"I Need you" from "I am lost without you" from Dani824 by Dani824


A song from my Nick Carter fanfic as written by me with Piano chords. Enjoy, it's only a 3 chords at a time song, but it goes with the song to the woman he wants to marry, enjoy.

Categories: Poetry/Songs Characters: None
Genres: None
Warnings: None
Series: None
Chapters: 1 Completed: Yes Word count: 258 Read: 1083 Published: 05/08/12 Updated: 05/08/12
Story Notes:

Song will also appear in my fanfic, "Lost without you".

1. I Need You by Danielle W. by Dani824

I Need You by Danielle W. by Dani824
Author's Notes:

Song will appear in fanfic tonight. Was written today.

Created 2:07pm 5/8/2012

Created by Danielle W.


I Need You

C # & C minor with B major repeated

I shut my eyes at midnight. /Oh baby, why did you make me cry?


Tell me why you left me, pl-e-ea-ease. /You got me dying on my Knees./



B major & C minor with A#2hold repeat through chorus

I need you from the break of dawn./ Cutie, your always on my mind./


I need you from dawn till midnight, dancing hearts till dusk; all day long./


C'mon, oh come and take me on again. I need you. I N-E-E-D Y-O-U. I NEED YOU.

C# & Cminor with B major repeated

I opened up my eyes, dreamt of you./ We're there, without even our underwear./


Tell me where you want to go? Do you want me; Yes or No?/ Yes or No!/ O meed ya' now. Come on be Mine!/



Chrous 2 times



C# & A minor with B major through bridge

I cry all the time; baby be mine! I think about us all the time. /Cutie, without those ocean blue eyes looking at mine. /I need to make me feel like I am complete. I can't live without you, oh yes I know./ Don't freeze me in the snow. Just tell me now. Honey, I need you, tell me now, no more crying out, no more being without is it yes or no? /Honey, I need you. I need you./


Chrous 3 times and fades out

This story archived at http://absolutechaos.net/viewstory.php?sid=10922