Wasted Space by twofaced

It's rare when a girl in the audience can catch Nick's eye. It's even rarer when she doesn't care. How will Nick get to know her, and will it be worth it in the end?

Categories: Fanfiction > Backstreet Boys Characters: Nick
Genres: Drama
Warnings: None
Series: None
Chapters: 8 Completed: No Word count: 8463 Read: 13194 Published: 08/02/11 Updated: 11/16/11
Chapter 8 by twofaced

“What are your plans this weekend?” Nick asked into the phone. He was now halfway through the tour, and a month had passed since he’d seen Lore. He was currently in his hotel room, waiting for Brian to bring Baylee over so he could babysit while those two went on a date.

Lore sighed, laying back on her bed and staring up at the ceiling. “I don’t know. It’s Cat’s denial birthday, so either watching her cry, or out at the clubs.”

“Denial birthday?” he asked, laughing.

“She’s turning 30, though she tells people she’s 25. She’s even trying to convince her mom her birth certificate is wrong,” Lore explained with a soft chuckle.

“Well, I’ll be in Vegas all weekend. You guys should come on down… I miss you,” he said softly. It probably would backfire on him, but he would say anything to Lore to get her- and Cat- to Vegas that weekend.

Lore gave a short laugh. “Yeah, because we can afford two vacations in a year,” she answered sarcastically.

“You won’t need any money, Lore. Everything’s on me,” he said, glancing up as a knock sounded on the door. “Hold on a sec,” he said before setting the phone down. He answered the door and smiled as Baylee wrapped his little arms around his legs, giving Nick a quick squeeze before going to find the video games Nick was sure to have.

“We’ll be back in a few hours,” Brian said, smiling as he watched his son.

Nick nodded, “Have fun.” He closed the door and went back to where he dropped his phone. “Lore?”

“Yeah?” she asked, focusing on him again.

“So are you going to meet me in Vegas?” he asked. It took him a heart beat to realize he was holding his breath.

Lore let out a deep sigh.

                “Fine. We will be there.”

                Nick couldn’t help the huge smile that crossed his face at the thought of seeing Cat again. And Lore.

                The next morning, Cat blinked slowly at her friend over her coffee cup. “Wait. We’re what?”

                “Going to Vegas tomorrow,” Lore said, smiling. “My birthday present to you.”

                Cat shook her head no, “You’re insane.”

                “Maybe, but I’m your insane friend who is going to make sure you have an amazing birthday celebration. All expenses paid…” Lore trailed off, trying to bribe Cat. “Besides, we will be too busy for a pity party in Vegas,” she smiled innocently.

                “Oh, that’s what this is about, you just don’t want me to cry,” Cat said, still eyeing her friend suspiciously.

                “Well, it’s actually Nick’s suggestion. You will have to deal with going to their concert while we are there. Cat, he said he missed me,” she said softly

                Cat finally took a sip of her coffee, still studying her friends’ features. She knew, thanks to all the late night phone calls she got from Lore after talking to Nick how much her friend liked him. As much as she didn’t want to sit through another concert, she knew she couldn’t tell her friend no.

                “Fine,” she said, finally looking away.

                “Cat, please, Nick really-“ Lore stopped, blinking. She had expected more of a fight from her friend. “Wait, did you just say fine?”

                “Uh-huh. And if this weekend blows, you’re throwing me a do-over party next weekend,” Cat said. “So, when are we leaving?”

End Notes:


Sorry this chapter is so short... Next one should be back to normal!

This story archived at http://absolutechaos.net/viewstory.php?sid=10661