Fly Away by angielynn
Summary: After the death of her father and break up with her boyfriend, Ashlee introduced herself to drugs and the horrible ways of the streets. After almost a year of being sober, she find herself connecting with a former drug and alcohol abuser and helping one of his best friends deal with the same pains as they both have.

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Categories: Fanfiction > Backstreet Boys Characters: Group
Genres: Drama
Warnings: Death
Series: None
Chapters: 28 Completed: Yes Word count: 19742 Read: 68143 Published: 05/07/06 Updated: 06/03/06
Chapter 10 by angielynn
Once everyone left, Ashlee and Mia went to Mia’s house and got everything they needed. By the time they returned to Ashlee’s house it was 11:30.

“Oh my gosh! It’s almost midnight and we have to get up at butt o’clock in the morning,” Ashlee said as she plopped down on her bed. “I think I’m just going to get ready in the morning.”

“Good plan, Stan.” Mia turned off the light and the got and settled into bed.

A good couple minutes went by and Ashlee could not stop thinking about AJ.

“Mia?” she said softly, “Are you still awake?”

There was no answer. Ashlee sighed and turned on her side away from Mia. I wonder what’s going to happen this weekend? Ashlee closed her eyes and in just a few moments she was sound asleep.

“It’s my turn to have my own room!” AJ announced when they walked into the hotel.

“Haha, fine!” Howie said to AJ and patted him on the back. “It’s aaall yours!”

They got there keys and headed straight to their rooms, too tired to say anything other then, “See you in the morning.”

AJ set his bags on floor next to the bed.

“What a day,” he said to himself.

As soon as he was in bed, his thoughts turned toward Ashlee. That girl has gone through as much, if not more in the last year, then I have my whole life. And she pulled herself out of it. AJ shook his head in amazement and turned onto his stomach and buried his face into the pillow. He couldn’t stop thinking about her..the way her hair flowed when she walked, the smell of her shampoo when he hugged her, the way she hugged him.. He hadn’t felt such a sincere hug in quite sometime, other then from his mother. AJ sighed and within 5 minutes he was asleep.

“But with out you all I’m going to be is...Incompleete...”

“That’s good guys, let’s do it again,” AJ mumbled.

“But with out you all I'm going to be is...Incompleete...”

“Noooo. The whole thing, not just that one part,” he mumble again.

“But with out you...”

AJ woke suddenly and realized his phone was ringing.

“Hello?” he said in a groggy voice.

“Good morning my sunshiny flower!!!”

“Hahaha! Good morning buttercup!”

Ashlee laughed, “Wake up! It’s 7! Don’t you need to be somewhere at 8??”

“Oh my GOD! Yes!! Why didn’t you call me sooner????”

“Well. I did. I’ve been calling since 6:30.”

“Oh.” There was a knock at there.

“Alexander James! Get your ass out of bed!”

AJ groaned, “Dude! Nick! Shut up! I am out of bed! Kay Ash, we’ll be to your house in 15 minutes!”

“15??? Are you sure??”

“Yes, I am!”

“Haha! Okay..see you then!”



AJ flew out of bed, pulled his pants on, brushed his teeth and threw on a hat and within four minutes, walked out the door. All the guys were waiting in the hallway.
“It’s about time!” Brian said. “Come on, lets go get the girls."

Ashlee was saying her goodbyes to her mother when there was a knock on the door.

“That’s them! I love you, Mom!” She kissed her mom and grabbed her stuff. Mia walked over and gave Rhonda hug.

“Love you, Mom!”

They laughed and hugged one more time before opening the door and walking out the vans.

They all arrived at the airport at 7:55 and boarded there plane.

“Wow. So this is what first class looks like,” Mia said approvingly. “Where are we sitting?”

"Well, I thought that Ashlee could sit by me and you could sit on the other side of her.”

“Only if I get window!”

They all took their seats. Nick, Howie and Kevin sat in front of AJ and the girls, and Brian, Leighanne and Baylee sat behind them. At about 8:30, they were on their way to Tacoma.

“I’m really tired, so I’m just going to sleep, kay?” Mia told Ashlee.

“Yea, that’s fine. I think I may sleep myself.”

They both got pillows and blankets. Mia rested her head against the window. Oh great. Now how am I suppose the sleep. She looked at AJ. Hmm...

“ don’t mind if while I’m sleeping my head finds it’s way to your shoulder do you?” she smiled.

AJ smiled back and said, “No, that’s fine.”


As soon as Ashlee’s head hit that pillow, she was out like a light.

“Hey Ash. Want some? It’s only the best you can find. It will make you forget about EVERYTHING.” Nick past her his pipe.

She looked down at it.

“I..I don’t think..”

“Take a hit. Now.” Nick grabbed her arm and put the pipe up to her mouth. Some how he was controlling her. He was controlling her every move. She couldn’t breathe..she couldn’t even blink. She unwillingly put the pipe in her mouth. Nick raised the lighter and as soon as he clicked the lighter, there was a loud explosion.
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