Misfit by RockAngel
Summary: Please r/r. Have pictures. A girl grows up thinking that she'll never fit in. But soon she finds out that she's not alone and also finds out more about her late mother.
Categories: Original Fiction Characters: None
Genres: Action, Drama, Humor, Suspense, Fantasy, Adventure, Supernatural
Warnings: Violence
Series: None
Chapters: 4 Completed: No Word count: 7654 Read: 6462 Published: 01/12/04 Updated: 03/23/04
They Think You're Her. by RockAngel
Chapter 03 * They Think You're Her.

The rest of the week went by with the whole school talking about Artemis's daughter. The whole school watched waiting for her to do something. She did not understand why.

Gwen wanted to know more about who Cal is. She decided to go down to the library before class to see if she could find anything on him.

When she came down to the common room that Friday morning, Fox was singing off key with an acoustic guitar. Meg watched him from one of the chairs by the fireplace with murder in her eyes. Sean sat next to her with a very similar look. Gwen went over to the table by the window to pack up her things for the day and to watch what would happen next.

"Hurt him," Meg said to Sean. "Now!"

"I would but Nic won't let me."

"Do something. Do any thing. Just make him stop." Sean got up and went up to his little annoying brother.

"Fox, can I see that?" He asked. Fox handed him the guitar. Sean took it in both hands and started smashing it in to the floor. Fox only stood there watching him without reaction to this. He acted as if Sean did this all the time.

"Ha," Fox said when Sean was finished smashing the guitar. "Jokes on you, that was Zac's." Sean looked at the rubble on the floor.

"Yeah, well, he deserves it." Zac entered the common room from the boys' staircase. Sean picked up the mangled guitar and handed it to Zac. "Marry Christmas."

"SEAN!" Zac yelled. He held it out in front of him and it reassembled itself back to its original shape. "Do you have any idea how hard it is to tune this after you've smashed it up?"

"Yeah well stop letting Fox borrow it then I won't have to smash it."

"I've heard of the Irish having firey tempers but you really need to get yours checked." Zac headed back up stairs.

"For your information I have had it checked and it's perfectly normal!" Sean yelled up stairs. "Oh no you didn't just do that?! I will snap that finger off!" He ran up the stairs taking them two at a time. "I will kick your flabby butt if you keep that up!"

"I'm not fat! OW!" Gwen shook her head as she pulled her bag on to her shoulder.

"Fox," Gwen said to him "If the others are wondering where I am tell them I'm at the library."

"Don't spend to much time in the library. I don't want you turning into Nicole."

"What's so bad about that?"

"Nothing, just the school can only handle one Nicole."

"I'll promise not to start acting like her till she's gone." Gwen went out the door and headed to the library. She walked down the rows of books. She ran her hand along the spines of the books reading each title out load as she passed them.

"Good morning." Gwen heard behind her. She turned around. It was Hunter.

"Good morning." She said to him before going back to her search.

"I heard Fox telling your friends you were here."

"Is that why you're here?"

"To see if you wanted any company and I also have breakfast for you too." He said. "I'd give it to you now, but food's not allowed in the library. Yeah, so what are you looking for?"

"A book on Cal."

"Why do you want to know about him?"

"I don't know. I have this feeling that's telling me to find out about him."

"Let me help." Hunter looked at the shelves across from them. "Here something." He pulled out a big book. "Famous Evil Wizards of the Past Thousand Years."

"Thanks." She said as she took the book from him. She flipped through it she found a long chapter on Cal. She looked at her watch. "We should get to class." When they got out to the hall Hunter dug into his school bag.

"Here." He handed her an orange.

"Thanks again." They walked quietly down the hall, 5 fourth years were whispering to one another and looking at Gwen as they pasted.

"They think you're her." Hunter said.


"Artemis's kid."

"Why would they think that?"

"One, your last name unless it's your father's last…"



"My father's last name is Richmen. He never bothered to change my last name."

"Oh, two, you look almost exactly like her. Everyone knows what she looked like and your eyes are like hers."

"Anyone can have these kind of eyes."

"Not really. It's a Thorn family trait." They were now outside the door to their class.

"Still isn't enough proof. But there's no way to prove I really am her daughter, now is there." She went in the class and sat down with Kara and Jimena.

Defense was the last class of the day. She had this class earlier in the week. She had enjoyed it even if it was an Ares house class. The class taught them how to protect themselves with magic and without. The teacher was a young woman in her late 20's. Her name was Ana Hazel. When she went to school she had been in Artemis but unlike Doyle, she did not play favorites but there were times where she wanted to.

In defense on Fridays, the fifth years' defense teams would be working with the first years. They also did not have to wear their school uniform but clothes they could move in. When the first years entered the large training room, they saw 16 fifth years dressed in what looked like uniforms for a team. The uniforms were mostly black the only color on them was a bit on the armor they had on and on the girls' skirts. Half of them had scarlet armor while the other half had dark blue armor. In the fifth years in the scarlet were Nicole, Sean, Zac and other fifth years that Gwen had seen around the common room.

"20 bucks says he pokes himself with his sword." Zac said to Ashley Star, who was the a shortest of the team with dark brown hair (with pink streaks), about Sean who was trying to do a trick with his sword.

"Zac, you can never bet on something everyone knows is going to happen." Just as she finished Sean's hand slipped from the handle of the sword and it hit him in the shoulder.


"See." She told him. "He's a big child. He can't have any thing sharp or he'll end up hurting himself."

"Can you two stop talking about me like I'm not here?" Sean said in a very child like way. Ashley patted him on the shoulder, which caused him to flinch in pain.

When Ms. Hazel got there, she summarized what they talked about in class, and also introduced the captains of the houses defense team, who were Nicole and Blaze Doyle for Ares. They were not going to get into any thing that day. Nicole and Blaze did get up and talk about the team stuff, which Gwen found interesting.

"There is a few minutes left of class. I want to tell you that next Friday we are going to start with try outs for the defense teams, so you better be here and dress comfortably too." The bell rang and everyone filed out.

"I can't wait for next week." Kara said. "That will be the highlight of my week."

"Everyone in our family has gotten on the team." Caroline said.

"I hope I get on. It seems exciting." Gwen said.

"I bet you get on and become captain." Lizzy said.

"That would be nice."

"That's a laugh." They heard laughing behind them. They turned around to see it was Marigold and her friends. "Whose heard of a captain with glasses?" She walked away before any of them could say a thing to her.

"Don't listen to her." Caroline said. "She doesn't know what she's talking about."

"But she's right thought. Whose heard of a captain with glasses?"

There is a comic that goes with the guitar scene.
Page 01: http://www.climbing-the-walls.com/Misfitcomic1.jpg
Page 02: http://www.climbing-the-walls.com/Misfitcomic2.jpg
This story archived at http://absolutechaos.net/viewstory.php?sid=1761