"Breathing you in" from Backstreet Boys in "Love on the Fourth of July!(Summer Holidays/Howie D. and the group 2012)" by Dani824


Story: Howie must save the group, NKOTB, fans, and their families from unknown witches and spells. Song: Song is about falling so deep in love you can't get over the person.

Categories: Poetry/Songs, Fanfiction > Backstreet Boys Characters: AJ, Brian, Group, Howie, Kevin, Nick, Other
Genres: Drama, Dramedy, Fantasy
Warnings: None
Series: None
Chapters: 1 Completed: Yes Word count: 707 Read: 1046 Published: 06/04/12 Updated: 06/04/12

1. Breathing you In by Dani824

Breathing you In by Dani824
Author's Notes:

BSB's 2012 Howie's Holiday fanfic song
"Breathing you in."

Created by: Danielle W.

Created on:5/31/2012

 Song's story: The song is about falling so deep in love with a person, you can't get over them. Using the metaphor of breathing something in and not being able to get it out of you. Like Turkey at Thanksgiving or orchads or Carnation flowers scent.

BSB's 2012 Howie's Holiday fanfic song
"Breathing you in."

Created by: Danielle W.

Created on:5/31/2012

"Breathing you in."

"ohhhhhhh" Aj sang, "yeahhhhh-um yeah, ohhh, yeah" Brian sings after.

Verse 1

B minor whole note 5 with B major and C minor Whole note 11 Tenor.

I feel your body against me, against the morning dew./ I feel your love surround me; I know I can't seem to get enough of you./

You bless me with your kisses every night; you haunt my soul, my mind, my heart, my love ALL DAY./ Then when you finally kiss me, I am happy as one can be, knowing forever your with me./

Then I feel this grip of loneliness, then I know I need to feel your love on me, bannana splits every night./ I need to feel you WITH-IN ME. Just so I can sleep tonight.

Bridge A

B minor whole note 9 with B major with C minor whole note 8 tenor.

When I had a hard day, when I need to know "love is real"/ that is why I feel like your here./ Need you everyday and night. I am sorry we had a fight, be FOREVER mine./

Need you ALL THE TIME./ Never wanna let you go, then when I touch you, I feel us glow./ Never leave my side, baby./ I need you to KNOW-OW-WHOA!/


B minor whole note 7 with B major with B# half note 13 tenor with bass voice.

Breathe you in and breathe you out./ This love will NEVER end despite our doubts, morning till noon, till noon to night, from dusk till dawn./ Babe, you know I am NEVER GONE./Always be by your side.

I am always breathing you in, not just when I feel your love in your body, it goes deeper than./ What any human eye can see. Breathe you in, breathe you out. But you NEVER come out, your HEART I WILL NEVER BREAK./

All I have to give to you,/ Breathing you in, your like an angel, I can breathe you in, but I can NEVER breathe you or your love out./ (breathe, breathe, breathe, breathing, breathing, breathing) Breathing you in, in, in, breathing you out, out, out, breathing you In.(yeah, yeah, yeah, you NEVER come out.)
Breathing you in, YOU NEVER COME OUT./

Verse 2

B minor whole note 5 with B major and C minor Whole note 11 Tenor.

Last night, I realized what you meant to me./ I know life changes everyday you see; I know I want to see you happy as can be./

The world will always have a war; but we will always mean so much more./ Everyday I see you, you make me smile, cry, and hold you till. I know your "good" again./

I may feel sad, but with you around I know./ Loneliness is gone, new world, new day, let's fight the bad or have a show, but thanks to you I know-OW-WHOA./

Chorus X 2

B minor whole note 7 with B major with B# half note 13 tenor with bass voice.

Bridge B

B minor whole note 9 with B major with C minor whole note 8 tenor.

When things get bad, when things get worse./ When life gets scary, when life gets sad, when life doesn't make sense to us at all./ I know, I was blessed when you called my name./

I know this world is goind sad, time is running down fast, it may end tomorrow./ I know forever love, happiness; Love; not Sorrow. I can breathe you in, but I can NEVER breathe you out./

Blessed with a love like this is all about./

Bridge A and B and Chorus = B minor whole note 7 with B major with B# half note 13 tenor with bass voice.(Chorus)
B minor whole note 9 with B major with C minor whole note 8 tenor.(Bridges)

Then Bridge A and B over Chorus = B minor whole note 7 with B major with B# half note 13 tenor with bass voice.(Chorus)
B minor whole note 9 with B major with C minor whole note 8 tenor.(Bridges)

then Chorus X 2 = B minor whole note 7 with B major with B# half note 13 tenor with bass voice.(Chorus)

This story archived at http://absolutechaos.net/viewstory.php?sid=10939