Ew, I didn't realize Elon was following everyone on Twitter now. Creepy. It does sound like MySpace Tom, but more sinister. BlueSky is similar enough to Twitter that I don't mind it, but I only have a few friends there, and none of the Boys have moved there yet, so it's not a replacement for Twitter yet. Maybe someday. Threads finally has a Following option to filter your feed so it doesn't just show you random content from users you don't follow, so maybe I'll start using it more.
To be fair, Brian never really posted anything full-on MAGA. His wife did, but she deleted most of her social media accounts or made them private after the backlash in 2020. I still follow her on Instagram for the occasional Brian photo she posts, but she's never posted much political stuff there. The worst of it was on FB. I'm sure she's still as MAGA as ever, but she's learned to keep her ignorant thoughts to herself. And apparently Baylee deleted his political posts after auditioning for American Idol. I thought American Idol used to not allow professional recording artists to audition, but they must have changed the rules. I haven't watched it in years, but apparently, a lot of the people who audition now have released music before; they're just not well-known or successful. I liked it better when it was all amateurs. I'll be curious to see how Baylee does. I have mixed feelings on him auditioning, but at least he'll be able to get some real, hopefully unbiased feedback that will help him grow as an artist. I think he needed to do something to step out of Brian's shadow and cut the cord from his Mom-ager if he's going to have a real career in music that doesn't just depend on BSB fans. As much as I love Brian, I haven't bought any of Baylee's music because I'm not into country. He doesn't have a bad voice, but he's nothing like Brian in his prime.
An NYC residency would be cool! They probably stick with Vegas because it's convenient for at least 3/5 of them, especially Nick since he lives there. But it's a short flight from LA for AJ and Kevin, too. I saw some speculation that, with Nick's ongoing legal drama, a Vegas residency is a better choice than a new album and tour right now. It keeps him close to home, and there's less risk of cancellations. As much as I'm ready for new music, I'm still salty about so much of their Christmas album promo getting canceled. They're probably better off waiting for the next album cycle until the cases are resolved. I can't wait for that to be over and for Nick to be able to talk openly about what he's been through. But, anyway, based on the clues they've been posting, it looks very likely that some kind of Millennium 2.0 thing is happening. Someone posted a leaked link to a Millennium 2.0 double vinyl album that was supposedly listed on Amazon. The speculation is that one of the discs will be the original album, possibly remastered, and the other will include some new remixes or recordings and unreleased tracks. If that's true, at least that is something the whole fandom can enjoy, even if they can't make it to Vegas for a show. And this is all still just rumor at this point. They're apparently announcing or releasing something tomorrow morning at 8 EST, according to the little teaser video they posted tonight, so we should know more then!
I haven't watched Severance. Is it related to Succession somehow? From what I saw of The Pitt fics, the biggest ship so far is Dr. Robby and Dr. Collins, the pregnant doctor. And there are already a few ER crossovers, of course. I like the characters but not enough to want to write fanfic about them, unless it was in the context of a BSB crossover. But some people can write fanfic about literally anything!
I hope you get more than $5000 back for your car! Sounds like it was in good condition and will hopefully be worth a lot in parts.
I agree with everything you both said about friends and coworkers. I'm sure working from home makes it even harder to make and stay friends with coworkers, Steph. I'm lucky in that respect because working in a school feels a lot like going to school. I eat lunch with the same group of people in the teacher's lounge every day, and I consider them all friends to some extent. But even within that group, there are smaller groups of us that actually get together outside of school and in the summer to hang out. Those are my true friends, not just my work friends. It definitely helps to go out to dinner and have drinks and get to know people outside of work.
I'm glad you have a lot of teacher friends who are anti-Trump, Mare! We are in the minority in my school because I live in a pretty red part of a blue state. (Illinois is a blue island in a sea of red because of Chicago.) I know who I can share my opinions openly with at work and who I should avoid political discussions with. Thankfully, my two best friends from work are liberal - which is definitely part of the reason we've become good friends. I'm sure it would suck to be a liberal living in the south. I hate living among the ignorance that surrounds me, but at least I'm in a blue state that finally (FINALLY!) has a great governor. Illinois has a bad track record with past governors being corrupt or completely incompetent. I saw that Trump just pardoned our former governor, Blagojevich, which is interesting because he's a Democrat... but he was also on Celebrity Apprentice, so I guess they're buddies now. Birds of a feather flock together!
In a bit of good news, I have a snow day tomorrow! It's supposed to snow all day tomorrow and accumulate up to 7 inches, so they went ahead and called off school tonight, which I so appreciate. I know 7 inches is nothing by Buffalo standards, but it's more than we've had all winter.