I Got You by Dominigurl2211
Summary: A fan's plan is to tell Nick Carter how she feels about him and asks if she could spend the summer because she wants to learn the REAL Nick Carter. She does and it becomes a dream come true . . . but also her worst nightmare.
Categories: Fanfiction > Backstreet Boys Characters: Nick, Group, Other
Genres: Action, Drama, Romance, Suspense
Warnings: Graphic Violence, Graphic Sexual Content, Sexual Assault/Rape
Series: None
Chapters: 36 Completed: Yes Word count: 21341 Read: 57141 Published: 12/03/03 Updated: 12/23/03
Chapter 6 by Dominigurl2211
1 Week Later . . .
July 1, 2006
I woke up from the sound of music from my stereo. I looked at my alarm clock. It read: 12:15pm. "Damn, I slept for that long?" I thought. I heard a song . . . "I Got You". I listened to the words of the song. It related to me and Ally. During the middle of the song, I went to the bathroom and brushed my teeth and washed my face. I looked at myself in the mirror. "I never felt this way about anyone before. It's a weird feeling." I felt kinda dizzy at the thought of her. "Why am I like this?" I said to myself, trying to stop my head from pounding. I felt better and put on my jersey and shorts. I walked downstairs and I saw my angel singing her heart out.

(Ally's POV)
I was singing "I Got You" when Izzy and Lyee gave me a look. I ignored them and continued singing.

. . . And it hits me when I reach for you
That I'm afraid you won't be there;
Maybe I am in too deep,
But I don't care . . .

I'm right where I belong
I got you
Yeah, prove them wrong . . .
I've got you, yeah
Can't deny what's true, no
They can't touch me, baby

I got you . . .
I got you . . .
Right where I belong
Oh, yeah . . .
I've got you, baby . . .
Right where I belong . . .
Can't deny what's true . . .
No, they can't touch me,
'Cause I...got you

I turned around and froze. Nick stood there, looking at me. I went to the stereo and pressed the stop button. He began clapping. Silly that I am, I bowed, "Thank you, thank you."
"You were great," he said.
"Yeah, right. I sucked," I replied, laughing.
"No, seriously. You were really good," he said seriously.
"I'll take that as a compliment," I said, turning around.
"You should," he said, following me.
I turned around, facing him, "And if I didn't, what would you do to me?"
"You wouldn't want to know," he said.
"Oh, trust me, baby, I would," I whispered.

An Hour Later . . .
Nick ate the breakfast I made him and was taking his shower. I was downstairs watching TV when the phone rang. I thought about picking it up since Nick was taking a shower. At the second ring, I couldn't take it anymore.

"Hello," I said.
"Hi, uh, is Nick there? Did I dial the wrong number? I'm sorry, I . . ." I heard the voice in the other line say. Oh, my God, I couldn't believe it was . . .
"No, J. You got the right number. Nick's just taking a shower," I told AJ, laughing.
"Thanks. How did you know it was me? Who are you?" he asked, curious.
"Let's just say I knew you from the past," I said, laughing, "If you come over, I'll tell you how I know who you are. By the way, I'm Ally."
"Ally," he paused. Oh God, he's judging my name, "Nice name."
"Thanks. Ooh, Nick's outta the shower. You wanna talk to him?" I asked him.
"Na, it's alright. I rather talk to a girl than Junior over there," he told me.
"¡Mira! J, you're married!" I told him, nearly screaming. Was Alexander hitting on me through the phone?
"How did you . . . ? That's it. I'm coming over . . ." he said.
"Bring Sarah!" I told him.
"K," he said, "Mind if I bring the other guys?"
"Of course not! Bring'em in!" I said excitedly
"K, so see ya like . . . almost now," he said.
"K, bye," I said.
"Bye," he said, and hung up.

"Oh, my god, I just talked to AJ on the phone. This is so cool!" I said, turning off the TV and running upstairs. I went to my room, and I heard a knock on my door. "Come in," I said, excitedly. It was Nick with a towel wrapped around his waist.

"Whatcha so happy about?" Nick asked, looking at my strangely. A 15-year-old girl was jumping on the bed.
"The guys are coming with wives," I sang, going to my suitcase to search for clothes.
"What?!" Nick said, frantic.
"What's wrong?" I asked him.
"Nothing, I . . . get ready," he told me, trying to run.
"Run, and I'll see your ass!" I told him. He gave me a look. I stuck out my tongue.

I can't wait 1 more hour and I'll meet my favorite group of all time.
This story archived at http://absolutechaos.net/viewstory.php?sid=1272