Never Say Never by tiggerc128


Dottie had worked closely with the Backstreet Boys for years. She thought they were her friends. Until a lie tore her world apart. Now, she's trying to get back on her feet. Can she trust them again? Or forgive them?

Categories: Fanfiction > Backstreet Boys Characters: Nick
Genres: Drama, Romance
Warnings: None
Series: None
Chapters: 12 Completed: Yes Word count: 10341 Read: 24985 Published: 12/13/10 Updated: 12/23/10
Chapter 10 by tiggerc128


They spent hours laying on his bed. Sometimes talking, sometimes sleeping. Nick's weariness was evident to Dottie, so she told him she was as tired as he was, having been awake for most of their trek around the world. Keeping track of where they were and what they were doing. Nick never let her go, holding her close as they lay on the bed.

The following afternoon, the phone rang, waking them from another nap. Nick rolled over and sleepily answered it. "Hello?"

"Nick, this is Amy. I'm sorry to wake you, but can I talk to D? Is she awake?"

Nick looked down seeing Dottie looking back at him. He sort of grinned, "Yeah, Amy, she's awake. Hang on." He leaned down and kissed Dottie softly on the lips before handing her the phone.

Dottie watched Nick make his way to the bathroom as she put the phone to her ear. "Hey girl, what's up?"

"You're asking me? Girl, do you realize how long you and Nick have been locked in that room? What have you been doing?" Dottie could hear the laughter in Amy's voice and she smiled, so glad her friend couldn‘t see her blush.

"Amy, we've been talking and sleeping. I've never seen Nick so tired. Where are you?"

"We're in the dining room. Are you guys coming to eat with us?" Dottie could hear Brian in the background asking what was going on.

Dottie blushed again. "Yeah, we'll be there. I need to get some clothes. Could you come up for a minute and bring me a key?" She was hoping Amy would get the hint she wanted to talk. She did.

"Yes, I'll bring you the key. See you in a few minutes." Amy hung up. Dottie leaned over and hung up the phone, sitting up on the bed.

Nick came out of the bathroom, wearing clean shorts and a tank top. He looked so good, Dottie almost lost her breath. "Hey, Sweetheart, what did Amy want?"

Dottie found her train of thought after about 10 seconds. "Umm, they wanted to know if we were coming down to eat with them. They are waiting in the dining room. I told her we would, I hope you don't mind."

Nick could see she was still not sure of where their relationship was heading. He sat beside her, taking her hand. "It's ok, Dottie, I promise. We'll go as fast or as slow as you want. I'm not going to push you and if I ever do, tell me to back off. OK?"

"Nick, I'm just so unsure of how to act, what to say. I want to be everything you want, everything you need." She was wringing her hands together. Nick reached over and captured them.

"Baby, it's ok. You are everything to me. I love you. I'll always love you. That is never going to change. I promise, Dottie." He kissed her gently, lightly grazing her lips with his.

Dottie burrowed her head under his chin, breathing in his scent. He held her close till she pulled back. "Nick, I have to go. Amy is meeting me so I can get some clothes."

Nick laughed, kissing her one more time. "OK, Baby, I'll meet you in the dining room. I love you."

"I love you too, Nick." She hugged him tightly before he opened the door.

He walked with her down the hall to Amy's room. He kissed again after she knocked and was still kissing her when Amy opened the door. Dottie pulled back when Amy cleared her throat. Blushing, Nick chuckled and hugged her. "I'll see you in a bit, Beautiful. Hi Amy, how are you?"

Amy smiled, "I'm fine Nick. We'll be down in a few minutes."

Nick put his hand on Dottie's face, lightly caressing it. "I love you lady. Remember that."

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