Stumbling in the Darkness by velvet_tears
Summary: harry's last year has to be interesting right? especially with a new auror following him around school as a body guard. not olnly that the new auror is the defense against the dark arts teacher. this year should be really interesting.
Categories: Fanfiction > Movies > Harry Potter Characters: Harry Potter, Other
Genres: Adventure, Drama, Fantasy, Humor, Romance
Warnings: Violence
Series: None
Chapters: 6 Completed: No Word count: 1945 Read: 13654 Published: 06/10/06 Updated: 06/29/06

1. Chapter 1 by velvet_tears

2. Chapter 2 by velvet_tears

3. Chapter 3 by velvet_tears

4. Chapter 4 by velvet_tears

5. Chapter 5 by velvet_tears

6. Chapter 6 by velvet_tears

Chapter 1 by velvet_tears
Author's Notes:
dumbledore's not dead in this story. i don't own any of these characters its purely the imagination of j.k.rowling's characters. i only own erin, no other. also if someone wants to help me with a title. i'll give them some credit. i'm really bad with titles and if any of the names are misspelled please tell me. i'll fix it.
Harry came out of a dream to hermione's yelling. He was still groggy and couldn't make out what she was saying or yelling. He reached for his glasses and put them on. He was a tall skinny seventeen year old with messy black hair and brilliant green eyes. As Harry woke up more, he could finally understand what she was yelling.
"He's alive." she yelled running into the room, "Harry Sirius has been found alive."
Harry shot up out of bed and ran down the stairs. For the past month the order has been trying to find sirius alive or his body. An auror he didn't know had been put in charge of finding his body. He had seen the auror or at least a person in a green traveling cloak. The hood had been up and he couldn't see the person's face. All he knew was the last name was Moody and it wasn't Alastor Moody. He stayed at the mansion that the order operated from. At the foot of the stairs laid Sirius' body. Harry could see his chest rising and falling. There was a deep jagged slash across Sirius' chest. The unknown auror was kneeling by siruis' checking his pulse and his breathing. The auror stood up and pushed back the hood that was covering his or her face from view. Harry saw sleek long hair and the most expressive brown eyes he had ever seen. It was a young woman. Molly weasley conjured sirius' body to float up the stairs.
"Erin, I'll put him in the spare bedroom. There's a pot of tea in the kitchen, have yourself a cup." Molly said patting the woman's shoulder as she climbed the stairs.
The woman nodded and walked into the kitchen. Harry followed her.
"Where'd you find him." Harry finally asked.
The woman gave him the warmest smile, "Hello, Harry."
She got out two mugs and and poured the tea.
"Sit" she said gesturing to the chair opposite of her own.
Harry sat down and watched as she pulled off her cloak and placed it on the corner of the chair. She wore muggle clothing. This would be a long story he could tell.
Chapter 2 by velvet_tears
Author's Notes:
okay next chapter. I should be updating this more than my other story. as I am stuck on the other one. i'll give credit to anyone that can come up with a title and please read and review let me know if you like what i've done so far.
"Harry, my name is Erin Moody. You pretty much know that already. Am i right?"
Harry nodded listening to what she is saying.
"I'm not a Moody. Dumbledore thought that you should know when you were ready and I believe you are."
Harry looked up into her eyes "What did he not want to tell me."
"I'm Erin Potter. I was your father's cousin. Both my parent's were aurors, Harry. They were killed after I started hogwarts. Alastor moody took me in. I mostly spent summer's with Sirius and James. When I wasn't with them I helped Moody with his job. I was the youngest auror in a long time. I passed the exam at the age of sixteen but I didn't become a full auror until I finished school."
Harry let it all sink in, all that she had just now told him.
"Then I have family other than Sirius."
"Correct, after Sirius went to azkaban. I went into hiding. Dumbledore found it for the best. Then when he escaped, I was put in charge of tracking him, mostly because I knew him the best. I quit the ministry."
"Is there anymore of my father's relatives that i should know about?" harry said angrily.
"Harry, I know how you must feel. I would be reacting the same way."
Harry got up from the table and quickly left. He ran into Mrs. Weasley on the stairs.
"Harry, you must be happy to know the truth and that Sirius will be alright."
Harry just shook his head and walked the rest of the way up to his room. He couldn't question Dumbledore. He was away for the order. Ron and Hermoine walked into his room.
"Harry, we heard. Are you alright?" Hermione asked concerned.
He just shook his head and laid down on his bed.
Chapter 3 by velvet_tears
Author's Notes:
ok i promised credit for a title. i like the title bsbknowsme gave me. so here's credit for her.
Hermione looked from Harry to Ron. Ron took the hint and walked over to the side of the bed.
"Um, Harry, whoes the auror anyway." Ron asked.
"According to her, she's my dad's cousin." Harry said rolling on his back.
He told them the story Erin had told him. Hermione's eyes grew wide.
"So, that means you have family. go talk to her, Harry. She could explain things."
"Like", harry said buring his face in the pillow.
"Like what happened to the rest of your family."
"Is Sirius awake yet?", harry said voice muffled.
"He was when Mrs. Weasley was putting him to bed. He's confused and doesn't remember anything.", Hermione said tearfully.
"Great", Harry said sitting up and walking out.
He walked into the hallway. He heard voices coming from the room Sirius was in. He shouldered himself in. There sat Erin at Sirius' bedside arguing with him.
"Sirius, please. It doesn't taste that bad."
Sirius made a face at the sickly green broth. He grinned when he saw Harry.
"Harry, please tell this woman that i'm not drinking that until it has a natural color?" Sirius said his voice hoarse.
Erin made a face that if looks could kill, then that meant you were dead. Harry walked over to the other side of the bed. He looked at the green broth.
"Tastes horrible.", Sirius said taking a sip.
Erin sighed getting up and walking out of the room.
"I see you met Erin Moody or should I say Potter." Sirius said draining the last of the broth.
He set it aside and looked at Harry.
"Quit looking at me like I'm dead."
"I thought you were for a while."
"Tought I was too. You have Erin to thank for that."
"Who is she really?" Harry questioned Sirius.
"What she told you. Hard to like she is. I still have the marks from her last jinx. Don't mess with her, she knows enough jinxs to make your dad look like he was a first year at hogwarts."
"She's that good."
"Yes, dumbledore thought she could shape me and james up. Little did he know that she was the one to become an animagus first. She figured it out, even before me and james did."
"She seems not much older than me."
"Looks can be deiciving, Harry. Go and talk to her. You'll have a whole year to put up with her."
"Why." harry asked.
"She's the new defense against the dark arts teacher and not only that your personal body guard."
"WHAT", Harry said.
"Go talk to her. I'm tired." Sirius said grinning and closing his eyes.
Harry got up and took a deep breath before facing the only family other than the dursley's he had.
Chapter 4 by velvet_tears
Author's Notes:
i know another chapter but i'm bored.
Harry found Erin sitting at the kitchen table. Fred and george were dancing around her.
"Deatheaters quake before her. its Erin Moody the most feared auror next to mad eye.", they both sang.
Erin rolled her eyes, from a top the peice of paper. He walked to the chair infront of her.
"Did Sirius go back to sleep?" she said writing somethig else down.
"Yeah he did. Hermione said he didn't remember."
"He doesn't remember what happened, but he does remember you, me and everyone else. You came to talk." Erin said putting her quill down.
"errr, I guess. what happened to the rest of my family?"
"Dead, deatheaters, tried to make sure the Potters were gone. I'm whats left. They didn't know I was a Potter. I'm sure if they knew I wouldn't be sitting infront of you."
"What are you doing?" Harry said looking at the piece of parchment.
"Research for healing potions. Trying to find some that taste better. Though if a potion is going to heal, the logic would be that it would taste horrible." she said smiling.
Harry laughed at that. He couldn't help but like her. He wondered what Sirius had against her. Sirius had respect for Erin but there was something else there between them that neither would show. erin got up to stir a bubbling pot with the same sickly green potion.
"What was it like growing up with my dad and Sirius.?", harry asked watching her.
"Your father and Sirius both had faith in me and volunteered to help me with a curse. Our teachers hoped I'd keep both out of trouble. We each got in a fair amount of trouble."
Harry nodded, "I guess you'll tell me I look like my dad."
"You've heard enough, I'm sure."
Harry nodded, "I never get tired of it."
Erin folded the parchment and grabbed her wand and cloak.
"I'm sorry to end this talk Harry but I have some things to do and ingredients to get."
Harry nodded and watched her apparate. He got up and walked back up stairs.
Chapter 5 by velvet_tears
Author's Notes:
new chapter please read and review give me some feedback and if i get the names mixed up i'm sorry i haven't read hrry potter in a while if i do please tell me whoes who
Harry sat with Sirius playing wizard's chess.
"Did you talk to Erin, Harry?", Sirius asked making another move.
"Yeah, alittle. She's cool I guess."
Sirius nodded in understanding.
"You have to realize, Harry that she did it because Dumbledore asked her to. If I remember she was right beside me wanting to take you in as her son. He wouldn't allow it."
Harry nodded moving another piece.
"Sirius, why hide it though? I've been trying to remember something of her. The only thing I can remember was when I was living with the dursley's a woman handing me a piece of candy. Was it her maybe?"
"Hard telling, Harry. Don't dwell on the past. She's here now and probally will do anything in her power to keep you safe."
Harry nodded, "You said she was an animagus. What does she turn into?"
"Black cobra, We needed another small animal for Remus and a lookout. Erin gave us that."
"What was her nickname? You all had nicknames."
Sirius chuckled and said, "coby, but don't call her that. She didn't like it much. I still call her that to get on her nerves."
Mrs. Weasley came in.
"Harry bed, you go on the train tomorrow remember."
Harry nodded and said, "checkmate", before going to bed.
Chapter 6 by velvet_tears
Author's Notes:
sorry for lack of updates here's a new chapter. i really dislike Draco Malfoy, you will probally figure that out in this story.
Harry stood on the platform with Ron and Hermione. Erin apparated beside them.
"Sorry, Sirius was being difficult this morning.", she said applogizing.
"Potter, looks like youv'e found a girlfriend." Draco Malfoy said smirking.
Erin looked at him, "Malfoy right?"
"Yeah and what makes you think you can talk to me like that?"
Erin smirked and pulled out her wand putting it at the base of draco's throat.
"Mind stepping away, Mr. Malfoy.", she said with a smile that was pure venom.
"Who the hell are you?"
"Erin Moody or Potter, call me either. I'm sure you're parents told you about me. Mind stepping out of the way now."
Harry smirked at Malfoy, really enjoying this situation. Malfoy stepped away.
"Thank you. Harry, Ron, Hermione, please go find us seats. I need to talk to Mr. Malfoy for a minute I'll be along."
Harry nodded trying not to laugh. Ron and Hermione followed him.
On the train Harry lifted his trunk onto the rack.
"Wonder what she's saying to him?" Hermione said looking out the window.
"probally, 'I've killed some deatheaters you're parents ran with and you're no different.' I wonder if she'll be like madeye and turn him into a ferret.", Ron said amused.
Erin walked in and sat down.
"I don't think you'll have problems with Mr. Malfoy anymore.", she said taking off her green cloak.
She laid down on the seat wrapping the cloak around her and fell asleep. Harry shrugged and fell into converstaion with ron and hermione the rest of the ride.
This story archived at