Kevin was the love of her life. Leaving him was the hardest thing she ever had to do. Losing him broke her heart.
Categories: Fanfiction > Backstreet Boys
Characters: Group, Kevin
Genres: Romance
Warnings: Death, Violence
Challenges: Series: None
Chapters: 18
Completed: No
Word count: 22788
Read: 40080
Published: 11/04/15
Updated: 01/15/16
Chapter 12 by tiggerc128
Author's Notes:
SO I'm sorry about taking to long to update. I really appreciate you guys sticking with me. Between the problems with my eye and now my computer issues, I feel like the world is giving me a sign. :) Thanks for hanging in there!!
Seeing Ghosts
Chapter 12
By Dottie
Copyright 2015
Jenn meets the group at the forestry service office, and after a short discussion, it's decided that Nick will go tell Chealyn what's going on. After recording a plea for help in finding the truth regarding the whereabouts of Kevin Richardson and his children, dead or alive, Nick takes off for Kevin's house.
When he gets there, he feels a stab of fear. Grant isn’t waiting on the porch. The car is gone. The place looks deserted. When he steps up on the porch and sees the front door slightly open, he panics. He pushes the door open and runs in, finding Chealyn's bags still sitting on the floor. And the rest of the living room in a shambles.
Pulling out his cell phone, he calls Jenn. "Hey, it's me. Chealyn's gone and the place is trashed. I'm going to call the Marshall's Service and find out what's going on."
Jenn sighs. "You want me to call?"
Nick heads back out the door. "No, I'll call. Just stay on the hunt for Kevin."
Jenn feels the need to caution him. "Nick, it could just be someone found them...their bodies."
Nick's steps falter. "Jenn, I don't...I have to believe he's alive. I have to believe Sophie and DJ are alive."
After a brief silence, she whispers, "Call me after you talk to the marshal service. I'll call the police and meet you at Kevin's house."
When he hangs up, he pulls out the card Grant gave him. First he calls Grant's cell phone. It doesn't even ring, just goes straight to voice mail. He calls the office number and is put on a brief hold. The man that finally answers sounds angry. "This is Baker."
Nick clears his throat. "Marshal Baker, my name is Nick Carter. I'm trying to get in touch with Marshal Grant Desmond."
The agitated marshal on the phone growls, "You and me both. He's been MIA for over a week. What did you want with him?"
Nick feels even more confused. "I just saw him last night with Chealyn..."
Baker cuts him off sharply. "Chealyn? What's he doing with her? That case has been over for well over a year now. He has three other cases he's supposed to be..."
Nick butts in. "Wait! What do you mean the case is over? The man she testified against is out again, right?"
Baker sounds distracted. "He's small time. Once he was convicted, the mob washed their hands of him. He has no connection to them. I told that son of a bitch to keep his personal life away from work..."
Nick growls. "There is no personal life between them! She was married...her husband and children were in a plane crash on Christmas Eve. She came back to Kentucky with Grant in tow...for the funeral. She was at Kevin's house...WITH him..."
Suddenly it dawns on Baker what Nick is saying. "Mr. Carter, are you saying Desmond has been using his job to keep her hidden?"
Nick practically yells, "I'm telling you he's TAKEN her! I’m at Kevin's house. He's gone...she's gone...the house is a wreck."
Baker sighs loudly. "He told me he and Elena had fallen in love while he protected her. He said they kept in touch and when he wasn't working they..."
Nick looks around wanting to hit something. "He's a fucking liar and a kidnapper. She thinks her husband and children are dead! She doesn't even know they could be alive. Where would he take her? Can you find him?"
Baker reaches into a drawer on his desk and pulls out his service revolver and badge. "I'll do my best Mr. Carter. Where were they last seen?"
Nick rubs his eyes. "Kentucky. I...what do we do now?"
Baker says quietly, "Trust us. We'll find them both and bring her home to her family. Mr. Carter...I'm sorry. This doesn't..."
Nick cuts him off. "Just bring her home. She needs to be here when we find Kevin."
When Chealyn opens her eyes the sun is shining brightly through the car window. She winces when she tries to move, moaning lightly. From the driver's seat, Grant says, "Good morning Baby. Sleep well?"
It all comes back to her and she pushes herself up in the seat. "Where are we?"
He reaches over and squeezes her leg. "We're almost through New York. I got your new license and passport in my briefcase. You'll be Elena Desmond when we get into Canada."
She pulls away. "I don't want to go to Canada with you. I want to go back to Kentucky."
He shoots her an angry glance. "Stop it. Stop right now. You and I are starting our life together. No more marshal service, no more secrets."
She cringes away from him. "What secrets? I haven't had any secrets. I laid everything on the line. I want to go my husband's home."
The smile he gives her makes her feel sick. His words scare her. "I am your husband. We are going home."
Her agonized whisper barely reaches his ears. "Kevin Richardson was my husband. His in Kentucky."
He reaches over to grab her wrist. "I am your husband Elena. Say it!"
She knows he's very unstable but she refuses to give in to his demands. "No. Kevin is my husband. He's the only man I'll ever love."
His grip on her arm tightens. She tries to pull away but he jerks her closer to him, almost losing control of the car. She cries out as her wrist snaps. He lets go of her quickly, muttering a vile curse. Checking his mirrors, he pulls off the road and turns to her. "Baby, what happened? Are you ok?"
She cradles her arm to her stomach. "Grant, let me go!"
He leans closer to her and presses a kiss to her temple. "I'll take care of you Elena. I love you. Once we get to Canada, I'll get you to a doctor. You'll be fine."
She whimpers, pulling away. "Grant…my arm…I think it’s broken. Please, I need a"
He moves back into his seat and shifts the car back into gear. "When we get to Canada, I'll give you everything you need. And once we take care of your arm, I'm going to take you home and make love to my bride."
She sniffles loudly. "I am NOT your're never going to touch me. I'd rather be dead."
Before pulling out onto the road, he whispers darkly, "You'll want it Elena. And you'll enjoy it. You...are...mine!"
He turns the radio up loud to drown out the sound of her cries. She looks towards the sky and prays softly, "I love you Kevin. I'm so sorry...I'm so sorry."
End Notes:
Let me know!! :)
Disclaimer: All publicly recognizable characters and settings are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of the author. No money is being made from this work. No copyright infringement is intended.