Nick's Easter(with group) by Dani824



The Backstreet Boys are celebrating St. Patrick's and Easter, and their friends are celebrating Passover. Darn the luck, Nick is finishing his directoring and Photography degree as the group prepares for their Up Close and Personal Tour. Explains what he believes and why the world seems to hate them. Can Nick from the bullies, and save his relationship with his new girlfriend? Can he celebrate 3 holidays and still not get in trouble and pass his classes, before the next tour, find out?

Dedicated in the memory of Leslie Carter.

Categories: Fanfiction > Backstreet Boys Characters: AJ, Brian, Group, Howie, Kevin, Nick, Other
Genres: Action, Adventure, Alternate Universe, Angst, Drama, Dramedy, Fantasy, Historical, Horror, Humor, Romance, Science Fiction, Supernatural
Warnings: Death, Domestic Violence, Graphic Sexual Content, Graphic Violence
Series: Backstreet Boys 's Holidays 2011/2012 Series!
Chapters: 20 Completed: Yes Word count: 13265 Read: 36433 Published: 03/14/12 Updated: 04/17/12
Story Notes:

Dedicated to Leslie Carter and the Carter family.

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1. Chapter 1: My 5th Day of sleeping class. by Dani824

2. Chapter 2: Meeting Melissa. by Dani824

3. Chapter 3: Waking up Howie's. by Dani824

4. Chapter 4: More of the Saint. by Dani824

5. Chapter 5: Irresistableme. by Dani824

6. Chapter 6: Testing the new besties! by Dani824

7. Chapter 7: Demons' Spring time! by Dani824

8. Chapter 8: Preparing for St. Patrick's Day! by Dani824

9. Chapter 9: Bye, Bye, Bye, Banshee! by Dani824

10. Chapter 10: Pick a girl. by Dani824

11. Chapter 11: Meeting Lauren. by Dani824

12. Chapter 12: Re-thinking Passover. by Dani824

13. Chapter 13: A friend that loves you like a fool day! by Dani824

14. Chapter 14: Preparing the class for a Seder by Dani824

15. Chapter 15: Palm Sunday, 2006 by Dani824

16. Chapter 16: Day 2, the truth of Easter Week! The beginning! by Dani824

17. Chapter 17: Finding out! by Dani824

18. Chapter 18: Crazy dreams and Melissa. by Dani824

19. Chapter 19: 2 more days of Easter! by Dani824

20. Chapter 20: Just one kiss from you. by Dani824

Chapter 1: My 5th Day of sleeping class. by Dani824
Author's Notes:

Nick goes to is starting his 5th day of his new World Religions class.Or Sleeping class, since he tends to fall asleep in it since it is always right after, his afternoon reheasals for work with BSB and for his directoring jobs to train for his major in photography, directing, business, and videography under a Videography and photography direction degree.  They are looking at the history of American Holidays. Nick meets Eric and a girl he is interested in dating.

Note: Mild Violence. Most of this is in logic to history and to the times and context.


It was after our world tour that this all happened. It didn't know weird stuff went on like this. I love ghosts, I love smart girls, I love girls whom want to go to college and won't even let us stop them. I was taking my last couple of classes. Brian asked me to take this World Religions class as an elective.

Even through it has nothing to do with my major in Directiorary photography and videography. Basically, I get to do story boards, scripts, and directing for marketing, and films. I even got to help this one guy on the movie "Pendant" and did some stuff for "The Hallow" and "8 Simple Rules" years ago.

I got the idea to when we were on "Sabrina, The Teenage Witch" back in 1998. We were just singing, but those people fasicinate me, and the people whom do photoshop do too.

Then I started my class, it was 9am. The women all squielled with glee. "Oh my God!" some brunette chick said. "That is NICK CARTER!" She screamed. "I LOVE YOU!" She continued. I laughed and smiled really happy and big.

The rest of the class just laughed at her, but she was blushing. Then some of the guys booed me. Which made me sigh. Then some mean football player guy with high lighted hair came up to me. "You trying to take all the women on the planet you A-hole!" He said. As he walked up to me threating me. "I was just saying "hi"." I replied.

"STOP NOW!" The Teacher said, before he had a chance to push me. "This isn't over." He said.

"Today class, we are going to study St. Patrick's Day." She said. "I see you all meet the superstar don't tell anyone he is going here or you will be exspelled it's college rules here at UCLA." she told them. "Now, class. Let's tell the story of St. Patrick. Turn to Page 38 in your textbooks." She told us.

As she spoke I fell asleep in class and dreamt about his life. "It was the year 390 or 460 c. A.D. or C.E. that he was born. Then when he was 16, he got taken off as a slave to pay his father's debt." I heard her say. I dreamead it.

I was in a hilly and rocky terraine in a small hutted, wood, and cabin neighborhood. "We only have the cow and apples now." My father said, as I dreamed Brad Pitt as him in my dream, just with blonder hair and no weird bread and his gray hair in better places.

"Son, your a man now. I love you, but I have no choice." He told me. Then knocked me out. "Sorry, boy." He replied.

I woke up again, but was in another place in my dream. "My clothes, I was wearing my nice shirt and pants, and those nice leather shoes the warriors get to wear." I told the man next to me. "Why am I chained?" I asked the man guarding us. "You are to be sold for auction in the morning." He replied to me. "Why?" I asked. "To pay your father's debt for beer, if you choose to, you can go back to him afterward in about 3 years after you pay his debt to several farmers." he replied. "Now, get some sleep, we'll clean you up in the morning." He told us, as he gave us some bread and some milk.

"I am confused." I said in my sleep. "Raiders?" I said, not realizing I feel asleep. Then I heard the teacher laugh. "As Mr. Carter has told the class, his family was taken as a slave to Irish raiders when he was 16 or 17 years old from his homeland of Whales or now the western UK." She continued. As I sleept.

The man hit me again. "Well, Sir Patrick?" He asked me. "We worship the stones and the gods of the skies. They say to fight." He whined. "I bet you wish we were like those Christians." He said, laughing as that ugly blonde guy that threatened me before class. Then punched me again. "What is your name?" He asked. "Patrick O' Rahilly." I said. "Someday I will show you, you raided my village, and even posed as my father's debt collector. When the time comes I will come back at you with a sword or I will take back my homeland of Whales and Ireland or God will, if he exsists." I told him. He laughed.

Then I ran back to my whole family, Leslie was there, I was happy again. "Oh my goodness!" I cried in happiness I miss you guys. I was almost 17 now, but I was finally home. Then I choose to go to the church to become a preacher and change Ireland. Then I was at Loch ness, I saw the Lochness or "Loch Lake" and blessed it in Irish. Then the monster eil came out and bowed, then we started work on a 5th centruy stone castle. Then someone pooked me with a measure stick. "Nick wake up." The girl said behind me. "Class is over, I think you need to catch up on your sleep. You missed the whole class, come on meet me in the tutor's room so we can do study hall or do you want to go to the big libary 5 miles down the street?" She asked. I couldn't help but smile.

Chapter 2: Meeting Melissa. by Dani824
Author's Notes:

Nick meets a girl named, Melissa and her friend, Eric.


"Hi, I am melissa." She said. "This is my friend, Eric." She said. "He is studying to become a rabbi for a synagog somewhere in LA. I don't know where." She said. "I am a huge fan of your music, I loved your solo album." She told me.

"What are you studying to become?" I asked. "A historian if I can, or at least a writer of books about it and novels." She told me. "I thought your dreamed sounded cool." She told me. "You wanna go out for coffee later?" She asked. Twisting her sweet hair. "Yeah." She smiled.

I shook hands with Eric. "Nice to meet you Nick." He told me. "I think your a nice person, we could probably go out for a drink or to watch a game sometime before I become a Rabbi or try to anyways." he told me. I smiled. I was happy I made friends.

Chapter 3: Waking up Howie's. by Dani824
Author's Notes:

Nick wakes up at Howie's apartment in LA, California.


I went to my class again. "Now class are you ready for your test on St. Patrick and how he affected the world?" The teacher asked.
I raised my hand in class. "But Mrs. Jermeny, we haven't studied. Can I get a redo?" I asked her. "No!" She said. "For that Nick Gene Carter, you failed the entired class." She told the class
as they all laughed at me, even my new friends. Then I found myself naked in my seat and then running on stage naked with everyone booing at me and those bullies getting all the applause.


Howie was standing over me. "I knew it Nick, your not ready to go back to college yet, it can wait, at least you can go. The rich people in the USA don't let the people that are poor or have nervousness problems or ADD or ADHD go." Howie told Nick straight.
"It is sad, they should really change that, even when we had that girl helping us, I had to give credit to her sick sociopathic webmaster friend of your mean father and his trust fund friends that love the UN and it's bullshit." Howie told me.
"Howie!" I cried. "Why do you care?" I asked. "What happened?" I asked him.
"You and Melissa went out with Eric, you came here drunk, Eric helped me with the Futon and Melissa made you some breakfeast for today to try and get into your pants and I think she was serious about tutoring you for 3 of your classes too." Howie told me with a grin.

"Well," I told Howie. I do like them; their good people, but you know how picky the crowd we hang with our." I explained. "The most focused girl with a nervous disorder or possible one, who worked her butt off and they still reject her and almost us." I said to him with a sigh.

"My family is the same way. Anything bad someone else does, they blame her over her job and income class and genetics she had almost nothing to do with." I told Howie almost about to cry. Howie sighed. "I know." Howie said, giving me a hug. "I guess your still a bit hung over." He told me.

"I am just glad you got to my apartment here in LA, CA." He told me. "C'mon, you'll study tonight, and I'll let you out of work 20 minutes early so you can maker your tutoring date with Melissa and hang out more with your new Jewish friend, Eric." Howie told me with a happy smile. "What is his story?" Howie asked.

"Family supposedly belonged to the tribe of Levi, and his father is a preist so he wants to be a priest." I told him, as Howie got me some milk and a multi vitamin for me to take. Then heated the breakfeast Melissa made for me in the mircowave with a couple sheets of paper towel, a little water on the food that needed it, and a mircowave topper.

It was good. "You mean Rabbi." He told me. "That is cool." Howie said. "Fine, just make reherasals later, I'll call your brother Aaron and your sister, Leslie, let them know your ok and I have you for the morning." He told me, then gave me a huge hug. "Be careful ok. No DUI again, I would miss you if something bad happened to you. Even if the goverment let you go,

over just being rich and famous. It would still hurt us. Because we love you and we all want to be big in the world like Trump and them." Howie told me with a smile. Then another hug.

Chapter 4: More of the Saint. by Dani824
Author's Notes:

They learn about Saint making and are given their first test in class. Melissa and Nick go on a date, after a bad day and finding out Nick lied about some fans in the fanbase.


"Class!" Mrs. Jeremny said. "Pencils down." She said. "I hope Mr. Carter did well for his sake." She told the class. I just sighed. 'This isn't what I wanted college to be, what happened to the parties, the bikinis, the naked women?' I thought.

The teacher was making me an example, "Mr. Carter, you got an F." she told me. "If anyone gets an F, I expect improvement within a week or you will not graduate." She told the whole class and I firmly. Melissa and Eric became sad and worried for me.

After the test, "Saint making as done by the Roman Catholic church" on page 60 in your textbooks." she told us. "A saint is cannonized, investigated, and then you must petition the catholic church to have that person officially made one to have them be prayed to at all." She explained.

Someone raised their hand. "How can a human be made someone to pray to for a miracle?" She asked.

"Good question, Maria." Mrs. Jeremeny explained. "We will get to that when we get to geographical, ideological, historical, and political dictating differences in one of our later classes." The teacher answered. "But they believe if you grant 2 or 3 PROVEN beyond a doubt mirales with witnesses, you can become one." she told us. "Next week... We start on Egyptian and Mystery religions and how it infulenced the major religions of the world." The Teacher told us.


I got in my nice clothes, and finally went out on a date with Melissa. "We got the class I hope." I told her. "Yeah" she said sadly. "Nick, are you just taking me out, because you want to not have to deal with anything there later on." She asked. "Yes." I slipped. She slapped me. "Fine, if you won't take your tutoring or me seriously." She said.

I grabbed her hand. "Please, please, please don't go." I told her. "We'll do something fun. We'll go to that museum you wanted to go to." I begged her. "Just don't go, I need to pass this class." I begged her. "fine" she said. "But you got to REAL, AND MEAN IT. Not fake like you are for all those people in the midwest so you can belong to that fruad and sociopathic Sandra hacker chick and the bully army of fans she has after people." She told me. "That may be why, that cute girl, you blame stuff on FOR HER, WON'T LISTEN TO YOU, BSB, OR ANY RICH PERSON. It may also be why she is a witch if she introduced her into thinking that could be a lifestyle or even healthy." She told me firmly.

"If you don't love me, then it will be no dice for the rich, famous, powerful, and educated, especially if they hold others back." She explained.

Chapter 5: Irresistableme. by Dani824
Author's Notes:

Nick, Eric, and Melissa do study hall after class to prepare for his redo test, Nick prepares to  tests his new best friends.


"Ok, now, St. Patrick was born approxiamently 360 c.e. in the 5th century A.D., and then was taking by the Irish, probably the Celts as a Prision of War, then he went back to England and then joined the church and converted people of Ireland?" I double checked my notes.

"Nick, borrow mine." Melissa told me, "copy off of them, so you got the right information for your redo test." She told me. "You have it wrong my friend." Eric said. "He was born in Whales, and then made Irland his homeland after he was taken back there." Eric told me for the test.

"Thanks, guys." I told them. "Now, review it, say it aloud if you have to, and re-read it a 100 times or so till you memorize it soild." Eric told me, "Then you will be considered brillant and be able to be a Big Hollywood Director like Steven Spilberg or an actor like Chris Evans." Eric told me, then gave me half of a hug. Melissa gave me a full one. "Hey guys, I am off tonight, you want to go out later." I asked them, they both nodded and we made plans. I had to see what they really wanted from me.


Chapter 6: Testing the new besties! by Dani824
Author's Notes:

Nick and his friends go out, he gets them drunk enough and buzzed up on sweets to find out what they really want out of them. Kevin sees a surprise in Kentucky.


"I don't get why this isn't working?" Eric told me after 2 drinks. "How come I can't hit-hit the darts right?" He asked. "Dude, your buzzed and a little out of it." I told him. "ok, one more time. I'll hit the center then you have to buy me dinner." Eric said.

"I already bought you dinner 2 hours ago." I replied. "Well, then you have to buy me stuff to help sober me up, buddy." He said.

As we played darts and the mini basketball game in the back of the bar. I finally asked him once I let him win a game or two. Melissa was still at the table eating the chocolate cake I bought her.

"Eric, why do you want to be my best friend?" I asked him straight forward. "Because your a total jock guy and you treat me like I am "normal"." He answered, but I get that so much. I had to do it, I asked for the details. "Why through, like what do you want out of our friendship and what is expected of me, if we stay friends?" I continued asking.

"We go out from time to time, I help you right now with the DUI bit. You learn to finally protect your fans from that crazy lady, the one you didn't date.  We work mutually together to meet people and pass our final classes, and become life long friends or at least friends for a few years." He told me. I nodded that would work for him, right now. "Ok, I told him, we'll do that, I'll get you something to eat then we gotta go home, you go eat at the bar, and I'll talk to Melissa make sure she is ok." I told him.

I sat down next to Melissa in a simple pink dress top and black mini skirt and high heels. "Why do you wear that?" I asked her. "Are you trying to date me?" I asked. "Because it would help if I knew." I told her with a friendly laugh. She laughed with me. "I wanted to make you 2 look "good"." She replied. Sighing, "I am sorry, if I didn't..." she tried to say.

"No, that's not why I am asking Melissa." I told her. "What are we?" I asked. "Are we friends, are we FWBs, are we boyfriend/girlfriend, do you want to be married as soon as you get out of college with a 2 year old?" I asked her. She didn't answer. "I don't know, can I tell you tomorrow." She replied. "Fine, but pick one and tell me so I know. Your driving the guys and I crazy about it, darling." I told her.


Kevin had just put Mason to bed and was still singing. "Now, go to sleep and have good, la, la, la." He sang as he got the baby bottle ready, just in case and place in a holding container that would stay warm for a couple hours.

Then he saw it. A beautiful woman just standing there looking at him. Then disappering. "What was that?" He asked himself. Then picked up his cell phone and called Brian. "Cousin, I think their back for St. Patrick's Day." He told him. As he sat down on the chair and wrote a list of stuff to look up online in the morning. Kevin decided to wait to go to bed, and tell Brian what happened in the morning.

Chapter 7: Demons' Spring time! by Dani824
Author's Notes:

The demon lady starts haunting the group and talking about a coin, bridesmaids at a golden wedding, and crying and screaming about lost loves. Scares the bejesus out of Brian. Nick, Melissa, and Eric see the demon at college. Someone leaves a note.


"WHAT IS GOING ON!" Kevin asked me behind my back and made me drop my V8 fruit juice drink. I gave him a huge hug; seeing him in his simple dark blue t-shirt and jeans.

"KEVIN!" I shouted giving him a huge hug. "This is Melissa and Eric." As I pointed to them. Leslie was there, getting dinner for the group since she knew what we all liked to eat as

we sat down, the 5 of us and my family at a table and my 2 new friends.

"What happened with Melissa first of all?" Howie asked. "We're friends for now." I answered she still seemed a bit out of it emotionally and slightly depressed. "You know there is this haunting at the college that just started?" I told them.

"Would it have something to do with the lady in green I saw, 2 nights ago?" Kevin asked. "Well, why don't you guys compare stories, I heard of your rumored exploits. Tell us all, why don't we all." Eric said, the group feeling some peer pressure from

him, gave in.

"Ok. 2 night ago..." Kevin started.


"I had just put the baby to bed, then took the bottled milk and put it in the heat container. Then water some flowers for my wife, to surprise her when she got hom. I thought it would delight her and make her feel wonderful about our new family and.." Kevin got a bit frustrated talking about it.

Starting to cry a bit. "..but we have been fighting lately and haven't had a night of just pure US and LOVE in almost a six months." Kevin was about to cry. That is the thing about my friends, their all criers, so you can't really take them to movies like "Titantic" and the women of the group, the married, girlfriends, and friends.

They cry over things, I simply don't understand, or are so sensative to different things, that they don't get each other then turn against each other.

Kevin contiued with his story. "I saw this woman, this 5'5" beautiful, red haired woman, with turn of the century victorian clothes on, with green and gold and a shamrock, and was crying. Then I heard in my head. "I need your gold, Kevin. I need gold from your "Buffy" and your friends from Heaven, give it to me, Kevin. I can fix you and your wife, and then I can be a bride." Then,...

I heard screaming, like people being tortured and tormented horribley." He said with fear and a huge sigh. "I heard her scream and scream and scream and then turn into a dead bride and I couldn't think." He said. Then I must of went into shock, because I ran like crazy to Mason's Nursey." Kevin told us with fear and passion. "I was afraid she would go after him." He told us, then I felt the cold breeze come upon me. Then I heard someone say something in some ancient language and heard her give a frustrated scream at me. Then left.

Then I was in Mason's room till Kristen got home." Kevin finished as he began eating his Talapheia and veggies.


"That was so interesting." Leslie said. "Let me know if you guys are trying to get rid of any ghosts, it sounds fun." She told me, then calmed me down by rubbing my arm like the big sister she is. "My turn." I chimmed in. "I have seen her too at college, I thought it was just me, till last night when we went out." I told them....


"Nick that isn't last night, that is 2 nights ago, like Kevin was." Howie corrected me. My new friends giggled a bit and blushed a little bit. "Well, here goes..." as I began narrating.

"We were in the libary preparing to leave for dinner and to go to home then the club for the rest of the night. Then we all saw her, same woman, but dead!" I began. She had scares up and down her face, glass poked through her, wooden stakes in her, swords in her and in the same outfit and then changed herself into a black and gray hair green, gray, and decaying bride. Screaming and screaming, and screaming. "I want and NEED YOUR GOLD." She screamed and chased Melissa and I, before I called Howie to go out." I told them.

As I remembered her, perfectly, a beautiful, 5'5" woman, red, curly hair like you see in magazines, all done up in an updo bun with shamrocks and pink roses in her hair. In a white and green dress with a gold shamrock, then changed into a woman that was dead incarnate. Decaying skin, bone arms and legs, lacey dress with green ribbions and a gold shamrock in the center, no cross, no heart, no nothing to speak of on her. But screams, begging and begging for gold, constantly crying and crying, and crying.

Melissa looked at Leslie, and they both shivered. "I don't like her either." Leslie told Aaron. "I know she sounds horrible. Is she a banshee demon thing?" He asked. "Besides, when did BSB start doing "Buffy"'s job?" Aaron asked. "I think they started, because that girl needed them to in Ohio a long time ago, and now everyone needs them to, and she is still training them and the fans, but I bet she is a nice girl or wants to be." Leslie said, she could never think the worse of anyone. Her or her husband.

Brian chimmed in, "Mine is the freakiest." Brian said. "No, it's NOT!" Aj almost yelled. "MINE IS." He stated over him. As the 2 of them started to lightly bicker. "Brian, go first." Eric said.


"It was after my birthday..." ,as Brian began to narrate.

"We were out in the park with Baylee, and I saw the same woman, nothing to show she was deceased or a demon, but..." As he thought about that day with Leighanne and Baylee and how those 2 never noticed a thing till much later.

She was walking around outside in her green and white dress, then turned into a bride, a living bride as if she had lost her groom, and began screaming and crying, then horns appeared on her head and nose.

As Leighanne and Brian looked around, and then made sure Baylee was looking the other way towards the parking lot.

As Brian slowed it down again in his mind, her super curly red hair changing into straight hair, and cascading down her dress with those pink and green roses and ivy in it. The heart necklace with a piece of gold nugget at it's center, but yet...

She had eyes greener than any person's eyes ever were alive or in photoshop for that matter. Wondering what she was and how come all they heard was "I NEED the coin of his, I need to get the potato farmers' coin of gold to release me and then I can rule with the chosen of us legion." She sang in the tune of an irish song and flute. Through Brian and Leighanne saw nothing.

As Baylee looked back to see whom sang such a selfish and greedy song. "I need this coin you see, to help us legion, we shall be, ruling over you, with a fake of he. Once I find the coin, one of those singers have, it will set me free. Bridesmaids at his golden wedding to us demons, we shall be, god may never bow down to me, but humans you shall flee once that Irish curse is brought over to you and no longer to me." She sang in a C minor tone.

"That is what happened." He told Leighanne later when they got home and the family began to pray and then Brian called Kevin that night and Howie to let them know what was going on and eventually Nick.

They had all ate the food by then. "Now, can I go, so we can get down to why we are having this meeting?" AJ asked impatiently. "ok." Leighanne answered.

"Last night I had stayed over late for rehersals...." He began narrating.

"Help!" A lady shouted as AJ and some of the grip crew were trying to pick up the stage area. It wasn't unusual for arenas, venues, clubs, and bars where singers and their employees worked to haunted. What made this unusual was this ghost had no reason to be there at all.

"Help!" She continued shouting as AJ ran back to grab his suitcase and back pack and heard her and came to help. "Are you alri-" He tried to say, but saw no one. "AAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" She screamed. "He won't marry me like he will you!" The demon banshee screamed then turned into a bride, and cried even more. "NOW GIVE ME YOUR GOLD UP IN HEAVEN." She demanded.
"NO!" AJ replied, "NEVER! I EARNED IT, DAMMIT!" AJ told her off. She got pissed and tried to kill him with a lighting device. But the grip man pushed him out of the way, and luckily all he broke was his leg and AJ was safe.

As Aj finished his story. "So tonight, we all got to do an external exocism and get rid of this woman or find out who can or which fan she is after to get rid of her, otherwise, we might have to call off some shows of the upcoming tour. You guys don't have any antique coins or something that would allow her to come in, do you?" AJ asked us. "No." We all replied. "Maybe." Howie said.  We all looked at him. "I'll tell you how I got it tomorrow. I feel sleepy for some reason." Howie said.

Then Howie found a note, that came out of nowhere. It read. "pab kuv os! MUAB KOJ COV NPIB KUB NTAWM LUB CEEB TSHEEJ, HOWIE, THIAB TXHOB MUAJ COV SLAYER UAS YOG TOM QAB ME." and the send was "Singer rau lub tshav ntawm lub teeb" aka a follower demon of the one whom fell from Heaven.

"HELP ME, GIVE ME YOUR GOLD COINS FROM HEAVEN, HOWIE, AND STOP THE SLAYER WHOM IS AFTER ME." the note read in Irish. "Singer to the sun of light" it read in english to Howie and I, since I was next to both him, Aaron, and then Leslie. We all stared in shock.

Chapter 8: Preparing for St. Patrick's Day! by Dani824
Author's Notes:

The group gets together and decides to pray to get rid of her.


"I don't know why I fainted Nick." Howie told me. "It will be ok, Howie." I told him and gave him a big hug. "Are you sure it will work and do we have to do it on St. Patty's day?" AJ asked. "It will work reguardless, but we're doing it for a couple days and St. Patrick's day, which means no drinking for you and I and definately no driving or getting high or too much partying or sinning is out." I told AJ. "Who are you, Brian?" He asked sarcastically.

"It's a perfect plan it will work, then we can party a little and I can get back to life as usual and can celebrate Passover with my new friend, Eric." I told AJ. "Eric is jewish," he said. "cool." He replied back to me with a smile and a hug. As we got all set, we both sighed. "AAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" The demon screamed again. "What is your plan pray tell?" She asked. "Not allowed to tell you bad ass demon, it's not allowed, you smell too much like bad garlic anyways and garbage." AJ told her off. She left in a huff of dust and decaying green smoke, we both ran out of the venue to the buses at the same time to tell Kevin what happened.

"KEVIN!" We both spoke at once. "Demon, screamed, scary, help." We both said. He just laughed for a minute. "What did you say to her?" He asked. "We told her she smelled like bad garlic and garbage." AJ answered. "Fine, but why do you come in here, your both in your 20's, heck AJ is almost 30's." Kevin answered. "because we missed you." I told him. "We're going to miss you more when your gone and Howie fainted." AJ told him.

"Ok, I'll page someone for him on the walkie phones." Kevin told them. "Now, get back to work, pray extra, and no more partying for a while. Have Nick's new friends help." He bossed us firmly and as politely and cheery as he could. Even if it was just for show to keep us going.

He gave us big hugs. "Now, hang in there guys, see you soon." He told us, then gave us another big hug and ran out behind us. "Why does he do that?" I asked as Kevin ran past us. "I don't know." AJ said, as we ran to catch up and get to Howie.

Chapter 9: Bye, Bye, Bye, Banshee! by Dani824
Author's Notes:

BSB gets rid of a Banshee on St. Patrick's day, thinks they see the Saint or an angel of the Saint.


"I am scared Nick, what if this doesn't work?" Howie asked. "Howie." Nick told him; "your scared every time we get rid of a demon, your scared they will try to kill us again." I reminded him.

"Do they usually do that?" Howie asked, acting scared for me, more than not knowing or curious, and he knew I knew that, but still was worried for me. You could see it in his rubbery and dimpled face. "Yes, but it will be ok." I told him.

"Stop acting like a Muppet!" I yelled at him. "Chill Nick." AJ told me. "Let's do this, so I can have sex with my honey and protect my friends and employees." Alex went all firm and serious, he must have been upset by seeing the light nearly hit Howie and breaking that guy's leg.

"Kevin, we ok?" I asked. "Do you have the notes, and the prayers we wrote, and my books from my suitcase?" I asked. "Yes, but why did I have to get them?" He asked. "Because I got the snacks." I told him. "We totally got to work on reorganizing this." He told me. "Since when did I do your job?" He told me annoyed. "Kevin, I love you, don't do that. I am sorry, I am bratty and lazy." I told him as my friend.

"Brian, you ready, huh, huh?" I asked. "Nick why don't you do it?" He asked. "Me, do it?" I said in shock. As we all sat at the table AJ had us put up in the group room backstage early on in the day before work even started. "I am barely up, Nick, you do it." Brian told me. "But, but, but..." I said in shock.

"Your 25, it won't kill you, I think, come on." Brian told me. "Fine." I said. The Banshee appeared as a combination of the bride's dress and the dead look and scared the crap out of us. "What are you trying to do?" She asked. "What do you think?" Howie answered her. She screamed the loudest scream I have ever heard till I was almost death.


She screamed till we were almost deaf in the ears. "JESUS!" We all yelled at once. She looked in shock. "Jo sóc d'Irlanda" She screamed back, "STOP IT!" I heard all in my head as the scream continued.


"I praise you in the highest for blessing my family, my land, and my friends, and even some of my enemies whom wish to be my friends." I screamed. "Bless Howie and his coin and break the Banshee free from us back to Hell, we are thankful for everything and forgive us all of our sins and send all demons known and not known to our brains and hearts away from us." I pray. "In Jesus' name, blood, and in the convent of the ark and the flame that was on Mt. Siani and on the burning bush to prove your real to human kind, make it real God." I Prayed shouting. The group repeated. "I LOVE HOWIE, AND THE BACKSTREET BOYS, MY FAMILY, FRIENDS." I prayed harder. "

"Jo estic amb el seu avantpassats, granja, mina d'or, predicador, or, or, or,... ajuda, Irlanda, leaprecauns, deixar de pregar amb ells, Àngels fent yoursleves pretendre el seu-los. Què, què, què, què!" She said looking scared as we all began praying harder.

"Ajuda, ajuda, ajuda!!!!!!!!!" She talked to some little angel whom I saw shrink and turn into a leaprecan right there. As she screamed the end.

"I am related to your ancestors, farm, gold mine, preacher, gold, gold, gold,, Ireland, leaprecauns, stop praying with them, you angels making yoursleves pretend your them. What, what, what, what!
Help, Help, Help!!!!!!!!!" I heard her say in my head. Even through the others couldn't tell what she was saying at all.

As Howie got beat up, and the coin glowed and she screamed as she flashed away in a huge fire that hit her and as black and blue duct tape finally crossed her mouth.

"The lord can claim a win on you." A myster voice said. As quiet, firm, and wise as can be. "No ST. PATRICK, NO!" She screamed as she meet her end to go back to Hell as arrows hit her, through we had no idea where they came from or whom sent them to go after our demons for us. ;)

Then the angels slashed her as she went to Hell for now again. "I will send St. Patrick greetings for you, being his guardian Angel and all, I just occassionally on earth." He said, but he looked like him. Red hair, green eyes, big nose, danity male features, and looked like a hard core friar, which he was.

Then he disappered in a simple blue light. "Remember seek and you shall find." He said quoting the book of John.


Today was awesome, we went to St. Patrick's day party Howie had. It was fun, we had food: chips, cookies, cake, veggie plates, fruit, BBQ, DQ ice cream. Does life get any better? Seriously?

The only drag was we had to go to church to please his girlfriend and her family and go to the St. Patrick's day parade since Howie missed the wonder of seeing it so he could get the nerve to purpose to her. But we haven't been that happy. Eric and Melissa and some of my other college friends LOVED IT.

"I can't wait for Passover." Eric told me. "I hope your coming." He reminded me. "Melissa is coming, you should go at least once in your life." He told me. "Since your religion is based from ours, it may help you." He told me. Then gave me a huge hug. "YAY!" He said with a smile. "Nick said "yes" to my family's Passover Meal in 3 weeks!" He told everyone. Everyone but the guys said "YAY!" "Did you?" AJ asked. "Not yet, but I kind of told him I would go last week." I told him.

"Oh boy." Brian said. "You and telling people things Nick. I swear." Brian said as he ate some diced peaches and a chocolate chip and Green M&Ms cookies with milk.

Chapter 10: Pick a girl. by Dani824
Author's Notes:

Nick and Brian discuss Nick's love life. Nick makes a choice, then recounts(next chapter) about it.


"I was so happy." I finshed telling Brian my story. "I know." Brian answered. "You told me why you think Melissa is "the one"." he told me.

"But Nick you say that about every girl, then you find another and do it again and again and again and again." Brian continued.

"Give me a break Brian." I told him. "You don't know what it's like to have people go after your money all the time, and then use your own heart against you and your fears!" I screamed at him.

"That's it. I am dating Lauren instead soon, if she proves she loves me more than Melissa." I told him.

Brian had a disappointed look in my face. "You always worried about my morals." I told him, showing off my swagger or so I thought.

Chapter 11: Meeting Lauren. by Dani824
Author's Notes:

Melissa was at work and I meet Lauren. Brian and the guys comment.


"I am so sorry, Nick." Melissa told me, as she got dressed in her fast food uniform. "We can't go out tonight." She told me over her pink cell phone. "I hope you can forgive me and we can hook up again sometime." She told me. But I am super duper triple super emotionally and psychologically sensative, like all "Great" artists.

"I understand, but YOUR SUPPOSED to be MY GIRLFRIEND and BE THERE FOR ME MELISSA. YOU SUCK!" I shouted at her then hung up the phone and cried. Then I checked out where Lauren, another BSB fan worked.

It was a bar and grill, I ordered BBQ wings, Onion Flower, and Italian sampler. "Would you like a drink with that too, Nick, you seem sad?" Lauren asked me. Looking all hot in her black mini skirt cocktail dress and curly dark blonde tresses and blonde highlights showing her pretty hazel eyes. "Yeah, I am kind of down." I told her. "We are fighting demons and everything, and Melissa, and the classes. I am so going to fail now." I told her, then she sat down while her boss went to his "lunch", techniqually dinner, but who cares. We connected like I couldn't believe.

"That is what happened." I told the guys at lunch the next day.


"What is wrong with you?" AJ asked. "You were already dating a hot blonde and what is it with you and Virgos anyways, I will never know." He told me. "Why do you think Melissa doesn't get you?" Howie asked.

"Melissa IS NOT CATERING TO MY NEEDS, and I AM SPECIAL, and AN ARTIST and MEGA SUCCESSFUL PERSON, she NEEDS to APPRECIATE." I told them passionately; nearly shouting. "PLUS, SHE IS A WORKING POOR PERSON, and we CAN'T get into industry parties with friends like that!" I told them.

"I realize that NICK, but this is someone who you could marry someday, and even if you live with them, it may not last!" Kevin told me. "You don't know that." I flaked off Kevin as he sighed.

"Nick, your smart, you know you need to change your morals so women can see the inside of your soul and love you, you should think of changing someday and stop with the drinking and smoking and stuff. Plus, all the partying and college, don't want that DUI or to end up like AJ or worse." Brian warned. "Plus, you know the record execs some of them will sacrifice us for our sells and that is scary." Brian warned us all.

I nodded, "I know, I know." I told him sadly. Kevin began to cry and so did Howie and both left to go into the hallway and the bathroom I guess.


"That is what happened Eric." I told him outside of class at UCLA. "WOW." He said in shock.

Chapter 12: Re-thinking Passover. by Dani824
Author's Notes:

Eric watches a movie with Nick, Nick dreams him, Melissa, BSB, NKOTB, and Eric are following Moses. As well as the Backstreet Boys.

Note:Historical and religious lincense have been taken, but it isn't in a forced context as events happen, so scienctific and concidental opinions are optional and allowed for the reader.


"Nick, come on watch the movie with us!" Melissa said. "Oh come on, you just want Lauren, because she plans to cheat on her taxes or disenfrancise the average American woman or any woman someday or poor working class person. Come on we can make it work or try." Melissa told me.

"Ok." I said annoying with Melissa, because like always she was "working class" and right, at least more working class than most women I hang with.

"Come on, Nick, give Melissa a chance, not our fault, Lauren embarassed you in front of the class like that today." Eric told me.

"You would be stupid to kick out that woman from Ohio, who went through Hell or may go through more of that Hell because of her love for you; your lack of love for her or Melissa." Eric said. Trying to counsule us.

"Remember Nick, when the going gets tough, the tough make ice tea, then get going." Eric told me. "Ok, you got that mixed up along the way. But ok, I get it with the messed up phrasing, but is that your favorite?" I asked him.

"No, I do that just to get you to stop being mean to people Nick, you can't see how money, fame, greed, lust, and own concitedness have blinded you. Althrough you are in denial." he told me. I was about to beat him; but I felt someone touch me, but I looked behind me, no one was there, and Melissa was sitting down.

"ok" I said to myself. "Ok, what?" Melissa asked. "You can't date a woman who makes 25k or less a year, whoose." She told me.

"Let's just watch the movie." I said politely then turned it on and turned off the lights.

" I will NOT LET YOUR PEOPLE GO!" The King of Egypt said. "The Lord Eloheim said so." He said. "We must go to the dessert and pray to him." Moses made the excuse, and he was a young Moses too. Brown hair, middle eastern skin color and features.

I think just felt pretty warm in my nose and my stomach and fell asleep.

"Yeah, Moses you have me and Howie here working 10 more extra hours than yesterday for that!" I yelled at him. I was wearing the slave outfit as everyone else. All rags and all. "This is wrong!" I said commenting on my life and the outfit. "I know he should set us free." Melissa said. "I know, I can't wait till he does." Eric said as they towed a field with us. "Well, Nick Sith the grain." Kevin told me. "I can't." I told him, "You have to or that dude with the whip will hurt your back with lashes and they hurt dude. Remember AJ and that girl years ago, that was a model in Las Vegas?" he asked me.

"Really?" I asked. "Well, that isn't my fault, it has no bucket." I answered. "Duke, we need a basket for the grain." AJ told him. Tattoos and all exposed and all the women getting all hot for him till they saw Moses and started blessing him. "With that miracle with the river, and those boils on the Egyptians we will be out of this soon." Howie said. "Then we can make tons of money and go to Heaven, and have all the ladies, then have our own workers working for us for money way less than is their actual worth of work and we'll be celebrities." Howie said. "Dude, that is annoying." Eric replied. Howie glared. "Is this why all the countries hate you?" I asked Eric. "Yes, because first we left Egypt, and our people eventually became smarter than the whole world as well as God fullfilling his promises to us." Eric said as he picked the dates off the vine.

Then the a couple plagues later. We were partying as people killed lambs and painted them around doorways or put crosses and "X"s on their slave homes or stayed with friends, because Moses told everyone too.

"What is happening tonight?" I asked Moses. "Curse of the First born, are you guys from Philstania?" He asked me. "You mean Greece." I answered. "You look like your from there." He said. "Well, whomever you are and where your really from, I hope the Lord will help get you home and then I get my notes written down and we can talk about it in Heaven someday." He said with a smile. "Please, do it." He told me. "You do have children in your quarters and all people under my God and that wish to travel with us, should do it." He told me. "Ok." I said.

"He has a whole meal for this to be a "plant day" and for people to under the deliver; the TRUE deliver from him when he comes." He told me. "You mean Jesus?" I asked. "Who?" He asked. "Never mind." I told him. "Well, I think we should get ready for tomorrow, it will be a big day and then a couple of days after that, a HUGE day for you." I told him. "How did you know that?" He asked. "I am on a time travel trip I think." I told him. He just looked at me confused. "God bless you, whomever you are." he said.

As I left, Howie came out. "He doesn't know about the Baal thing on the moutain in Saudi Arabia or the whole golden calf, or all the people whom will cheat on their wives after all that and the massacare there, does he?" Howie asked.

"No." I told him. "Just that, we're not supposed to be here, but he told us to do it anyways, Howie." I told him. "Ok." He said.

That night, I woke up. I saw a person walk by the edge of town, near where we were sleeping with a small family and their 4 children, and 10 goats and sheep in between us. We slept in a small wooden shack and mud hut with cots on the floor. It was dang, we had a small calounder for that area, papyrus, and a broom. Some basic dishes, and self made toothbrushes. We used what we could with honey and basic soap for cleaning and for our teeth and bodies. We all slept together in our big cout since Howie and AJ got scared. But asked them if they were scared like me, they wouldn't admit to it. Melissa and Eric, were across the room.

The angel turned into a swriling light and killed all the first born, adult and children of the Egyptians and not his people.

The next day, "MOSES HAS SPOKE WITH PHAROAH. WE ARE FREE!" He exclaimed, then jumped up and down. It was huge parade of people leaving, it was happy for the first 2 days, then as we began camping, and people even stole back stuff from the Egyptians as their parents blessed them.

After three days, "Moses, how long till we are at the promise land?" People kept asking and asking.

Then a week later, we were at the end of Egypt by moutians and the red sea and could see an island popping up then disappering. "That's weird?" Melissa said to Nick. "I didn't know that. This is real cool." She said. The next day, Pharaoh attacked us all, the immagrants with us, the slaves, everyone, even Moses's army, it was a rag-tag group. But I didn't realize he even had one. Then he did the stuff thing as a light ascended upon him, then boom, the waves whoosed as we all ran across the sea. Then as Pharoah and his troops got sank under the water, then we were at the end. "Everyone was partying but us at the Golden Calf as Moses brought down the commandments. You could see on his face, he was freaking out at the party." I said as I woke up from my dream. The whole room staring at me as the guys from Backstreet Boys and NKOTB walked in, whom were also in my dream, but very quietly hanging with us.

"What?" Brian asked. "You clearly got into the movie." Brian told me as I was waking up.

"My friend, it has been 2 hours!" Eric told me. "Now, come let's get you a snack and some water, and get you and Melissa home, and your BSB friends shall take you to rehearsal." He told me. I looked at him in shock. "No!" I shouted back. "TONIGHT'S MY NIGHT OFF FROM WORK AND COLLEGE!" I freaked. Melissa and the guys all laughed at their prank. "Hey!" I shouted back. "What did I do to?" I asked. "Nick, your a jerk, that is why Lauren loves you. Plus, you never give working girls a chance, not even that nice one from Ohio would have a chance with you and I bet, she loves you and your lying to her online as well." She told me. "You need to grow up and stop being about "You", YOUR NOT 5." She told the whole group and I.


Chapter 13: A friend that loves you like a fool day! by Dani824
Author's Notes:

It's April Fool's day and Nick decides to make up with his friends and let them know they matter to him too.


"I can't believe you were on me like that Melissa!" I yelled at her. "Now we have to go to Eric's Passover so I can understand the meal part Brian made me read last night before I went to bed." I told her.

"Brian told you to read that part of Exodus and you did?"she told me. Then kissed my lips. "I love you too." I told her with a smile. "I love you more." she told me with a huge smile. I couldn't help but blush.

"Are you going to the Passover dinner near the full moon in Spring?" Eric asked us after class. "Yes" we both said. He got really happy. "Then you 2 can help me study for my theological and American History exams. YAY!" Eric shouted cheerfully.

"See, it made him smile." I told Melissa. "Well, have fun and make sure you make your club shows when you have that club tour." Melissa told me. "I will, then I got Howie's wedding to go first in June, wanna come?" I asked her. She smiled. "Yes!" She shriked. "YAY!" She replied excitedly. "I LOVE YOU, YOUR SO AWESOME! YOU AND BSB! YAY!" She screamed.

"YOU'LL TOTALLY TOUR WITH THE NKOTB SOMEDAY!YAY!" She screamed happily with happy tears next.

I smiled back happily, I was happy to have my girlfriend back at least till after the wedding, then I don't know what I was going to do.

Chapter 14: Preparing the class for a Seder by Dani824
Author's Notes:

Nick goes to Eric's apartment to learn about the passover meal with Brian, Eric, and Melissa. Howie comes up with a plan to get him to date Lauren instead of his soulmate from Ohio.

I read the overview from the website:

1.Kadeish  – recital of Kiddush blessing and drinking of the first cup of wine
2.Urchatz  – the washing of the hands
3.Karpas  – dipping of the karpas in salt water
4.Yachatz – breaking the middle matzo; the larger piece becomes the afikoman
5.Maggid – retelling the Passover story, including the recital of "the four questions" and drinking of the second cup of wine
6.Rachtzah  – second washing of the hands
7.Motzi, Matzo  – blessing before eating matzo, and Maror  – eating of the maror, Koreich – eating of a sandwich made of matzo and maror
8.Shulchan oreich  – lit. "set table"—the serving of the holiday meal
9.Tzafun  – eating of the afikoman(broken matzo)
10.Bareich  – blessing after the meal and drinking of the third cup of wine
11.Hallel  – recital of the Hallel, traditionally recited on festivals; drinking of the fourth cup of wine
12.Nirtzah  – say "See you in Jerusalem again!"

"So when you take the Yachatz and break it to show the forth coming of the Messiah in your religion, and then do the thing with the Matzo and Maror, that represents the sacrifice of Jesus?" I asked Brian. "Nick! I don't know. It's your group presentation for the Mid semseter, and you already got the final project done. You tell me, pretend I am Mrs. Jermeny." Brian told me, "Tell Melissa and Eric too; too!" He said with a smile and a laugh.

"Why did you print that out to ask me about how Eric will have the Seder?" Brian asked me; "The whole group is going and so is Melissa." Brian said with a smile. "I don't like her." Howie D. said, "Me either," AJ said. "She has to look like a super model and act like a bar tender like Lauren does." AJ replied with a smile.

"That is the kind of girl we date and then have sex like a prostitute, because we like to pretend we follow that "Do what thou Wilt and love each other." lie the Devil preached to Alestor Crowely dude." AJ said with a laugh. Brian hit him; "Hey, we don't follow that, so what if we believe what 80's rock stars say and want us to go Hell. It's not a big deal." AJ replied to him.

Not realizing, he made and obvious point about us, we did tend to take advantage of women, girls, and people, and make asses of oursleves and of religious people for our own ends. Like all lame rockstars and former pop stars.

"Ok, so we'll pray first then go." I told them, "it's at 5 o' clock." I told them.

--------------------------:'(                           :'( --------------------

"I want Lauren Kitt, BSB DESERVES SUPER MODELS AND HO'S!" I yelled to myself as I threw my backpack in Kevin's California Vacation home. "Howie!" He responded surprised at my anger.

Howie had other plans for Melissa, I, and that sweet woman from Ohio, who just wanted to be loved and needed us. But all we could do was be a Judas and betray her for the rich, the pretty, and the evil.

"KEVIN I HATE NICK SO MUCH!" I yelled. "Donald Trump and all those secret society guys that had us so down in Flordia, New York, Texas, and here. Nick is going to give up us getting into the Freemasons, The Shriners, the Bohemian Groovers, The Beilderburgs, all because he is in love with that slut Sandra tried to destroy in Ohio since she was 8!" I, Howie D. yelled angry. "I worked hard for years, just so I could be as good as those people!" I continued to yell.

"That may be true,.." Kevin replied as he cleaned the kitchen of his room a little bit of his house. "Yes, but we need to break them, Melissa, and Nick up for good." Howie told him. "We worked TOO HARD to have some "little person" who claims to love us for us, to be trying to save us or help Jesus save us." I told Kevin.

"She can't help it, Nick figured it out 2 years ago with the visions and demon slayings he has been doing." Kevin explained to me. "I know. But how are we supposed to get in good with the NWO when we have a Christian trying to stop both sides and sometimes all sides of the group, we need someone rich, colleigate, and how a woman should be, you know all about her hair and her money." I told Kevin.

"So we make her think, that her powers aren't real, then we make it look like to all the fans we do the same thing, then we lie to the State of Ohio and trick her into signing illegal contracts and that will save the group, we keep Sandra, and we can discriminate against the poorer fans and the fans who actually have read "The Social Contract", "The True America", and Alexandre' Dumas books, when he wasn't writing "The Three Muskeeters"." I told him. "Fine, Sweet D.; what do you suggest?" Kevin asked me. I smiled mischieviously.



"Ok Nick, this is how it works. The Seder is about Slavery and breaking free of it in Egypt, and the coming of the Messiah to us, Jews." Eric told me the next day with a gleeful smile.

I kissed Melissa, she had grown into the "Best Girlfriend EVER!". I was so happy, being Nick Carter ROCKED! I giggled delightfully to myself. "What are you laughing about Nick?" Eric asked. "How happy and lucky I am, I can't believe it." I told him.

"The whines are the four worlds to come. The beginning, the Messianic age, the world at the revival of the dead, and the world to come!" He explained.

As he showed me with some food he had for his own family coming to his Passover Seder at his small apartment in L.A.

""Maror" and "Chazeret" are usually Romane Lettuce and Horseraddish." He said, ""Charoset" is basically ancient peanut butter with some sweet fruits, my ancestors used at holidays. Your Jesus would have too, if were really a Jew, but there is some debate of that within the religious community I am in." Eric reminded me; ""Karpas" is Sachatash as you US Americans call it, with bitter herbs, usually it is potatos, clerey, with vinegar and the potato and clery are dipped into salt water." He told me.

"This happens at the beginning of the Seder." Eric continued. "Question boys!" Melissa announced to us; "Where does the lamb and egg come into this and the orange thing?" Melissa asked Eric, finally, praticing for Eric's class assignment of present what your family does at the holiday and how you can use it for the benefit of your community or communities your involved with. I was helping for right now; "Ok the "Zeroa is the roasted Lamb bone, it is Sacrifice, the bitter herbs symbolize bitter treatment of the Jews/Hebrews. The Lamb bone usually represent Sacrifice which was at the Temple on the Temple Mount In Jerusalem. The Beitzah is the hard boiled egg, it represents "The Night of the Passover"." Eric Continued. "As for the salt water and the vinegar either one can be dipped into, not both." I said.

"The Orange represents, the marginalized peoples and women." Eric finished. Melissa raised  her hand again pretending to be a student for the presentation for Eric. "Eric, what does the "Charoset" mean?" She asked. "It's mortar the Jews used to build the ancient mounments of Egypt." he repiled. "YAY!" Brian smiled, "Good job, guys." He smiled.

"here is how you eat it." Melissa started for the group presentation for our class. " You drink the whine to bless the meal, of chorse we can't do this during class hours." She said with a laugh, "then you dip the veggies into the vinegar or the water." She continued. "Then you eat the lamb, the orange, and hard boiled egg." She finished. Then it was my turn. " It is the one of a couple Jewish holidays focued on children and they usually tell them these things, there was a famous TBN special on in the 1980's." I continued.

Ma nishtana ha lyla ha zeh mikkol hallaylot?
Why is this night different from all other nights?

1.Shebb'khol hallelot anu okh’lin m17;amets umatsa, vehallayla hazze kullo matsa?
Why is it that on all other nights during the year we eat either leavened bread or matza, but on this night we eat only matza?
2.Shebb'khol hallelot anu okh’lin sh’ar y'rakot, vehallayla hazze maror?
Why is it that on all other nights we eat all kinds of vegetables, but on this night we eat bitter herbs?
3.Shebb'khol hallelot en anu matbillin afillu pa‘am em17;at, vehallayla hazze sh'tei fe‘amim?
Why is it that on all other nights we do not dip [our food] even once, but on this night we dip them twice?
4.Shebb'khol hallelot anu okh’lin ben yosh’vin uven m'subbin, vehallayla hazze kullanu m'subbin?
Why is it that on all other nights we dine either sitting upright or reclining, but on this night we all recline?

 Shebb'khol hallelot anu okh’lin basar tsali shaluk umvushal, vehallayla hazze kullo tsali.
Why is it that on all other nights we eat meat either roasted, marinated, or cooked, but on this night it is entirely roasted?
" I spoke to myself. "Then I did the answer segment. 1.We eat only matzah because our ancestors could not wait for their breads to rise when they were fleeing slavery in Egypt, and so they were flat when they came out of the oven.
2.We eat only Maror, a bitter herb, to remind us of the bitterness of slavery that our ancestors endured while in Egypt.
3.The first dip, green vegetables in salt water, symbolizes the replacing of our tears with gratefulness, and the second dip, Maror in Charoses, symbolizes the sweetening of our burden of bitterness and suffering.
4.We recline at the Seder table because in ancient times, a person who reclined at a meal was a free person, while slaves and servants stood.
5.We eat only roasted meat because that is how the Pesach/Passover lamb is prepared during sacrifice in the Temple at Jerusalem." I finished.

"Then he explains the 2nd cup of whine, then the washing, and then the bread thing." I told Brian. "Ok, can I go to sleep now?" I asked Eric. "he laughed, I can't believe your DUI is up in 3 months YAY!" Eric replied with a smile. "Dude, you'll need to re-test and take driving classes again, but then you get to get re-tested and driving again!" Eric told me with a smile. "I can't wait, then Melissa and I will get married and have children and life will be AWESOME!" I yelled happily as I fell on Eric's coach of his medium sized apartment.

"Ok, how do we say the Ten Plagues of Egypt in Hebrew?" Brian asked Eric finally, knowing the teacher would ask him that.

"Do I have to?" Eric asked. "Well, it's midnight, and we all need to get home and get some sleep, the tour is in 2 weeks! We already got promo next week after this project, and he already has his Easter one done for the final project of the class." Brian told Eric, whom seemed impress. "Ok, I'll do it just for the fun of it." Eric told us, as Melissa and I did one last kiss and a hug. "Ok, here is how it works, the whole dinner or supper as you people down south understand it. The last bit of the presentation we forgot to cover, ok. Brian here goes:" Eric started again.

"The Haggadah asks the meaning of those verses, and embellishes the story of The Exodus. This way of Storytelling describes the slavery of the Jewish people and our possible miraculous salvation by God. This culminates in an enumeration of the Ten Plagues that was placed on the Pharoh of Egypt and his people.":"Eric began.

"1.Dam (blood)—All the water was changed to blood
2.Tzefardeyah (frogs)—An infestation of frogs sprang up in Egypt
3.Kinim (lice)—The Egyptians were afflicted by lice
4.Arov (wild animals)—An infestation of wild animals (some say flies) sprang up in Egypt
5.Dever (pestilence)—A plague killed off the Egyptian livestock
6.Sh'chin (boils)—An epidemic of boils afflicted the Egyptians
7.Barad (hail)—Hail rained from the sky
8.Arbeh (locusts)—Locusts swarmed over Egypt
9.Choshech (darkness)—Egypt was covered in darkness
10.Makkat Bechorot (killing of the first-born)—All the first-born sons of the Egyptians were slain by God." Eric said then paused for a breath.

" With the recital of the Ten Plagues, each participant removes a drop of wine from his or her cup using a fingertip. Although this night is one of salvation, the Sages explain that one cannot be completely joyous when some of God's creatures had to suffer. A mnemonic acronym for the plagues is also introduced: "D'tzach Adash B'achav", while similarly spilling a drop of wine for each word. To symbolize the people's suffering." He finally finished. "The is how Passover Seder works." Eric finished. "Ok, night, ya'll." He told us as we walked out the door.

I told my friends, "Your going to kick ass tomorrow Eric and Melissa, YIPPIE!" I cried happily.

Howie watched Brian pick us up across the street with Kevin at the club AJ was DJing at. "Yep, that is what we have to do guys." Howie D. told the guys as he threw his cigerette on the ground and smashed it.

Chapter 15: Palm Sunday, 2006 by Dani824
Author's Notes:

Nick dreams of Jesus and his final week going towards the cross. Brian is worried about his friends fighting because of secret societies trying to control the music business and trying to control Kevin and Howie.

Note: Religious quotes from the Bible with some personal variation, and also some possibly REAL, SERIOUSLY REAL Conspiracy theories. It is debated how close BSB has been to the NWO elite or any secret societies at all, but it is only for entertainment and to encourage adults and younger readers to do more research for the rest of the fanfic. Thank you.


31-34 AD-CE

Jesus at the age of 33, rode a donkey into the Jersulaeum.

"Sahlom! Sahlom! Sahlom!" His followers and disciples chanted. "WE LOVE YOU JESUS, YOU ARE THE MESSIAH! THE CHRIST!" They said, they believe it too. Then the High preists and Pharesies walked up to him. "Prove you are the Messiah. Why does this crowd cheer for you?" He asked. "I am the Messiah! If I did not speak, the rocks alone would cheer for me." He said with a smile of delight.
In a red and white rhobe and a blue, black, and white prayer shaw to show he was a Rabbi or at least consider himself one.

"HA! You claimed you could rebuild the temple within three days after it was destroyed!" The High Preist Caiophesis yelled at him, he should have known, Jesus was staying like a couple blocks away from him in the Upper Room for Passover. "I can, soon you and the whole world and Jersulaeum and even my Disciples will see." He announced. The crowd cheered in glee.

"RING! RING! RING! RING!" My cell phone rang.

It read. "Brian Littrell" then his number from Kentucky, which meant it was his cell phone.

"What is going on, Brian?" I asked. "I am worried about Howie and Kevin." He called me with a worried sound in his voice. "He got worried because some NWO guys were bothering him that run the music business. Of chorse, he said "no"; HE LOVES US AND OUR FANS, AND FAMILIES TOO MUCH!" Brian cried into the phone emphatically. "It will be ok. I am going to go to church or read my Bible about the last week of Jesus's life when they ate Passover meal every night, and stuff. Love you, Bro, we will fight and win against those big, wealthy, communist, facist, meanies, destroying the world and USA and American values." I told him.


Chapter 16: Day 2, the truth of Easter Week! The beginning! by Dani824
Author's Notes:

Brian explains the past 2 days of dealing with the Secret societies and the other 3 BSB to Nick. Nick prays for help, demons show up.

4/1/2006, after all the stuff that happened at April Fool's day!

Brian came over to my house, I was getting ready to have dinner with Eric and Melissa for Passover like I promised. "How do I look?" I asked him. In a black suite, pink top, and purple tie, and blue hush puppies. "Why are you overdressed?" He asked. "I wanted to look dapper for Melissa; so she could feel better about herself." I told Brian with a smile.

"It's ok. Relax Brian." I told him. Then Brian recalled the last 2 days for me, of what happened after Palm Sunday at church.


Chapter 17: Finding out! by Dani824
Author's Notes:

Nick and family decorate for Easter, Brian and Nick catch up.



"Brian tell me what happened to Howie again?" I asked him. "Nick, I was taking Howie some of my song ideas for our new album. For the last 2 songs." He began to explain....

"Brian, we don't need them, let's do these dance-electronica ones." Howie told Brian.

"Eat GMO, get hair in your teeth." It said backwards when I did the playback on that song.

"What the Fuck?" I asked. "It is good," Howie said, acting more nervous than normal. Then he wrote, "Tuesday" on a piece of paper.

I looked at him confused.

Then a week before that, he played me another song.

"Fire is awesome, getting burned and turning black, burn of sin hits your heart like a dick." Was some of the lyrics. I nearly threw up. Then I realized, the new producer had a weird ring on, with a Cross and crown and a Measure on there.

......"It freaked me out." Brian finished. "You didn't tell me last WEEK!" I freaked out as we got packed up and ready to go to Eric's house. "Let's get Howie, save Howie, then go to Eric's house and sing and then go to church for Good Friday." I told him.
"Ok, why aren't you freaked out?" Brian asked. "Well, I knew someone that wasn't a woman must of scared of him to be acting weirder and brattier than usual." I told him. Then gave my friend a hug, "Come on; let's go." I insisted as we both put on our suties and left the house.

Then I realized it was April Fool's day. "BRIAN!" I shouted at him. What is wrong with you!?" I freaked out.

He laughed. Showing me the camera on his neck collar under his tie. "You dick!" I shouted at him.

"Eric and I totally got you this time." We laughed.


That morning 10:35am

I was having Brian help me put up decorations with Leslie, Aaron, and I; Since my father was busy with work.
"Ok, Nick, so do you like my designs?" Leslie asked me. "Love them, Les." I told her. "Keep it up." I told her encouragingly.

"Nick do I got the little model for Easter right?" Aaron asked me. I had to arrange it so that the Romans and Towns people were placed where they should be.

"Hey, it could be worse I could be Mel Gibson and be against them." I told Aaron, "So relax, and read the Bible story here in Luke when you set it up." I told him as advice.

Then I thought I saw a demon walk by me like someone out of AJ's horror movies. "Damn." I said to myself. "WHAT?" All my siblings in the house said.

That night. 7:15pm


"Read this!" Brian told me. "You got to read this about what happened on Good Friday." He insisted. "It will be fun, then you can try and...." Brian stopped. Seeing I was putting up an Easter egg tree and a cross statue that I dusted off too. "We need to talk about you changing your decorations for Easter, Nickster!" He said with a shout and a laugh.

"Brian, I saw an Easter Bunny Demon today. I think we got to fight  him, because he became a Joss Whedon monster like in the Buffy Comic books or Spike Comics or Angel Comics." I told him, my voice full of worry. "Ok, then, I'll get the guys, we'll find out who sent them. Then kick their asses." He told me with a smile; "Now read your Bible and pray, then we'll do a demon fighting prayer thingy then get the guys to do it before our photoshoot tomorrow." Brian told me.

Chapter 18: Crazy dreams and Melissa. by Dani824
Author's Notes:

Melissa tells Nick all of her dreams for her life, Nick makes a tough decision for them. The Boys enjoy meeting Eric's family and enjoying going to a Good Friday Service with their families as a big group.


"Brian how could you do that Prank to me?" I asked him. "You had it coming." He said to me. "Melissa and I broke up, please don't push it." Nick said.

"Why, what happened?" He asked.

4/6/2006  Morning at college 7:35am

"Nick, I want for us is this, kids, being a teacher, a clean house, a car... blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, not seeing them anymore, yada yada yada yada. I want to change you." Is what I heard.

"Melissa, I don't want to marry you. This is COLLEGE." I explained. "Plus, I think the girl for me might already be there. You never know." I told her. "I am breaking up with you." I told her, of chorse, she ran to the bathroom, missed half of class, and cried her eyes out. Thank God we passed for the quarter.

Then I thought about Jesus at the last supper and being on that cross that night.

33 AD Jersuleam, Israel.

I saw Jesus getting flogged 40 times, carrying his cross down that heavy stone street, it all passed in my mind before my eyes, then being put on that cross with nails and ropes, then his throny crown, then being smeared with vineger to drink as people sold his clothes for what a slave cost, just like Judas sold him out for 30 pieces of sliver or 150 bucks for their time.


Still sad. Then how he had paid for me, althrough I had my doubts; being in music it was natural for me.

Then I thought I saw someone beating the demon outside; but no one was there. Is that why Brian reads his Bible so much? Damn. I smiled then prayed.

And went downstairs to meet Brian and the guys for Eric's passover dinner and to sing at AJ's church here in LA. tonight. Just for fun as special singer guests.

"As long as you love me, baby." Howie finished singing the song for Eric and his whole family. "Thank you my friends." He gave us huge hugs. "I am sorry about you and Melissa not working out, Nick." Eric told us. We smiled and then did a prayer with them, then went to AJ's church for service with him and his girlfriend.

"Jesus lives, and so shall I,
Death! thy sting is gone forever.
He who deigned for me to die,
Lives, the bands of death to sever.
He shall raise me with the just:
Jesus is my hope and trust. " We sang for AJ's chruch. The crowd went crazy. We bowed and enjoyed the service, of chorse US being US.

 We cried like babies, then prayed for the demons to go away and leave us for the Holiday at least and make sure our Holiday suppers weren't burnt either and that Eric and Melissa were safe and had a place in the world.



Chapter 19: 2 more days of Easter! by Dani824
Author's Notes:

Nick discovers why Easter is the way it is, Howie prepares to purpose and is about to do it.


"Ok, check this out, Sweet D!" I called for Howie. "What?" He asked all nervous as he was finishing his plans for the diner we were eating at after Easter. As I brought the history of Easter on my cell phone. "Look, look!" I showed it to him, but he didn't get it.

"Ok, here it goes, Christians were trying to convert people in Greece and southern Europe right. But their still worshipping Greek and Roman Gods and even some Chinnesse ones or really ancient ones." I explained to him. "Well, someone got smart over there and wrote "The Gospel of Nicodemious" and mentioned a rabbit in it. Since it was a symbol for the seasons and an eggs. They choose to mention it and BOOM! It got added to Easter, so they could still celebrate Spring and then want to join the Christians!" I told him happily. "Nick." Howie told me. "That is cool." As he took my phone from me.

"YOU GOT A PHONE WITH A BLACKBERRY IN IT!" Howie shouted back at me. "Your getting me one for my birthday now, I'll pay for the plan." He told me, freaking out. "Howie your nervous about proposing aren't you?" AJ asked. "I am not nervous." Howie lied badly, we were around him all the time, so we knew his manners and tells when he talked with us. He began to blush, flushed in his face, sweating, talking slower and stuttering.

"I-I-I told you guys, I am n-nott-not-NOT nervous. She will say, "Yes", then move in, then I-I'll have a son and...." Howie tried to lie.

"Howie, it's too late, your sweating way too much dude." AJ threw a towel at him and paid the manager of the resturant the money to keep it. "Use that, and we'll get you a shot of vodka before you purpose tonight. So your not as nervous, ok." AJ suggested.

"No, no alcohol." Howie told us. "Fine, we'll be at your house with your family, being your life coach and helping you." I suggested with a smirk. "I could live with that." Howie grinned a bit.


The End


"Ok, you can do it." AJ and I were there, the others ones had to go back home in other states, but they were there with Howie in prayer and spirit. It was cool to be there. We both gave him big hugs. "Ok, now get her." I said. Then we both started chanting and cheering for Howie. "HOWIE! HOWIE! HOWIE! GO DO IT HOWIE! GO HOWIE! GO HOWIE! YAY!" We cheered as he left his bedroom of his apartment and then he purposed to her there at the apartment.

"Well, at least her purposed." AJ told me.


"Then on the THIRD DAY, HE ROSE and stayed there for forty days and preached to the disciples then showed himself to many in Jersuleam, before ascending to Heaven." The preacher told us.

"I had a good Easter with you guys, I just haven't found the girl yet." I told them as we left church. Then I ran into a girl that looked strangely like Christina Aguilera. "Hi, I am Jessica Heart. Nick can borrow that ring of yours from Howie?" She asked us. We all looked at her confused. "If your a vampire slayer, you so are going to owe us." I told her with a laugh then she kissed me in her beautiful and tasteful dress.

Chapter 20: Just one kiss from you. by Dani824
Author's Notes:

Nick talks to Jessica heart and the epilouge to the story.


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"So Jessica, why do you need it, Howie just gave it to me." Nick asked.

"Because, we're......ummmmmm" Jessica Heart told Nick, her hair in a beautiful bun, her face and body in perfect shape. "Are you sure you don't have a "plain cutie" sister?" Nick asked. "Plain, sad, boring, taking care of her grandparents and friends all the time, and talking to AJ in his dreams?" Nick kept asking.

"No." Jessica lied. Howie knew who she was the moment she did that. "Oh my gosh, I remember you. But why, I don't..." Howie started to talk then she kissed him on the cheeks. Then kissed Nick on the lips and took it anyways. "I love you, Nick, I am glad your my husband in the future. I am doing this to save us." Jessica told them and left. "What was that?" Nick looked in shock.

"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" Howie yelled. "She took the ring I gave you!" Howie yelled. "Why did you let her Nick?" Howie asked. "You could have stopped her." Howie reminded him. "Your right." Niick said. "I did it because I think I remember who she is, under that Christina Aguilera look. But why is she wearing that?" Nick asked. "I don't know." Howie said.

"I do." AJ told them. "She is here to save us and Nick. I think something happened and we're trapped in our fanfics or something, in my dream it was about that in Febuary." AJ told them. "We'll treat her better next year and invite her to Easter, and Nick you still owe that girl just one REAL FULL DATE with you. No people stealing you or interrupting and making it a half date or less or being stood up." AJ told him.

"I will." Nick said. "I will." Nick said with a sigh. As the group looked at Howie and thought they saw Jesus walk by the modern window in the prayer room of the church. "Let's go pray and go home." Nick said finally, "Just go home." Nick said one last time before kneeling with the others to pray on the pews in there.


The Final End of the story, more to come!  Happy Easter to ALL and to all a Happy, Healthy, Blessful Spring!

This story archived at