Ladies Night by Simple Sue
Summary: Photobucket

Sometimes all you need is a little push in the right direction....
Categories: Fanfiction > Backstreet Boys Characters: AJ, Brian, Nick
Genres: Romance
Warnings: Sexual Content
Series: None
Chapters: 10 Completed: No Word count: 11175 Read: 13914 Published: 10/19/11 Updated: 11/17/11
Chapter 1 by Simple Sue
AJ looked at the influx of response that Brian had received from the online dating service he'd signed his friend up for without his knowledge. It had been six months since the divorce and Brian's stress level was off the fucking charts. He needed to get back out there and start socializing again. Leigh Anne hadn't done anything wrong. They just weren't compatible as far as everything as man and wife if you catch my drift. They were able to work a reasonable schedule out for Baylee even but Brian was so tense, he needed to relieve some stress. AJ realized there were other ways to relieve stress but Brian wasn't doing any of them. Besides, his way was more fun. Amazing how many women out there were looking for a good, decent man. Brian was all that and then some but he was also a MAN. He had needs too. Needs that weren't being met. AJ surfed through the sea of inquiries until he landed on her. She was perfect. Just the right age. Same types of interests. Looking for the same things in life. She met all the criteria. Okay, so it was sneaky but he knew his friend well enough that he'd hit the jackpot for a little one on one action. He hit the reply button and started typing in a response to her.

“Oh My God! We got a response for Cassie!” Ellen yelled from the living room as she sat playing on her laptop that night.
Rebeca rushed in; leaving dinner to simmer on the stove.”No fucking way.” She plopped down on the couch next to her roommate; folding one leg underneath herself after getting comfortable.
“I shit you not. I found this guy a couple of days ago. I didn't want to tell you cuz I wasn't sure that he would respond but he's so frickin perfect for her it's scary.”Okay, so it was a little deviant and underhanded but they were seriously getting worried about their friend. She was spending her Friday nights watching some TV detective she claimed was the hottest thing since s'mores. She needed to get laid in the worst way. They loved her and all but the way she complained about getting hit on and not doing a thing about it was beyond aggravating. It needed to end. Soon.
“Okay. So let me take a peek at this guy then.” Ellen turned the screen slightly toward her friend. He was adorable. Completely her type. Since that asshole Ryan walked out on her, she really had sworn off men. They just never really swore off her. She was an easy mark in their books. A little sweet talk and she's spread her legs. At least what that's what some of her male friends told her they could do to nice girls like Cassie. At least Cassie was smart enough to steer clear of the guys like that. Not exactly what she wanted to hear and maybe this was a bad idea but something had to be done.”Let's see what he has to say.”
Ellen pulled up the response from the inbox at the site.


I never thought I would do something like this in my entire lifetime but my friends convinced me that I could meet a nice girl online just as easily as anywhere else. Please tell me I'm right. Looking forward to hearing from you.


“That is so cute! Okay. We SO have to respond like right now,”Rebeca smiled.
“What should we tell him?”
Rebeca thought for a minute then started dictating to her friend.

AJ was fiddling around on Facebook when he got the notification to her response. He closed the window and pulled up a new window to the site Sensational Singles and signed in. She sent him an answer. Well, Brian that is.
“Whatcha doing J?” Nick said; looking over his friend's shoulder.
“Keep it down. I'm trying to get Brian hooked up. I'm sick of all his whining. Kinda makes yours bearable in comparison.”
“Bite me,”Nick returned and continued to look over AJ's shoulder.”Okay, she's doable but she really is Brian's type.”
“Exactly the reason I'm setting this up.”
“Wait.. He doesn't know at all?”
“Do you think I would have got this far if he did?”
“True. So what's she got to say.”


I was surprised to hear from you so quickly but it was a pleasant one. I'm new to this whole game as well and yes, you can meet a nice girl. I'm usually not so forward but we are still behind a computer screen. Is it possible we could meet sometime soon?


“She is perfect for him. So how exactly are you planning to get them together Dr. Evil?” Nick teased.
“There's a ladies night at this club I know . I'll get him there. Better yet. He listens to you. You can convince him to go.”
“Oh no! You're not getting me involved.”
“Why not? Aren't you sick of his constant moping? Bri's the happy one of the group and I'm sure you're sick of having to be the constantly cheerful one these days.”
“Fine. Just tell me when.”
“Soon as I hear back from her I'll let you know.”
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