Life in the Fast Lane by evergreenwriter83

For Krista Hemmings winning the NASCAR championship is everything. But when AJ McLean, a young rookie, shows up to give her a run for her money, Krista must decide what's more important: love or war. Winner takes all in this story about the inner workings of one of today's most popular sports.
Categories: Fanfiction > Backstreet Boys Characters: AJ
Genres: Action, Alternate Universe, Drama, Romance
Warnings: Sexual Content
Series: None
Chapters: 20 Completed: Yes Word count: 15928 Read: 23538 Published: 05/04/10 Updated: 05/04/10
Chapter 11 by evergreenwriter83
Chapter Eleven

"What do to the polls say Jer?"

"You and McLean are tied for first at the moment. But Kris you know that we're only at the halfway mark."

"I know." I admitted. "The next race is one of the most important to me. I have to rehash my game plan."

Races seemed to have flown by and McLean and I had done a good job of going back and forth with first places. But now we were back in my home state of Indiana and about ready to start my favorite race of the year: Brickyard.

I walked over to the car, running my hand over the chassis and couldn't help but get a rush. Even standing outside of my vehicle I knew just how I would make my turns and just how far to push things. At the moment the world was my oyster.

"Gentlemen." I said, turning to face my crew. "Start your engines."

With a wide smile I slid into the car, waving vigorously out the window towards the fans who I knew were straining through their binoculars to see the drivers.



"I can't believe this Jer. How the hell am I going to get past all these mothers?" I snapped into my headset.

"Kris there's no way you can win now. Just try to maintain your place in the pack and sail on through. There's only about fifteen laps now. You've only gained five spots in the past fifty laps. Traffic's thick baby just keep your chin up."

"J---" I began to say but then heard the click and knew that he was finished. Without saying a word he had pretty much told me in that statement that I should just concentrate on the road and accept my defeat.

I tapped on the wheel just anxious now to get out of the car and go hide. Yet it was at that moment that I had a sickening thought.

What if McLean's up front?

"Jerry? Jer?" I called to seemingly no one. The only answer I received was the sound of my engine and me shifting into yet another gear.

A half hour later I watched in disgust as AJ made his way into Winner's Circle. My first thought was that I had to leave Indianapolis Motor Speedway as soon as possible. I felt my throat closing up just thinking about AJ and the stupid bet we made.

Me and my fat ass mouth!


I lay on my bed, a bowl of popcorn beside me watching 'The Wedding Singer'. I hadn't seen AJ all night much to my great relief.

He's probably forgotten all about that silly conversation, I thought to myself as I threw yet another piece of popcorn into my mouth. Just as I did so I heard a knock on the door.

"Food!" I squealed softly, sitting up quickly. Grabbing a robe to throw over my nightgown I opened the door, a wide smile on my face.

The smile left as fast as it appeared.

"Didn't think I forgot didja?" AJ said, leaning in the doorway.

"I have no clue what you're talking about." I said faking innocence.

"I see. Well let me take you back." he said, brushing past me and into the room. My face flushing with annoyance, I slowly closed the door behind him.

"Let me take you back to a hot Texas day when you told me that if I won the Brickyard 400 that you would sleep with me. And then I agreed to your condition that if you won that I would never talk to you again."

"Hmph. Yeah...must have slipped my mind."

"Well honey, I won and you lost. So..."

I watched as he put the popcorn on my nightstand, gracefully flying back on the bed. He smirked, placing his hands behind his head.

"Well what are you waiting for?"

My back stiffened as I watched him. Taking a deep breath I narrowed my eyes into slits before smiling softly. Letting my lips part slightly I slowly undid the robe.

"Yes. What am I waiting for?"
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