I Wanna Feel The Rain by KeelieRose86
Summary: I was just moved to tears by the song Downpour when it first came out because I'd just broken up with my boyfriend so I ended up writing a series of break-up scenes based on the song. I was feeling pretty angsty at the time, but I think they turned out well. Let me know if you agree! I love reviews!
Categories: Fanfiction > Backstreet Boys Characters: None
Genres: Angst
Warnings: None
Series: None
Chapters: 1 Completed: No Word count: 635 Read: 763 Published: 06/09/08 Updated: 06/09/08
Brian by KeelieRose86
Author's Notes:
here's the first one. The other three are coming soon!
I’ve been walking around
Inside a haze
Between the lines of reason
Hiding from the ghost
Of yesterday
Feels like I'm barely breathing

The beautiful starry night sky that Brian once gazed upon with a smile was all but a myth now. The stars that once twinkled as bright as the sapphire orbs of his beautiful love, were now dull and lifeless, and the only thing left behind was the vast nothingness of empty space; much like his own heart.

So many nights they’d spent together, lying beneath the tall oak tree in their back yard, gazing up at the stars. It was there he’d asked her to marry him, and it was there she’d surprised him of the news of their son – the greatest gift she’d ever given him – and it was there, that she now rested with him for all eternity.

Brian thought that placing her beneath their tree would make it easier. He thought at lest this way they could still spend their nights together enjoying the serenity of the heavens, but without her smile to compare to the moonlight, and without her eyes to lose himself in, the heavens only seemed to mock him.

He looked down at the beautiful headstone and traced his fingers along the letters. “Happy anniversary, baby,” he choked as he poured a bottle of champagne on the ground at his feet.

He stopped only to take a hard swallow and then threw the bottle as hard as he could, smashing it into a million shards of tiny pieces, the same way his world had shattered the night of the accident.

He took a seat, leaning his body against the grave, just hoping that it might make him feel close to her again, and eventually, his tired eyes fell shut.

Rich storm clouds soon rolled in like angry waves from an endless ocean. Brilliant streaks of lightening lit up the sky overhead, but Brian didn’t awake until the thunder clacked and the sound made his soul shiver. The wind kicked up rustling the leaves of the old oak tree and when the hairs on Brian’s arms stood up he whispered to himself, “Leighanne? Is that you, baby?”

Of course there was no response, and Brian’s heart broke all over again. “Why, God! Why?” he screamed, cursing the heaven’s that were now nothing but pitch black. “Why did you take her from me!?”

At that moment there was another flash of lightening and a roar of thunder as if the Gods were angry with Brian, and instantly the world around him was flooded with a severe downpour. He held his face up to the sky, letting the cold hard drops sting his face, and hoped the rain might wash away his sorrow, “God, she loved the rain,” he cried.

Flashes of her perfect golden tresses forged his memory. The way they would fall into her eyes when it rained, but she refused to move them because she loved the way it drove him crazy. She would wait for him to brush the hair from her eyes and, God, her skin was so soft. And then, when he finally pushed her hair aside, she would look up at him with those big beautiful eyes and nothing else in the world mattered.

Brian closed his eyes at the memory, but he could no longer feel her lips. He could no longer feel her skin against his, or the warmth of her standing there beside him. He could no longer feel anything. Nothing. Not even the rain that was pouring down around him.

I-I wanna feel the rain again
I-I wanna feel the water on my skin
And let it all just wash away
In a downpour
I wanna feel the rain
This story archived at http://absolutechaos.net/viewstory.php?sid=9076