Can't See by MelC
Summary: Sometimes you can't see past your face to really view what's inside...
Categories: Poetry/Songs Characters: None
Genres: None
Warnings: None
Series: A Poetic Dream
Chapters: 1 Completed: Yes Word count: 156 Read: 871 Published: 12/28/08 Updated: 12/28/08
Can't See by MelC
Look in the mirror and see
r32;The girl standing ifront of me
r32;Im not her, Im not this
r32;I front because I think I must
r32;I try to be someone else

r32;r32;Cause I'll fall, cause Im weak
r32;Can't let him see the real me

r32;r32;Glasses arent cool
r32;My teeth arent perfect
r32;He's perfect so I always
r32;Persue the wrong to be right
r32;Fighting on the inside for a dream

r32;r32;Cause I'll fall, cause Im weak
r32;Can't let him see the real me

r32;r32;I cant let him see me
r32;Reality sucks
r32;Let me be

r32;r32;Cause I'll fall, cause Im weak
r32;Can't let him see the real me

r32;r32;Falling fast, if I run I may fall on glass
r32;Dont wanna lie, but I gotta hide
r32;If only can see past the beauty
r32;Past the geek

r32;r32;Cause I'll fall, cause Im weak
r32;Can't let him see the real me

r32;r32;Maybe its not meant to be
r32;In my heart I dont wanna see
r32;Forever is in his eyes
r32;I think he will be my demise

r32;r32;Cause I'll fall, cause Im weak
r32;Can't let him see the real me

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