Someone new by sarahmarie0727
Summary: Nick and Rachel used to be very close. So close, they thought they'd get married one day. Rachel's parents weren't happy with Nick, and things came crashing down. Now Rachel moves on, but what happens when she sees Nick once more? (I'm horrible with summaries, just read & review, I think you'll like it.)
Categories: Fanfiction > Backstreet Boys Characters: Nick
Genres: Drama, Romance
Warnings: Sexual Content
Series: None
Chapters: 36 Completed: Yes Word count: 24538 Read: 63433 Published: 06/14/06 Updated: 07/30/06
Chapter Nine by sarahmarie0727
Author's Notes:
Thank you to all of you for the kind reviews! I'm so glad you're all enjoying the story as much as I am! This is the last chapter for a few hours, at least. Right now I'm off to work and then going out to dinner with the family for a while. I'll try to write more tonight! Please keep the reviews coming!
“Why didn’t you tell me he would be in New York?” I exclaimed in the receiver of my cell phone as I walked through the empty halls of the hotel I was staying at.

“I didn’t know he’d be there,” she replied innocently.

“Bullshit, Leighanne!” I tried to get across as calmly as possible. “Put your husband on the phone.” I muttered as I found my room and struggled to get my key in the door.

“Bri, Rachel wants to talk to you,” I heard Leighanne mutter on the other end, a sense of laughter behind her voice.

“I’m not here,” I heard him whisper. I rolled my eyes.

“I heard you!” I yelled loudly so he would hear me just as I got my door open. He sighed heavily and took the phone. “How could you do that to me? Not even warn me Nick was going to be on that plane?”

“I didn’t think you’d see each other. It really didn’t seem like that big of a deal,” Brian muttered. I could tell by his tone that he was sorry he hadn’t mentioned it.

I sighed, not being able to stay mad at any of them for too long, especially Brian. “Fine,” I replied in defeat as I plopped down on my bed. “Well, in case you didn’t realize just yet, we did run into each other and it was really awkward. Especially after he found out I’m engaged.”

“Oh yeah, he didn’t know about that. I kind of forgot,” Brian sighed. His voice was filled with sympathy as he realized he hadn’t just hurt me, but one of his best friends, as well. “I’m really sorry this got screwed up, Rachel.”

“It’s okay, Brian. Like you said, you didn’t realize it’d be that big of a deal,” I sighed. “To be perfectly honest, I didn’t either.” I paused and fumbled with the comforter with my fingers, tugging on loose strings. “What exactly is he doing in New York, anyway?”

“Well, we got a break from the tour for a while, so he decided to go up there for a bit before we head back into the studio,” Brian explained. “Leighanne, Baylee and I are actually going to be up there in a few days for my solo tour. We’ll be seeing him then. Leigh said she really wanted to see you, too.”

“That would be nice,” I smiled and fell back on the bed. “Well, I’ve had a really long day and I’m exhausted. So I think I’ll get some rest.”

“Okay, well, I’ll talk to you later,” Brian said. “Oh, and Rachel?”

“Yeah?” I frowned, catching myself in the middle of a yawn.

“He really missed you.” From my exhaustion, I wasn’t quite sure what he was talking about. But then I realized. Nick.

*A/N: Sorry it's kind of short. If I get a chance to write more at work, I will. As of right now, I'm thinking this may become a series...I'm not sure, though.
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