No Matter What by ForeverRebel, LenniluvsBrian

Ashley's parents were murdered right before her very eyes and there was nothing she was able to do about it.

To avoid being put into orphanages and foster homes her whole life; she runs away and changes her name and identity only to land herself into even more danger when she befriends a strange man and moves in with him. When he nearly kills her, an Orphanage takes her in and she refuses to reveal who the man is in fear that he will come after her and finish what he started. After all that she has been through, she's afraid of everyone, and everything in sight.

But can one caregiver in the Orphanage get her to open up and reveal her secrets before it's too late?

Categories: Fanfiction > Backstreet Boys, Fanfiction > Music > Aaron Carter, Fanfiction > TV Series > Law and Order: SVU Characters: Brian, Capt. Craigen, Det. Benson, Det. Munch, Det. Stabler, Det. Tutuola, Dr. Huang, Group, Kevin, Nick, Other
Genres: Drama, Romance, Supernatural, Suspense
Warnings: Child Abuse, Death, Graphic Sexual Content, Graphic Violence, Sexual Assault/Rape, Slash M/M
Series: No Matter What
Chapters: 491 Completed: No Word count: 1752532 Read: 854285 Published: 08/04/10 Updated: 04/19/12
Chapter One-Hundred-Eighty-Three by ForeverRebel
Author's Notes:
Here's the next chapter.
Enjoy =)
Chapter One-Hundred-Eighty-Three

Dakota sat in Ashley’s lap the entire rest of the time that Kori was doing her hair and makeup. She really hasn’t seen her Ashee much at all that day and she missed her. Sarah got to spend time with her, but she didn’t. Which is okay…seeing as how she got daddy time, but still.

“What did you and your daddy do at the mall today?” Ashley asked conversationally, as she hugged her close to her. Dakota hugged her back though she looked up at her curiously. It is almost as though she had read her mind. She does that a lot and that is one of the many reasons she loves her, because she understands her easily. But then that can also be a bad thing because she has to be careful that she doesn’t say too much and ruin her daddy’s surprise.

“We shopped…” Dakota answered vaguely. Ashley laughed.

“You don’t say? Now there’s something you don’t do every day!” she teased. “What did he buy you? Did you go into any toy stores?”

“Uh huh! We went into KB’s an’ he bought me a new dolly.”

“Ohh…that is always fun. What kind of dolly?”

“A cabbage patch doll,” Dakota answered proudly.

“Oh, I see. How many of those do you have now eh? I swear you get a new one every week. I would think you would have all of them by now.”

“This one was a new one. An’ Daddy doesn’t know it yet but they’re gonna have a Christmas cabbage patch dolly soon an’ I want it so bad.” Ashley smiled a little.

“Well that’s okay, because you told me. And I tell your daddy everything, so he will eventually find out. You might just get it for Christmas if you’re a good girl.”

“I have been a very good girl lately.”

“That is very true.”

“I’ve even been nice to Sarah.”

“Yes you have…and that makes me very proud.” Dakota beamed with pride. “Speaking of Sarah…where is she? Is your daddy downstairs with her?”

“No, she’s playin’ withs Joshy,” Dakota answered, trying her hardest to hide her jealousy but it didn’t work out too well. “An’ I made her baby sit my dolly. I don’t knows where my daddy is.”

“You made her baby sit your dolly? But I thought you said you were being nice.”

“I am – I asked her if she wanted to an’ she was really excited about it.”

“Okay…just checking.” Kori and Ashley spent ten more minutes doing hair and makeup, and then by the time they were finished Ashley slipped into some nice black sandals and she stood up with Dakota before shifting her so she is rested on her hip and she followed her sister downstairs. When they got down there they found Josh and Spencer sitting on the floor with Sarah sitting between them with a pink toy car seat sitting in front of her and a cabbage patch doll cradled in her arms. Josh is holding a diaper bag that Ashley has seen Dakota lugging around with her dolls many times before and Spencer is holding Lily. Ashley giggled a little.

“Are you kids having fun?” Sarah grinned in such a triumphed way that Ashley can pretty much guess that getting the two boys to play house with her was such hard work. Josh’s face was bright red, and Spencer just looked glad that he didn’t have to hold the doll or the diaper bag. Ashley laughed.

“Well, I’ve got to hand it to you kid…not many girls can talk a boy into playing house with them. Even Ellie has troubles though she tries.” Dakota slid from Ashley’s arms and she went over to her friends. She was about to take the doll from her but then remembered Ashley and Kori standing there and instead held her arms out to her.

“May I have my doll back now Sarah?” she asked kindly. Sarah handed the cabbage patch doll back to her and she smiled at her sweetly.

“Thanks for baby-sitting her for me. It means a lot.” Sarah scribbled something down on paper and then held her notepad out for her to read, completely forgetting that Dakota still has a little trouble with reading. Josh leaned over and read it for her instead.

“Sarah says your welcome and that it meant a lot to her that you let her play with your toy for awhile.” Dakota smiled at her and then handed the notepad back to her and she sat down between her and Josh. Josh was about to get up when Dakota gently grabbed him by the arm and pulled him back.

“Wait! Where you goin’?”

“You’re back now. You can play house with her.”

“You played house for her…” Dakota pointed out, her lower lip suddenly sticking out in a pout. Josh groaned and nodded.

“Okay, okay…” Dakota grinned and turned to Sarah.

“Who is who?” Sarah looked to Josh to answer the question. Josh sighed.

“I’m the daddy, you’re the mommy, She’s the sister, and Spencer is the brother. All Sarah’s plan, I had nothing to do with the choosing!” Dakota smirked and wrapped her arm around Sarah.

“That’s because she’s a smart cookie and knows what she’s doin’.” Sarah suddenly overwhelmed with emotion wanted to cry over how nice Dakota is being to her but she didn’t. She doesn’t want to be called a baby. Josh shook his head pretending to be annoyed and when Dakota looked away from him to look through her baby bag, he raised his eyebrow at her in curiosity and couldn’t help but grin slightly. Kori and Ashley exchanged amused looks and then started to head for the kitchen to ask where Nick, AJ, and Brian are when suddenly they heard Brian’s voice from the top of the stairs.

“Hey Josh, come up here for a few minutes okay? I want to talk to you.” Josh looked up at him innocently.

“Did I do something wrong?”

“No I just want to talk to you about stuff,” Brian answered and he winked at him, hoping he would catch on.

“Oh! Okay…” He replied, and he turned and looked at Dakota.

“I am so sorry Kota, but I can’t play house with you right now. You will understand later though I promise!” He told her hurriedly, and he leaned over and bravely gave her an innocent kiss on the cheek before jumping up and running up the stairs at full speed. Dakota’s jaw dropped and she placed her hand to her cheek as she was left gaping after the boy she had deemed cute earlier and Ashley wore an identical expression on her face while Kori just said ‘Awww’ and laughed in amusement. Just as Josh reached the top of the stairs he saw Nick standing there next to Brian looking down at him with a raised eyebrow and a small smirk on his face as he had seen what just happened. Josh looked at him warily, afraid he was going to get angry with him for kissing his daughter. Nick chuckled and gently squeezed Josh’s shoulder.

“Don’t ever let any other boy do that okay?” He whispered to him. “You protect her.” Josh grinned with relief and then looked up at Nick dutifully.

“I won’t. I promise.” Brian shook his head smiling and wrapped his arm around his son.

“Come on prince charming, let’s go have a chat.” He told him and he steered him off in the direction of his room. Nick put the small box with the ring inside his pocket and he and AJ headed downstairs. When they got downstairs Nick’s eyes immediately fell on his girlfriend and he felt his heart do summersaults inside him. He has always said she was beautiful, but now it is clear to him that, that was an understatement. He watched as Ashley looked back at him with that same questioning gaze that he often catches her with. The one where he knows she is contemplating on his thoughts and his actions and wondering how long he is going to be hers. He even noticed her biting her lower lip nervously as she so often does when she is nervous.

“You look really beautiful,” He informed her as he walked over to her and he slid his arms around her waist and pulled her near. Ashley opened her mouth to reply when he placed his finger to her lips before he could. “I’m not lying to you.”

“How do you know that was what I was going to say?” Ashley asked stubbornly. Nick chuckled.

“Because I know you…and everytime I tell you that you’re beautiful you tell me not to lie to you.”

“How do you know I wasn’t about to say something totally different this time, hmm?”

“What were you going to say then?” Nick asked amusedly.

“Not to lie to me…” Ashley admitted after a couple of moments and she smiled up at him sweetly. Nick laughed.

“Smart ass,” he told her playfully and he kissed her nose.

“Are we leaving now?” Ashley asked softly and she stared up at him with those same questioning eyes as she felt butterflies in her stomach all of the sudden as she is anxious to find out what he has up his sleeve. She is a little excited and a little scared all at the same time. He has never done anything like this before and he has no idea what he is making her feel. Nick glanced over at AJ who was standing next to the window looking out at it watchfully and he looked back at Nick and mouthed ‘not here yet’.

“In a few minutes,” Nick answered, looking back at Ashley who had looked over at AJ curiously when she noticed his eyes move away from her. “First I need to say bye to my daughter and make sure Sarah is going to be okay,” he told her quickly making up an excuse for his and AJ’s behavior though really he knows she knows they’re up to something. He kissed her forehead softly and then pulled away from her and went over to Dakota and Sarah who were left sitting on the floor, the two of them watching Nick and Ashley with interest, Dakota with a big smile on her face. Spencer had gotten up and went over and sat next to Kori on the couch and was snuggling with her. Nick sat down so his legs were spread apart and the two girls were sitting between them and he placed his hands to each of Dakota’s cheeks, gently squeezed them so her lips were puckered and she giggled as he leaned forward and planted a kiss on them.

“Are you going to be okay with me leaving baby? I know the last time Ashley and I left for awhile you got a little scared.”

“Yes I’ll be fine daddy you two go an’ have fun,” Dakota insisted and Ashley could hear the eagerness in her voice. Even Dakota knows what Nick is planning…this is going to make her crazy. Nick smiled at her and kissed her cheek and then he looked over at Sarah while Dakota placed her hand back on her cheek and rubbed it again, as that was where Josh had kissed her and she suddenly looked as if she were in a trance.

“How about you Sarah? I know you don’t like it when Ashley and I leave you alone…could you maybe hang out with Uncle Brian for the night?” Dakota snapped out of her trance and looked at her daddy, her eyebrow slightly raised. Sarah nodded in agreement knowing full well that this night is important to Nick and Ashley. Nick smiled at her.

“Thanks sweetie,” he told her while kissing her forehead softly. “He’ll take very good care of you I promise.”

“Yes, because my Uncle Brian is nice like that.” Dakota replied and it suddenly occurred to Nick what he had said. He hadn’t meant to…it is just a habit to him now. Nick looked at his daughter warily.

“I want you to behave for Brian tonight Dakota Ann.”

“I will daddy. Because I’m a good girl,” Dakota replied sweetly, though no one could mistake the jealousy in her eyes.

“You better. Because if I hear about you misbehaving I will call Santa up and let him know.”

“You wouldn’t,” Dakota insisted doubtfully.

“Oh no?”

“You don’ts know Santa’s number. An’ the North Pole is long distance an’ you don’ts like calling long distance.”

“I do so have his number.”

“Prove it.” Nick pulled out his cell phone and he opened it up and went to his phone book before scrolling down to the S’s. When he got to Santa he held his phone out for her to see and she gaped at it. She can’t read yet, but she’d recognize the word ‘Santa’ anywhere.

“I want to talk to Santa. Can I call Santa daddy? I want to tell him what I want for Christmas.”

“Maybe later baby.”

“But I want to talk to him now.”

“He’ll be coming to the Orphanage around Christmas time and you and all of the kids will get to see him then. You can talk to him then.”

“But if you have his number why can’t I just call him?”

“Because he is busy making toys for Christmas,” Ashley answered this time. “If you call him up to talk to him, it’ll take the time he has away from making toys.”

“But I thought his elves made the toys?”

“They do…but if he’s talking to you on the phone who would be around to make sure the elves were doing their job?”

“And who would check the Naughty or Nice list twice a day?” Kori added. Dakota pouted.

“Then why do you have his phone number when he is too busy to talk an’ he can just check a naughty or nice list?”

“How else would he know what you want for Christmas?” Dakota opened her mouth to say something when suddenly AJ interrupted.

“Nick. It’s here.”

“What’s here?” Ashley questioned curiously.

“Our ride,” Nick answered simply and he stood up, took her hand and helped her up as well and he wrapped his arm around her and led her toward the door. AJ opened it up for them and the very moment they stepped outside Ashley gasped. There sitting in the driveway was a big white limo and Marcus had let it in.

“Nicky…we’re…we’re going to ride in that?”” She asked him with a stunned look on her face. Nick grinned and nodded and he helped her into the back of the limo before climbing in with her as the driver had gotten out and opened the door for them. The limo driver shut the door and he looked at AJ.

“Just so you know, a couple of our security guards will be following you in one of our vans,” he informed, indicating toward the van. “For the reasons that I explained to you over the phone. Is that okay with you? They aren’t following you, they’re just there to keep an eye on Nick and Ashley.” The limo driver smiled and nodded.

“I do have a daughter Mr. McLean…she just idolizes Ashley and goes on and on about her…I know about her situation.” AJ looked slightly taken aback at hearing that there is a supportive fan out there. He is so used to people not liking Ashley but he smiled nonetheless.

“You should tell my sister that. It would make her really happy.” The limo driver smiled and nodded.

“I will be sure to,” he replied and he headed toward his door, opened it up and got inside and shut his door before driving the limo out of the yard. AJ looked at Laney who had come outside with his key in hand.

“Are you sure you’re going to be okay with just Q here?”

“Yes we will be fine. My sister needs you more then I do…because if anything happens to her you both are toast,” AJ replied and Marcus and Laney could tell he was teasing about the last part.

“Yes, but what about Ellie? She is in just as much danger as Ashley is…and what about the rest of the kids? And the puppies?”

“We will all work together to keep them safe. I promise. Plus…Detective Stabler is on his way, he’ll count as extra security.”

“Oh that’s right…did you warn Nick about him?”

“Mhm, upstairs. Now go!” AJ replied while lightly pushing Marcus in the direction of the van. “Protect my sister or you really will be toast.” Marcus shook his head in amusement as he followed Laney off to the van.

“You know he is really getting good at this big brother stuff,” he pointed out as the two of them got in the van, shut their doors and drove off. AJ beamed with pride at Marcus’ comment and he walked into the house to find Brian and Josh downstairs, Brian now wearing a backpack.

“What’s going on?” He asked curiously. “What’s in the bag?”

“Just stuff for later. We’re meeting up with Kevin at Aunt Ann’s house. She’s invited all of us for dinner. Mom of course, has politely declined the offer and Riley would have as well if I hadn’t begged her to come with me. I haven’t seen her all day.”

“Okay, but what about the backyard?”

“We’re going to round up all of the kids who are old enough to help and take them outside and we’re going to set it up before we go. Mom has agreed to turn the lights on for them when they get back so that we won’t have to rush back here.”

“Okie dokie, where’s Laila?”

“Who is old enough to help Aje,” Brian repeated.

“I know,” AJ nodded and he walked into the kitchen to get his baby from his mom.
This story archived at