Scars Run Deep and Wide by Mare

It's been a long time since that night that forever changed the Richardson family. They tried to move on, but certain events and a new case reunite old friends and a past that haunts will bring them back to harms way.

Categories: Fanfiction > Backstreet Boys Characters: None
Genres: Alternate Universe, Drama, Suspense
Warnings: Death, Violence
Series: None
Chapters: 44 Completed: Yes Word count: 149862 Read: 101294 Published: 01/13/06 Updated: 08/22/10
Chapter 31 by Mare
Author's Notes:
Hey there!

I have a new chapter for you today. I hope you enjoy :O)

Thanks for reading and i'll try to update again as soon as I can.

Your feedback always makes me smile. *hugs you all*

oh and just to warn you, Jack was a real cussy cusserson in this one so just a heads up about that so you might want to cover your ears towards the end lol

Nowhere to Run

Patty sat in the front seat as the two boys slid into the back, looking at one another for some kind of answer to this problem. They all sensed they were in danger, that maybe they wouldn’t even make it out of this alive. “So, you need directions to my place, don’t you?” Nick asked as Jack backed out of the driveway, barely looking out the rearview mirror for oncoming traffic as he did.

“Oh yeah kid…where do you live?” The half hearted way he answered only added to Nick’s feeling of impending doom. He was never going to see his house again; this much he was sure of, unless he managed to get himself and his friends out of this car.

They headed onto the main road as Jack put on the radio. An old jazz song started blaring from the car’s speakers. “Did you tell my mom about the window incident?” Patty asked. She sounded so calm, Nick was almost jealous.


“Did you tell my mom? I’m assuming that was her you were on the phone with…”

“I didn’t squeal kid, I’m not like that. I think you should tell her when this is all said and done though.”

“How come you lied?”

Charlie and Nick looked at each other again, now a bit more concerned at the level of anger heard in Patty’s voice as she continued, “You said you didn’t have a phone. You lied.”

“I just forgot about it, that’s all.”

“So, can Nick use the phone now… can I?”

“I left it at the house.”

“You’re lying again…” She said under her breath which caused Jack to let out a half laugh.

“You’re something else kid.”

“So…directions?” Nick asked once again from the back seat.

“I think I know where I’m going but if I need you, I’ll let you know.”

“How can you possibly know where he lives?” Patty asked now turning to face her mother’s boyfriend. She never did like him and now she knew it was way more than that. She actually hated this guy and if he was standing right at that moment, she would have kicked him in the nuts.

“I think it’s time you all be quiet and just let me drive please.” Jack turned the volume up on the radio as he continued to drive, all the while Nick was trying to come up with a plan to get them out of there as he noticed them taking the highway in the opposite direction of where he lived.


Kevin decided to take a detour and swing by the hospital to check on Howie before heading off to pick up Nick. He smiled just thinking about his little brother and the way his eyes lit up when he saw Patty. All he ever wanted was for the boy to be happy. It seemed like all he ever knew was loss and sadness, if he could take Nick away from all of that, he would.

Living with their father was probably no picnic either. However badly Kevin wanted to give his dad the benefit of the doubt about things, he would be reminded of how cold the man really was.

When he walked inside the hospital room, he was greeted by Brian as he played one of Nick’s Game boys. “D just fell asleep a few minutes ago.” He said, motioning over to Howie who was softly snoring in the bed.

“How’s he doing?”

“They are talking about releasing him later today.”

“Where’s Ariana?”

“She had something to do at the office.”

“Really? She wasn’t even supposed to be in today. That’s odd.” Brian just shrugged without looking up from his game.

“I listened to the 911 tape.” Kevin said sitting down and moving his chair closer to his brother so he could talk in hushed tones.


“Something’s not right. She didn’t even sound the least bit anxious.”

“Yeah but Kev, she’s also used to being around stressful situations. Chances are if you or I made that call we wouldn’t sound alarmed either.” That was the voice of reason Kevin had been looking for. He wanted so badly for someone to tell him he was being paranoid. The last thing he needed was to be suspicious of his best friend’s wife.

“Maybe you’re right…”

“Maybe? I’m always right…remember?”

Kevin rolled his eyes at his younger brother, “My mistake.”

“You bet your behind! How’s the Rug Rat feeling?”

“He seems to be better. I need to go get him at Patty’s I guess I should see if he’s ready to come home.”

“He’s with Patty again huh?” Kevin nodded as he noticed a voice mail message.

“Speak of the devil…he called me.”

“Was he all red in the face when he saw her? He gets a little red in the face when Patty is around.” Brian laughed thinking about his little brother just as Kevin listened to the message. Seeing the change in demeanor on his brother’s face Brian stopped laughing. “What is it?”

Kevin ignored Brian and tried calling Nick on his phone. “Hang on…” he said as he patiently waited for his baby brother to pick up. When it went to voicemail he tried not to let that concern him too much, “Nicky, just letting you know I got your message and I’m on my way. Hope you’re okay.”

“Why wouldn’t he be okay?” Brian asked with a hint of concern in his voice.

“Something’s wrong…I’m going to get him.”

“Let me come with you, Howie’s asleep and he’s probably sick of seeing my mug anyway.”

Kevin nodded, grateful for the company, “Okay, let’s go.” He said, glancing back at his friend sleeping peacefully.


They got off the highway finally and started down a long, windy road. “This is nowhere near Nick’s place.” Patty said in a whisper, realization starting to set in for her, the same realization that had already hit the two boys sitting in the backseat. They weren’t going where Jack had said they were.

“We’re taking a little detour; I hope you don’t mine too much.”

“Where are we?” This time is was Charlie who spoke. The boy had been quiet for the entire trip and the shaky way he asked the question made Patty turn around and give him a look.

“That’s not your concern.” Jack answered as he turned down yet another, even more remote road.

Nick looked over at the car door, trying to figure out if he could open it up, roll out and make a run for it since they seemed to be going slow as they ascended a huge hill, but the doors were locked and childproof. Besides, he really didn’t want to leave Patty alone with this guy, even if meant he was going for help. He felt himself panicking, running out of options. He had to try to make another call, this time maybe AJ would answer or Brian or hell even 911. He made sure Jack wasn’t looking and slipped his phone very carefully out of his back pocket.

Charlie saw this and gave Nick a small nod, moving closer to the boy to make sure the phone could not be seen. What Nick would do next, he was unsure. Maybe dial 911, which was the least amount of numbers and couldn’t the call be traced even if he said nothing?

“Hey Jack, how about turning that song up a bit? I kind of like that one.” Charlie said with his best fake smile.

“Really? You kids never cease to amaze me. I wouldn’t picture you as a Miles Davis fan kid.”

“Why do you keep calling us kids?” Once again, Patty’s tone was defensive and annoyed.

“Because that’s what you are.”

“You’ve never called me a kid in all the time I’ve known you.”

“Well, I’m doing it now…kid!” He snarled at her, his lips revealing an evil smile just as he turned the volume up at Charlie’s request.

Nick was grateful that they were working with each other instead of against each other now. He needed all the help he could get as he flipped opened his phone and hit the first number. It made a small beep but barely audible over the loud radio so he looked down and hit the next number. They reached the top of the hill at this point and at the end of it was a huge rock. When the car hit the bump, the phone went flying out of Nick’s hands, sliding underneath Jack’s seat.

“Sorry kids but from here on in, it’s going to be a bumpy ride!” Jack said, turning to face the boys unaware that seconds before they had almost called for help.

Charlie and Nick looked at each other once again, trying to communicate without speaking to one another. Nick nodded at the ground where he could see the LCD light from his phone, just out of reach. Charlie making sure he wasn’t being watched from the front seat mouthed the words ‘follow my lead’ to Nick just before he spoke, “You okay there Sparky?”

Nick looked confused for a second before figuring out where this was leading, “I’m feeling a little sick to my stomach…I get motion sickness.”

“Great…Jack he’s going to puke!”

“If you puke in my car kid, I’m going to make you lick it up yourself!”

“Put your head between your knees.” Charlie said, grabbing Nick’s head and pushing it downwards which also gave him the opportunity to grab the phone and from this position not to be seen dialing. It was a great plan and Nick was envious that he hadn’t thought of it himself. He was just about to redial when the phone rang.

Hearing the ring, Jack hit the breaks sharply and skidded off the road, “Where the hell is that coming from!” He shouted any cool that was in his voice before, all gone.

The phone rang for a second time as Jack turned around, pushed Nick’s head back and grabbed for the phone as it fell to the ground. Once Nick was knocked away, Charlie made a dash for the phone before Jack could get it but he was too late. It remained in Jack’s hands as he let it ring one final time.

“Seems like I’m not the only one lying in this car…huh?” He asked Patty holding the phone in his hand, looking like a madman. He turned to Nick, who was rubbing his forehead where there was a red mark. “Did you call anyone at the house?” He asked fiercely. When the blonde didn’t answer he grew furious, opening his car door and pulling Nick out from the backseat, “Did you call anyone!!”

The fact he was just a kid became apparent as Nick being held up by just his shirt began to struggle and want to cry. He was terrified, “Let go of him!” Patty said now out of the car herself and pulling on Jack. He pushed her back with one arm and she went sailing to the ground.

“Answer me!” He shouted as Charlie, staying in the car snuck into the front seat and hit the gas, causing the distraction Nick needed to break free of Jack and run. Charlie, wasting no time, also jumped out of the car and grabbed for Patty, helping her off of the ground and quickly followed Nick into the wooded area.

“Son of a bitch!” Jack shouted as he chased after all three kids, gun in hand.


AJ had no idea what to do when he saw Ariana come into his brother’s room as if she belonged there. It threw him off at first, maybe she was invited, and maybe he was having a secret affair with her. Funny how he was ready to accept that fact, just as long as she wasn’t doing what he feared she was.

“What are you doing here?” He asked her when she looked surprised to see him.

She didn’t say anything for a few seconds before falling over her words, “I uh…I was looking for your father and the door was unlocked. I thought I heard someone up here.”

“The door wasn’t unlocked.”

“How else do you think I got in?” She asked with a sweet tone.

“I don’t know.”

She didn’t like the way he was looking at her. There was accusation in those eyes; he knew something was going on. She had been made and now she had no idea what she was supposed to do. “Look…I’m going to be honest with you, your brother sent me here.”

“Which brother?”

“Nicky, he asked me to do him a favor. He was afraid to ask any of you.”

“So, he asked you?”

“He has a crush on me you know.”

“What did he want you to do?”

“He wanted me to get some of his stuff. He was thinking of running away from home. I was going to try to talk him out of it though.”

“Really?” She nodded as she made her way over to the bed across from AJ. She had to be convincing, this was not part of her plan and she didn’t want to stray from her plan, not anymore than she had already done.

“He hates it here AJ. He hates your dad and he called me and asked me to bring him some clothes. I guess he’s over at his friend’s house. They are going to run away together.”

‘This was actually beginning to be a good thing,’ Ariana thought to herself. It would give them a few days to get away before growing suspicious of her. This was going to be the plan to begin with, have them think he ran away before mailing the letter that would give everything away. By the time they got that letter they would never be able to find Nick…ever!

“I can’t see him doing something like that.” AJ said, now looking at the floor, wondering why his brother would trust this woman, who he found so untrustworthy to begin with, with information like that.

“Well, he is doing something like that.” She gave him a sympathetic smile but he still wasn’t buying it.

“Okay then,” AJ said, pushing out of the computer chair and standing up, “Change of plans, I’ll take the clothes to him. This way I’ll talk his crazy ass out of going anywhere.”

“I don’t know if that’s such a good idea AJ…I mean I don’t want to betray his trust like that.”

“And maybe I’ll call Kevin and Brian and they can come too. I mean between the three of us we’ll be able to convince him not to go.”

“He really didn’t want anyone to know.” She was growing nervous once again. Why couldn’t he just play along? What was it about this family; they have to make everything so difficult!

“You know what though Ariana, sometimes you have to break that trust if you feel like someone is in danger. I will not just let you bring the kid clothes and not be able to convince him to stay. I’d rather do that myself, so thank you for being there for him but…I need to do the next step myself.”

He turned around for a second, just one second. When he faced her once again, she was aiming a gun at him.

“You should have just let me do what I needed to do.” She said as he stood with wide eyes staring at her for the first time. No longer Howie’s wife but the monster she really was.


Jack couldn’t believe he let them get away. Ariana was not going to be happy, but there was even more problems. The kid had a fucking phone! How could he miss that! A fucking phone and his family were all fucking FBI agents! All it would take is one call, one fucking call and all their hard work gone! He wasn’t going to go to prison, not because of a fucking teenager and his fucking phone!

He wanted to kill the kid, he probably could get away with it too, tell his girlfriend it was an honest accident. The kid slipped and hit his head on a rock. If he didn’t try to fucking run he wouldn’t have gotten hurt in the first place. His phone ringing cut through his angry thoughts, “Great…fucking terrific!” He mumbled to himself when he saw it was Ariana calling him.


“We have a problem.” He wasn’t expecting her to say those words. Instantly he felt better.

“What kind of problem?”

“There’s been a complication.”

“Stop talking to me in code…what the hell happened?” He was furious now, just about everything.

“When I got to the house, AJ was here.”


“And now he’s still here with me. We’re going to have to bring him along.”

“Well that’s just fucking great! See, I have a little problem as well.”

“What happened?”

“The kids fucking escaped.”

“What! Jack that is totally unacceptable!” She was angry now; very angry but even more worried which made Jack worry. She was always so calm so whenever she showed any anxiety, he knew things were not good and this definitely was not good!

“You need to get them!”

“It gets worse; your fucking brother had a fucking phone on him. I’m not sure if he called anybody or not!”

“Oh that’s just GREAT! I ask you to do one little job and you can’t even do that right! You are the biggest fuckup in the universe Jack! I knew I should have just dumped your ass when I had the chance and done this myself!”

“Seems like you have done your own fucking up as well my dear, so what does that make you?”

“Shut up and let me think…” As he was waiting to hear what should be done he saw them running through the trees, so he followed. “Okay, I’m going to take AJ to our rendezvous point and then I’ll meet you and we can look for him together, okay?”

“That might not be necessary; I have them in my sights now.” He had managed to get even closer to the kids as they stopped, both boys helping Patty to her feet.

“Call me when you get him then, I need to go before someone else shows up here!”

She hung up abruptly which made the man even madder. Stupid kids, he didn’t care anymore. If he had to shoot the little fucker he would. She would still have one of her brothers. Her plan could still go on, sure AJ was older, and not even close to being a kid but beggars can’t be fucking choosers can they? No, he was going to waste all three of these fucking brats right now!

He decided to squat down as he crept closer to them. He could actually here what they were saying, all three talking over each other but Nick trying to keep them all quiet and calm.

“We need to go back towards the car…” He was saying, “This way we can get into the thing and drive away.”

“He’s probably waiting by the car for us to do just that.” Charlie sounded annoyed.

“He’s not smart enough to do that.” Patty added which made the older man grimace.

“Let’s just go, arguing about it won’t get us anywhere!” Nick was trying to take the initiative, motioning for the two teenagers to follow him.

“Okay fine!” Charlie said shaking his head, “You’re going to get us all killed!”

“No one is going to get killed.” Nick said as they started heading back the way they came.

Jack crawled deeper into the tall grass he was hiding in and waited for them to pass him by before he stood up and raised his gun, pointing and letting out a shot which made one of them fall to the ground.


AJ struggled to break free of the handcuffs while Ariana was on the phone with her partner. Wishing he had paid more attention to all the times Kevin and Brian blabbered on about things like this. What to do if you ever found yourself handcuffed. AJ used to joke that if he ever found himself handcuffed it was because he had begged some naked chick to do it to him, and they always left it at that. Now he wished he had let them explain how to get out of the bind.

She kept glancing over at him and smiling as if this was all normal and everything was a-okay. He still couldn’t believe it, none of this seemed real. He was half expecting Ashton Kutcher to pop out of the closet and say he’d been Punk’d. That would make more sense than this did. This made no sense at all.

It’s not like they had a ton of money or anything. They really had nothing she could gain from doing this. “Call me when you get him then, I need to go before someone else shows up here!” She said clicking off her phone and angrily tossing it onto the bed.

“Is there a problem?” He asked as calmly as possible, he wasn’t going to let her think he was scared, not for one minute.

“Nothing that can’t be handled.”

“Why are you doing this?” AJ asked as Ariana helped him to his feet, his cuffs still clinking together in front of his body. She wrapped a jacket around his hands so no one would be able to tell.

“We’ll talk about it later; we need to leave now though.” She grabbed the bag she packed, full of Nick’s belongings and started leading AJ out the door.

“Where are we going?” He asked as they walked, hoping his baby brother was okay.

“We’re about to have a little family reunion,” She answered. He frowned then, knowing that whoever she was talking to on the phone had Nick with him. That thought unsettled him, but so did the gun he felt on his back.
This story archived at