Someone new by sarahmarie0727
Summary: Nick and Rachel used to be very close. So close, they thought they'd get married one day. Rachel's parents weren't happy with Nick, and things came crashing down. Now Rachel moves on, but what happens when she sees Nick once more? (I'm horrible with summaries, just read & review, I think you'll like it.)
Categories: Fanfiction > Backstreet Boys Characters: Nick
Genres: Drama, Romance
Warnings: Sexual Content
Series: None
Chapters: 36 Completed: Yes Word count: 24538 Read: 63433 Published: 06/14/06 Updated: 07/30/06
Chapter Twenty by sarahmarie0727
I slipped into a pair of black gaucho pants, a cream-colored camisole top with lace on the edges and a black business jacket with black pumps. I pinned my bangs back with a few black bobby pins and smiled at my reflection in the mirror. I wanted to look nice, considering this was my first day on the job. As I headed outside my hotel room, I spotted a familiar face.

“It couldn’t be,” I muttered to myself as the person slipped behind the wall and out of my sight. I tried my hardest to run towards the person, but running in pumps isn’t easy. I realized whoever it was had disappeared and it was no use finding him, anyway. I brushed my hair over my shoulder and headed to the elevator, trying to clear my head.

Later That Day

“Miss. LaRoe?” One of the secretaries asked me as I was putting pictures into files. I smiled up at her. “You have a call on Line 1.”

“Thank you,” I smiled and picked up the phone on my desk, taking the call. “Hello?”

“Good afternoon,” I smiled at the voice I heard. “How’s your first day at work?” Nick asked me.

“Stressful,” I sighed. “How’s your day?” I asked as I held the phone between my ear and shoulder and continued to organize photos.

“Not too bad. I just got off the phone with Brian. Him, Leighanne and Baylee get in this afternoon. Leighanne’s mom is coming with them for a little while, so she promised to keep Baylee tonight so they could go out. They told me to invite you, as well,” Nick said. “Are you up for it?”

“Absolutely,” I smiled. “I get off work at six today, so I could run home and get changed before we leave.” I explained.

“Yeah, I think Bri and Leigh said they would want to meet around 7:00 at a club to do some dancing. So, do you want to grab a bite to eat beforehand?” Nick asked me. I bit my bottom lip and smiled.

“Absolutely,” I nodded. “Pick me up at 6:00?”

“Sounds good to me,” Nick said. I could sense his smile through the phone.

“Okay, then I’ll see you at 6:00,” I smiled. After we both said ‘bye’, I hung up. I sighed out loud and rested my head in the palm of my hand.

“Your fiancé, I assume?” I heard someone behind me. I jumped nearly out of my chair and giggled when I saw it was Allie.

“Actually, an old friend,” I corrected and continued sorting the pictures. I saw out of the corner of my eye as her eyebrows rose curiously.

“An old friend, huh?” She sat down next to me. “You looked pretty lovey-dovey to be talking to an ‘old friend’,” she laughed.

“It’s no big deal,” I blushed. I realized it was a big deal. I hardly knew Allie, though. She didn’t need to be pulled into my love life problems.

“Yeah, whatever,” Allie laughed. “Listen, I think you’ll be able to leave earlier than Mr. Burnham had planned. He said that he has to leave around 4:30, so if you can stay until 5:15 to help clean up, then you can probably leave by 5:20.”

“Okay,” I smiled. I couldn’t wait to see Brian and Leighanne, and Nick, of course.

A/N** THIS IS VERY IMPORTANT! I'm leaving tomorrow for a 2 week family vacation. I won't be able to update the entire time. I didn't want you guys to think I abandoned the story, because that's not what I'm doing at all. I'll try to put out at least 1 more chapter tonight so you guys can get your fill of the story, but after that, don't expect any updates until July 10th. Sorry! I'll miss the story but I'll write as much as I can on loose leaf paper while I'm away! Keep the reviews coming!!
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