Pomp & Circumstance by bjnkha9192
 photo Pomp amp Circumstance_zpsstqoyeh7.jpg

Graduation day is here for the Jr. BSB, as Harry gives his valedictorian speech, their parents take a trip down memory lane and reminisce about their own high school years and the series of events that brought them to this special day. This is where it all began.
Categories: Fanfiction > Backstreet Boys Characters: AJ, Brian, Group, Howie, Kevin, Nick, Other
Genres: Alternate Universe, Drama, Dramedy, Humor, Romance
Warnings: Sexual Content
Series: Jr. BSB Series, Teenage Dream Series
Chapters: 35 Completed: Yes Word count: 70213 Read: 78693 Published: 06/23/16 Updated: 02/27/18
Chapter 8 by bjnkha9192
“So my parents were out last night” Melissa said to her Sasha as they sat at their lunch table.

“Oh yeah? Anything good happen?” Sasha asked her.

“Let’s just say we heated up the hot tub all on our own” Melissa said.

"Wow, so? What happened after?" Sasha asked.

"Which time?" Melissa asked.

"You are so bad!" Sasha said to her.

"What are we talking about?" Christina asked sitting down with her tray.

"Oh nothing Miss was just telling me about what happened on last night" Sasha said to her.

"Oh yeah? What happened?" Christina asked her as she pried open a bag of potato chips.

"Not while you're eating" Sasha said to her.

"Don't bother, I can see the giant hickey on her neck" Christina said pointing at the large spot on Melissa's neck, popping a chip into her mouth.

"I'll be right back" Sasha said getting up from the table.

"So, last night was fun huh?" Christina asked.

"Very" Melissa said to her.

"You used protection right?" Christina asked as she continued to eat her chips.

"...I need hot tub protection?" Melissa asked confused.

"You know what I mean" Christina said to her.

"You too? Kel just gave me this lecture" Melissa groaned.

"Well I can understand why Kel did, I'm just trying to look out for you that's all" Christina said, reaching over to put her hand on Melissa's.

"I know, and I appreciate it but really I can handle myself" Melissa said patting her hand.

"Okay" Christina said.

"Thank you" Melissa said to her.

“Psst..” someone whispered “Sash!” she looked around confused.

“Hello?” she asked.

“Hey, over here” Brian said peeking from the corner.

“What are you doing?” she asked.

“I need a favor” he said in a hush voice.

“Depends on what it is” she said mimicking him.

“Its for Vicki” he said.

“Oh, well then I may be able to help” she said to him.

“Look I just need you to hand these out” he said handing her a stack of pink envelopes.

“What are these?” she asked flipping through them.

“Invitations, her mom and I are giving her a surprise party for her sixteenth birthday” he said to her.

“Aww that's sweet” Sasha said.

“Thanks and please, don't let her find out about this” he said in hush voice once again.

“Scout's honor” Sasha said holding up her hand "So, what are you getting her?" she asked.

"...Okay I may need your help on two things" he said.

"oh, you so do" she said to him, Sasha quickly put her hands behind her back.

"Hey" Vicki said to them, lunch tray in hand.

"Hey" Sasha said to her.

"What are you guys doing over here?" Vicki asked suspciously.

"I came to get a pudding cup" Sasha said.

"And I was just telling her that there are no more because I took the last one" Brian said.

"Uh huh" Vicki said to them suspiciously "I'll meet you at our table" she said to Sasha, he leaned down and she planted a soft kiss on his cheek before walking away.

"You didn't really take the last pudding did you?" Sasha asked hopefully.

"...I may have" Brian said to her, she slapped his arm with the stack of invitations.

Christina copied the notes their teacher had written on the board, suddenly her stomach lurched forward, she clamped her hand over her mouth and ran from the room.

Kellie looked at her running away in confusion "Chris?" she asked going into the girls' bathroom, she could hear the sounds of someone wretching, the toilet then flushed. "You okay?" Kellie asked when the door to the stall opened.

"Uh yeah" Christina said, she went to the sink and turned the faucet on. "My dad had the flu I'm probably just catching on or something" she said cupping water into her mouth and spitting it out into the sink.

"Want me to take you to the nurse?" Kellie asked.

"No, I'm think I'm alright" Christina said as she ran back into the stall.

The bell rang and she gathered her things, walking in a daze down the hall, she came to her locker and absent mindedly opened it.

"Hey" Howie said smiling at her.

"Oh hey" she said shutting her locker.

"You okay?" he asked concerned.

"Yeah I'm okay" she said nodding.

"Are you sure? Kel said you were sick" he said worriedly.

"I'll be fine" she said once again nodding.

"You sure?" he asked once more

"Yeah" she said smiling.

"Okay, I'll meet you after school so I can walk you home" he said kissing her forehead.

"Thanks" she said silently as he walked away smiling at her.

She sat in the library a pensive look on her face as she tapped her pencil against her book, she dug into her backpack and took out a small book, she flipped through it and started counting backwards.

"Chris?" Vicki asked sitting at the table with her.

"Oh hey" Christina said looking up.

"You okay?" Vicki asked as she sat down and pulled her books out from her bag.

"Yeah uh...Vicki, how good in biology are you?" Christina asked.

"I do well for myself" Vicki said smiling "Why, what's up?" she asked opening up and book.

"Nothing, I just had a question but uh...I think I can figure it out" Christina said.

"You sure? I mean I'll help you if I can" Vicki said to her.

"Yeah, thanks though" Christina said to her.

"Yeah course" Vicki said.

"I'll be right back" Christina said getting up from the table. She went to the circulation desk "Miss Dawson?" she asked the librarian.

"Oh hello Christina" she said smiling warmly.

"Where's your science section?" Christina asked.

"Third row in back" Miss Dawson said pointing to the back towards the shelves of books.

"Thanks" Christina said walking away from the desk.

"Oh Christina? are you okay? you look a little pale" Miss Dawson said to her.

"Yeah I'm fine, thank you" Christina said as she walked through the book shelves.

She walked through the science section, skimming through the book titles when one caught her eye, she pulled it from the shelf and paged through it.

"Morning sickness, which can strike at any time of the day or night, sometimes begins as early as three weeks after conception. While the cause of nausea during pregnancy isn't clear, pregnancy hormones likely play a role. Pregnant women might also find that smells that never bothered them before now cause nausea."

She thought to herself before putting the book back on the shelf and walking back to the table and sitting down "Vicki?" she asked.

"Yeah?" Vicki asked looking up from her book.

"What's today's date?" Christina asked nervously.

"Uh it's the 25th...one more month until my sweet sixteen" Vicki said excitedly, Christina smiled.

"There she is" Brian said coming into the library and sitting next to Vicki.

"Hey, what are you doing here?" she asked kissing him.

"Well I thought I'd rather spend studyhall in here with you than watching Mr. Winters snore away at his desk" he said laughing.

"Well I'm glad you did" she said as they kissed once more.

"Hey Chris" he said.

"Hey" she said to him.

"You okay?" he asked.

"Oh my god, I'm fine, why does everyone keep asking me that?!" she asked angrily.

"Sorry...you just...look a little nervous that's all" he said "So uh...there's something I need to find all the way in the back row there...think you can help me?" he asked smiling at Vicki.

Vicki shook her had at him "Come on" she said smiling, she set her pencil down and took his hand as they retreated to the back row of the library.

The front door to her house closed as she walked in "Hi sweetie" Louise said.

"Hey mom" Christina said to her.

"You okay?" she asked.

"I guess" Christina said shrugging.

"How was school today?" Louise asked her.

"It was alright" she said setting her bag down on a chair and sitting on the couch.

Her mom sat next to her "what's going on?" she asked.

"Nothing" Christina said to her.

"Well something's obviously bothering you, is it your friends? school? trouble with Howard?" she asked pushing Christina's hair back.

"No, everything's fine, I promise" Christina said smiling.

"Okay, I'm going to start dinner, your dad should be home soon" Christina nodded as her mom walked into the kitchen.

She grabbed her backpack and went up to her room, she pulled her coat off, throwing it onto her bed and reached into her pocket. She pulled out a slip of paper, taking the phone from her nightstand and setting it next to her. She punched in the number written on the paper.

"Hi, I'd like to make an appointment with Dr. Westbourne" she said to the person on the other line "Christina Johnson" she said. "I need to see her as soon as possible if she's available" she said.

The next afternoon, She went into the library and saw Kellie standing in the back with a book in her hand "There you are" she said approaching her.

"Hey, what's up?" Kellie asked.

"I need your help" Christina said in a whisper.

"Okay, what do you need?" Kellie asked concerned.

"Come with me" Christina said as they left the library.

She pulled Kellie into the girls’ room “What’s wrong?” Kellie asked.

“Okay so uh…I have a question” Christina said nervously.

“You dragged me all the way in here to ask me a question?” Kellie asked “You have quite a grip you know” Kellie said feeling her arm.

“Sorry” Christina said.

“Well? What’s the question? It better not be anything gross" Kellie said.

“When you found out you were pregnant? How long had it been since you and Kev…well you know?” Christina asked.

Kellie sighed "well...we were...together the night of Alex-AJ's birthday party...I think like 3 weeks or so? why?" Kellie asked curiously, she looked at Christina who was nervously biting her lip. "Oh my god, Christina...are you?" she asked.

"I don't know yet...I have a doctor's appointment after school, will you come with me?" Christina asked.

"Yeah sure" Kellie said to her “When did it happen?” Kellie asked.

“The night of Brian's birthday party” Christina said to her.

“You used protection right?” Kellie asked.

"I honestly cannot remember, that whole night is a huge blur to me now...I could've sworn we did but...I don't know" Christina said hiding her face in her hands.

"Okay, okay, don't worry, everything's going to alright, I'll meet you in the parking lot after the last bell" Kellie said hugging her.

"okay, Kel? Thank you" Christina said.

"Course" she said hugging her once more.

Christina sat up on an examination table wearing a gown.

"You okay?" Kellie asked, pushing her hair back from her face.

"I'm scared" Christina said.

"I know, I know..." Kellie said comfortingly.

"God how I could be so stupid?" Christina said her “I can’t have a baby, not now, what about school? My friends? College? how did you deal with this?" Christina asked.

"About the same way you are right now" Kellie said to her.

The door opened and the doctor came in, looking at her clipboard.

"Well?" Christina asked nervously.

"The tests are conclusive, you're pregnant" the doctor said.

Tears filled her eyes, she looked around the office in shock and fear, she began to sob.

"Christina, since you're under 18, I'm obligated to notify your parents" Doctor Westbourne said softly.

"No please" Christina said to her "I can do it" she said.

"Okay, you want to get started on pre-natal vitamins and you're going to want to schedule an exam so we can check on the baby and make sure it is developing properly" the doctor said to her.

Christina nodded, tears still trickling down her face.

"I'll give you a few minutes" she said leaving the room.

“Kel” she said crying and latching on to her.

“It's going to be okay" Kellie said soothingly.
This story archived at http://absolutechaos.net/viewstory.php?sid=11451