The Wolf's Blood Red Roses by Anastacia

A town with a dark past intices a young woman into the deepest parts of its history. Each being inside the town harbors sinister thoughts and actions. Each being keeps part of a secret history that can destroy the bold woman. Can she unravel the tale in time to save the one she learns to cherish most?

Categories: Fanfiction > Backstreet Boys Characters: AJ, Howie
Genres: Alternate Universe, Drama, Fantasy, Suspense
Warnings: Graphic Violence, Sexual Assault/Rape
Series: None
Chapters: 22 Completed: No Word count: 25672 Read: 33286 Published: 12/08/03 Updated: 12/11/05
Frustration by Anastacia
Chapter 7 ~ Frustration

Anastay crawled her way through the large tumbleweeds that had grown twice their size since yesterday. The wind blew violently as she continued to stumble up the large hill to the mansion. She was dying to find out what was so secretive about the mansion. This time she would venture into the old timber, to really find the truth.

Anastay took a deep breath as she fell down onto the grass again. She felt the breath release from her lungs sharply. Anastay began to push herself off the dampened grass, but heard a growling. Anastay shifted her eyes upward to encounter the beast again.

His eyes grew a fiery red as he stared down upon her. Anastay could feel his hot, stale breath blowing against her jugular. His matted fur stood up straight as he continued to snarl and growl. Anastay felt her stomach cramp as icy drops of blood fell from his sharp incisor teeth.

“Stay away,” the beast growled into her face.

“Leave me alone!” Anastay screamed out, reaching her hand up to strike the wolf. It backed away as the ground crumbled beneath Anastay. She screamed out in terror as large chunks broke away to the pit below. She screamed out for safety, lunging her hands into the damp dirt, hoping to cling to something.

She looked up, hoping to see someone to rescue her. Only, the beast was watching her intensely. The snarling had stopped, and only blood dripped from its mouth. A look of pain invaded his fiery eyes.

“Help,” he called out in a whispery wind.

“Help me!” she begged quickly, her fingers aching from clawing at the dirt. She felt her hands start to slip against the forming mud. She dug her toes firmly into the soil, but only slipped further.

“You are the only one who can save me,” the wolf told her again.

“Stop it!” she screamed.

“Save me,” he begged.

“STOP IT!” Anastay screamed even louder, reaching up to hug her ears, only she lost her grip. She scrambled to grab hold as something fell on top of her. She watched as the object hit her and spiraled down the pit. It was made of silver.

“Only you,” the wolf called once more, startling Anastay.

“OH GOD HELP ME!” she screamed in pity as she finally let go. She went toppling down into the pit. She felt her muscles ache and burn as she continued to plunge into darkness. Her throat was raw as she hit something soft, almost like water.

Anastay quickly swam to the surface of the substance. She broke the surface tension and gasped for air. She was surrounded by darkness; the only thing illuminated was the water. She glanced down, letting her hands cup the liquid. She brought the substance close to her eyes. Anastay gagged in horror as she let her head swivel in every direction – she was swimming in a pool of blood.


Anastay bolted upright in her bed. Her blankets melted onto her skin from her cold sweat. She peeled the blankets off her, trying to regain her breathing. She quickly wiped her arms down, making sure there was no blood.

She glanced down to see Taco staring at her. He tilted his head in bewilderment at her panting. He gave her a growl with his mouth extending into a yawn. He crawled up her covers and snuggled down into her pillow.

“Thanks, Taco,” Anastay growled back, trying to regain her composure. She was driving herself insane with the mansion. Her brain subconsciously caused her to revert all her attention to the eeriness it held. She needed answers, but had no one to turn to.

She rubbed her hand across her wet forehead, feeling a stinging sensation. Anastay hissed at the pain and drew her hand back. She eyed the large gashes across her hands – from the roses. She shook her head in disbelief. No rose could do such a thing.

“I’m finding out what the Hell is up with this town,” she vowed as she went to ease herself back to bed. She rubbed the back of her neck as she peered out of her large bay window. She felt her throat tighten as she gasped in dismay – the beast was staring right back into her eyes.
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