I Got You by Dominigurl2211
Summary: A fan's plan is to tell Nick Carter how she feels about him and asks if she could spend the summer because she wants to learn the REAL Nick Carter. She does and it becomes a dream come true . . . but also her worst nightmare.
Categories: Fanfiction > Backstreet Boys Characters: Nick, Group, Other
Genres: Action, Drama, Romance, Suspense
Warnings: Graphic Violence, Graphic Sexual Content, Sexual Assault/Rape
Series: None
Chapters: 36 Completed: Yes Word count: 21341 Read: 57146 Published: 12/03/03 Updated: 12/23/03
Chapter 11 by Dominigurl2211
(**The Poems Below Are Made By Me**)

August 5, 2006
It was Ally's birthday. Sweet Sixteen. I was in my boat, N' Control, I thought about Ally, the past, present, and future. She told me she went to the salon to get her hair done. I was there, staring at the ocean, thinking. Ally had planned everything. The party would start at 6pm and people dance to Spanish music and do the shoe thing and stuff at the time. By 8pm, Ally would dance for about 2 hours. And then, the next 2 hours, at 10 until 12, they would dance to English music. This was all to be held at a club. Yeah, I asked if we could rent like a club or something for the show. It mostly seemed like a concert, instead. The words she said a few weeks ago, rang into my head: "I will make you desperate as fuck and that day we will do it."

"But, when is that day?" I said to myself. I sighed. I went back to the shore and into my house. I wonder how much Ally liked me. For some reason, I ended up in her room. I looked in the drawers. "What am I searching for?" I asked myself. I looked under the bed. I found a box. It had my and A.C. pic of 4 years ago. I opened it. I searched through it and found nothing that could help me. I pushed this aside and saw a type of binder with a pic of me and the guys. This pic was taken at the set of "All I Have To Give." "It's amazing how I still remember," I thought to myself. I opened it. The first page wasn't really important so I just went to the next page and saw poems. I began to read them.

"Forever Mine"
If you leave, my life would be over.
If you move on without me, my life would be gone for you make my life complete, you make my heart beat, and you are the only one who could help me . . .
Help me with this obsession.
You claim to be an ordinary man, I claim you to be an angel sent from God.
You are my guardian angel and in reality, you will be mine . . .
Only mine . . .
Forever Mine

"Forever Hypnotized"
You did something, I don't know what . . . , but it worked.
Your plan worked . . . You tricked me . . . You hypnotized me.
I didn't know you were so powerful or how you became so.
Right now, I want You to be mine . . . Forever

You had a powerful force over me.
You now control me . . . I am your puppet. You are my puppeteer.
I will soon get my revenge, even though I'll be hypnotized.
When I first looked into your blue eyes, I knew I'd be
Hypnotized . . . Forever

"Nobody, But You"
I am lost when I don't have you.
I am alone when I don't feel you near.
All my life I was lost until I found you.
You make me whole . . .
You make me weak and strong . . .
But, when I you're gone and I don't have you,
I will be gone and forever lost, too.
I won't be found by anyone, but You.

I looked at the poems. Then, I looked at the date. 4 years ago . . . She wrote these poems 4 years ago. Was this how she felt about me? Does she still feel the same? I grew curious and wondered. I decided to go so she wouldn't suspect that I was here reading her privacy. Izzy and Lyee came in the house an hour later. They told me I couldn't see Ally till later on. I missed her. Izzy and Lyee left an hour and 30minutes later. It was 4:30pm. I should begin to get ready for the big party. Surprisingly, J, D, Kev, and Frick came to my house.

"Yo, Nicky. I have a good feeling you'll get some tonight," AJ was telling me. Oh God, once again, here we go. "Make me proud, alright?" I nodded, not paying attention. I love AJ, he's the perfect example. I look up to him a lot, . . . yeah right.
"Yo, Frack. How old is she?" Oh, my God, I forgot to tell them about her 16. God, Kev's gonna kill me. "Her Sweet 16's today," I mumbled, wanting for no one to hear me.
They turned around, "What?!"
"She's 16, today, alright?!"
"Nick, watch your yourself, minor," Kev told me. Ugh, lectures, lectures. I'm a 26-year-old man, and he still can't quit that job.
"I know. I know."
"In my opinion, Nick, I think you should still fuck her," AJ said, causing laughter across the room. "What? I would do that. I mean she is hott and all."
"Yeah, sure J," I told him.
"I would! Would like me to fuck her now? C'mon, where is she?" J said running out the door.
We ran after him and shouted, "You're married!"
"Let's go guys, we gotta get tuxedos, fast. Howie, get J," Kevin said.
"I got mine," I told him.
"Well, we'll meet you back here, then," he said. And they all jumped in their cars and ran to the stores.

Once again, a bunch of girls going to the mall.
This story archived at http://absolutechaos.net/viewstory.php?sid=1272