Project nkotBSB by colorguard_diva, tiggerc128
Summary: Sometimes when you run from your past, you find your future. Or do you?

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Categories: Fanfiction > Backstreet Boys, Fanfiction > Music > New Kids on the Block Characters: AJ, Donnie, Group, Nick
Genres: Action, Drama, Romance, Suspense
Warnings: Sexual Content
Series: None
Chapters: 117 Completed: Yes Word count: 169861 Read: 258880 Published: 02/01/15 Updated: 07/20/15
Chapter 28 by colorguard_diva


By Rachel

Copyright 2012


Chapter 28


Hanna Jo


“Jess…I…mean Sonja.” I’m trying to get it processed into my naïve little brain, but I can’t fathom that idea. It’s like I’ve been put inside a soap opera. “I won’t let you ride Donnie’s bus alone.”


“Ho Jo, I’d rather you ride with AJ. It will be safer for you.” Jessi walks over to the mini bar. She pulls out a tiny bottle of vodka and chugs it down.


I take the bottle out of her hand. “I like AJ a lot, but Jessi you are more important to me. Without you, I wouldn’t be who I am today. There’s no way I’m going to let you be alone with that scumbag. I don’t trust him.”


I am afraid of  what Donnie will do to Jessi if they are alone. Donnie’s a dangerous guy. In fact he scares me like nothing else. He’s the type of guy you should stay far away from.  The fact that he only wants Jessi for one thing, scares me. What kind of man doesn’t take no for an answer?


“Hanna Jo, just stop it! I can handle Donnie. He’s nothing compared to the men at the bank. I can handle him and his ego.” Jessi plays it off like it’s no big deal.


“But…Jess.” I barely get the words out. She needs to stop being the tough girl. “It’s okay to be scared.”


“I can’t allow myself to feel anything.” Jessi says sharply. I look away from her, tears threatening to spill.  “Look Hanna. I don’t mean to be such a bitch.  Everything was supposed to go without a hitch. I made a fucking stupid mistake. Now it’s costing us.”


I don’t know what to say to make her feel better. I feel like a bad friend. How can I make things better? Maybe I can’t. Jessi knows I will be here for her no matter what.


“Look, Hanna. I’m sorry for getting testy with you. It’s just a lot to digest.” She walks toward the bathroom. “I’m a mess and can’t go to dinner looking like this. Give me a half hour or so, and then we can go meet the guys.”


While Jessi is in the shower, I flip on the TV. Television in Ireland is just as boring as in the states. I’m trying to keep my mind off everything, but it’s hard. I’m a worrier by nature. This just gives me more to worry about.


My phone starts buzzing in my pocket. I pull it out and see AJ’s number. “Hey.”


“Hello, Han.”


“Hi Alex.” I say quietly. Right now things seem a little awkward. I push my thoughts aside and focus on the man I’m talking to.


“Just wanted to see if we were still on for dinner.”


“Yes. We’ll be there by six. Jessi’s taking a shower.” I trace the design on the comforter.


“What I wouldn’t give to see you naked and wet.” AJ croons into my ears.  I can feel my face grow hot.


“Well…umm…umm.” He’s got me flustered yet again.


“All in time, all in time.” AJ chuckles softly. “So the two of you will meet us at the hotel for dinner?”


“Jessi and I will be there in an hour. See you then, Alex.”




Dinner went better than I expected. Jessi is a great actress.  I don’t think anyone suspected anything. She was chipper and happy. On the other hand, I was a nervous wreck. I kept looking around the restaurant like someone was watching us. Call me paranoid, but I didn’t like knowing mobsters were after us. AJ knew something was up. That only makes me feel more anxious.


Nick whisks Jessi away after dinner. I’m not sure where they were going. AJ leads me back his hotel. He’s going to ask me what’s wrong, I just know it. When we get inside, we go straight out to the balcony.


“Hanna is everything okay?” AJ waits for me to answer, but when I don’t he continues, “You know you can talk to me. I know we’re lovers, but I want us to be friends, too.”


My heart melts at his proclamation. The hopeless romantic in me wants more, but right now friendship is good enough. AJ pulls me into his lap. I stare into his eyes and see total trust. If I hold this in any longer, I’m going to burst. AJ makes me feel safe. 


 I look away before I speak. “I don’t even know where to begin. So much has happened, and I don’t want you thinking bad about me and Jessi.”


“Look at me, Hanna Jo.” He says tenderly and pushes my face towards his. “There’s nothing that can be that bad. I’ve done a lot of shit in my life. I’m not going to judge you.”


“Alex…umm…umm…Jessi and I…umm are going to be riding on…umm Donnie’s bus. Please don’t be mad.” I choke out.


“What?” He asks in surprise. “Care to explain that to me? That makes no fucking sense to me.”


“Let me start at the beginning.”


I take my time explaining to AJ about Jessi and her job at the bank. My emotions get the best of me when I start talking about what an ass Mr. Oakley was Jessi. I can see AJ getting upset at the way she was treated. His reaction to me being a bank robber went better than I thought.  I laugh when he tells me it’s kind of sexy knowing a bank robber, even though I technically didn’t do anything. That helps to calm down. I continue to tell him everything that Jessi told me. I hope that everything I told him was accurate. My thoughts are muddled.


“So how the fuck is Wahlberg involved in this?” He shifts slightly, pulling me closer to chest. My head goes to his shoulder. I assault his neck with kisses. I just need to feel Alex close to me. “He seemed like a good guy, but now it’s like he’s the world’s biggest fucking douche bag.”


I laugh against his chest. Is it bad that his cussing turns me on? Right now isn’t the time for that, so I focus on his question. “Well, Donnie overheard Jessi and I talking in the bar. He’s blackmailing Jessi because he has a thing for her. If we don’t; he’s going to turn us into the cops.”


Tears start to fall down my face. I try to be strong, but my emotions get the best of me. AJ rubs my back. “Let me talk to the son of a bitch. I’ll set him straight and rip him a new asshole.”  AJ growls angrily. “There’s no fucking way I’ll let him hurt you or Jessi.”


 “Oh, Alex!  I can’t let you do that. Jessi wants to try to convince Donnie to let me ride with you, but I...I…I just….can’t let her ride with him alone. He wants her bad. I think he’ll do anything in his power to get want he wants.”


“But I don’t want you risking your life.” AJ places a kiss on my temple. I am floored that he seems to care about me so much, so soon.


“How can I not?” I sit up and look him in the eye, “Without Jessi, I wouldn’t be who I am today. When I met her, I was at the lowest point of my life. I basically left everything I knew because I was going to lose it all if I stayed. Jessi taught me that life was full of good things and worth living by my own standards.  It’s time I repay her for being my best friend.”


“Han. I’m still concerned. I think you need to let me talk to Wahlberg.” I shake my head. AJ sighs. “You sure are stubborn Hanna Jo.”


“Don’t you forget that Professor McLean.”  I tease.

“Hanna if Donnie tries anything with you and Jessi; you better call me right away. I have no problem kicking his ass back to the states.”


“Be careful there, tough guy. Jessi and I don’t want to ruin the tour. Give us some time to figure things out. I don’t think Donnie will be as willing to try anything with me there.” At least I hope he doesn’t, I think to myself. Donnie scares me a lot. He seemed nice the first time I met him, but after that he gave me the creeps. What did women see in him?


“I wouldn’t be so sure about that. If he tries anything with either one of you kick him in the balls.” AJ grabs my cell phone and starts tinkering with it. “I put my number on speed dial. Just press one. Nick’s is number two. DO NOT HESITATE TO CALL.”


“I promise.” I place a kiss on his lips to shut him up. Right now I want to take my mind off of it all. I hope that Jessi is telling Nick the truth. I know she’s afraid, but I don’t think he will run away. He’s hooked on Jessi. “I better head back to my hotel. Jessi and I still need to pack.”


We kiss for a few minutes, and then I head back to the hotel. Things are about to get crazy.









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