive as the work week goes on, dropping off the most on days when I have TV shows I want to watch live or plans with people.

It also makes sense that you'd have the most spikes when nearing the end of a story and then slump when starting a new one.  That always happens to me, too.

I doubt it was for anyone, there was just too much going on in the world. I think the pandemic was the same, it either provided a good distraction or a shut down. And yes, parent-teacher conferences are stressful!

Darn real life. It makes it so hard to find time for writing, lol. If I can shake this, hubs is out of town, so I'm hoping to get really productive.

I'm glad it's a semi-universal thing. It probably has something to do with being out of the groove.

All that makes sense, too.  Writing is writing, no matter what you're working on.  I thought about taking a break from MBK and trying to write something else for a bit to see if that sparked some creativity, but I don't feel inspired to write anything else and am reluctant to stray from a novel that has been going well because I know sometimes it can be hard to go back.  Guilty Roads is a good example of that.

If this was happening during the school year, I would be more willing to say "Screw it" and break the streak, but since it's summer, I'm not gonna do that.  I would be mad at myself for not at least trying while I had time when school starts up again and I have a lot less time.

My biggest problem lately is probably focus.  I've been using YouTube for both writing music and research, but every time I go on there, I get distracted watching recommended videos that have nothing to do with what I'm writing.  Last night it was SNL videos.  I need to either have some more willpower or try some of my focus tricks, like turning off Wi-fi or hiding my bookmarks bar so it's not as easy to randomly click on other websites and go down a rabbit hole.

That makes sense to me too. I think if overall it's going well, then it's good to stick to a project. Unless nothing comes out, then a break might be the best option. And I get not wanting to end the streak when you have time to keep it going. I'm glad that you got a good day in after venting. Sometimes a good vent is all you need! It's a good way to talk out your frustrations and get them out of your head.

I wonder if there's another place with music similar to what you like on youtube that won't give recommended music for a while, then you'd only go to youtube if you needed to do research.

Sorry to hear you're going through it, too!  It's hard to stare at a screen for long periods of time when you have a headache.  And who knows, maybe that's what is causing the headaches in the first place?  This past year, I started taking my contacts out as soon as I get home from work because I spent so much more time staring at the computer screen, it would dry my eyes out and give me a headache.  I should probably invest in a pair of those blue light glasses.

I'm glad you're staying hydrated; that was my other thought, because I get headaches when I don't drink enough water.  I also get them when I don't drink enough caffeine LOL.  Could also be low blood sugar or something if eating helps.  Who knows.  I hope you find some solutions!

Your slump could definitely also be new story related.  It's hard to go from a story world you've been so immersed in for so long to a brand new one you're just beginning to create.  It took me two-and-a-half years after finishing BMS to get anywhere with a new novel on my own.  Thank goodness I had collabs to keep me going in between.  Other than 00Carter and Undead, all I wrote during that period were one-shots and beginnings of stories that usually didn't progress any further.  I was also stuck on Chapter 4 of my current story for 3 years before I came back to it this year.  Just be patient with yourself, and give yourself permission to write whatever you want until you settle into something.

Yeah, I think that was a lot of it. Should have gotten the blue light filter on my glasses after all, lol. I ate some food and finally got some ibuprofin around 11, so I mostly just feel sunburned now, lol. I've actually been writing and doing laundry (something else I hadn't felt like doing) for the last couple of hours, so I may finally be on the mend. Yay! I should probably eat something soon though. I am horrifically hydrated, which is probably how normal people feel and not me in my barely hydrated world. I'm one of those lobster girls Rose was talking about. I've also been drinking lattes again the past couple of days, so maybe the extra milk was making me feel bad. Who knows! But thanks, me too.

I think that's what I'll have to keep doing. It's not what I felt like writing today, so I haven't even looked at it yet. But the streak is alive, so that's good.

People think it would be fun to be a bird because you could fly. But they forget the negative side, which is the preening.

From "And Now, Deep Thoughts" by Jack Handey


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Re: Writing & Thread (aka The Writing Thread 4)
« Reply #209 on: July 18, 2021, 08:24:38 PM »

I don't have as much experience with NaNo as you do, but I do think it helps to have a story already started (or at least a solid idea for one) going into it.  I think opening a new Doc and staring at a blank page on the first of the month would intimidate me.  It's easier to get a daily writing streak going when you already have some momentum going into it.  But just setting a goal to write something every day, without worrying about hitting a specific word count, has been really helpful to me.  Hopefully that routine I've established will carry over when I go back to work so I don't slump as badly as I usually do when school starts.

See, I'd say that too, but the whole idea is that anyone participating starts with something fresh in November. They've changed the degree of outlining they accept in recent years, but the idea is one month, one novel. I do make sure to write something each day, even if it's just a little because it's just such a part of my daily routine now. I hope that making it part of your routine helps the transition to the school year go smoother as well. :)

These are great!  Cracking up at the one I bolded. LOL

Poor Nick LOL.  I'm glad he's not as accident-prone and unlucky in real life as he is in our fanfics, or I would worry about him getting that vaccine today.

That one was my favorite too. It's fun when you just know you can fill in a name right away instead of "someone," lol.

I'd argue he's the opposite in real life, lucky ducky. Don't worry about the first dose, worry about the second one.

People think it would be fun to be a bird because you could fly. But they forget the negative side, which is the preening.

From "And Now, Deep Thoughts" by Jack Handey
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