Finding Our Way by trubsbfan79
Summary: Aj struggles with old feelings, Brian struggles with a failing marriage.
Categories: Fanfiction > Backstreet Boys Characters: AJ, Brian, Group
Genres: Drama, Humor, Romance
Warnings: Slash M/M
Series: Fighting For Love
Chapters: 12 Completed: Yes Word count: 12521 Read: 36887 Published: 08/11/06 Updated: 04/15/07
Kentucky by trubsbfan79
Chapter 10 Kentucky

Aj wakes up as Brian was taking Baylee to the restroom. He cursed himself as he realized he had fallen asleep despite his best efforts to stay awake. The captain announces they will be landing in Lexington Bluegrass Airport in about 20 minutes. Brian comes back with Baylee. “Who’s picking us up at the airport?” Aj asked looking over at Brian as he buckled Baylee back in. “I don’t know.” Brian said winking at Aj. “Uncle Harry better not be cheating huh daddy.” Baylee said looking out the window. “That’s right. If he’s cheating I’ll have uncle Aj beat him up.”Brian says.

Meanwhile at the airport.

“Do you think it’s a coincidence that Brian is staying with AJ” Tim asks. “No, but I can’t say anything because I promised my source I wouldn’t, not to mention that it would cause all kinds of questions for Bri and he’s not ready for that yet.” Kevin says. “I just hope Aj feels the same way I mean it would kill Bri if he told him and he didn’t feel the same way.” Tim says finally finding a parking space after looking for half an hour.

They land and get their luggage. As they’re walking towards the exit they hear a loud, long whistle known to all members of the BSB. Aj’s head whips around as he sees Kevin standing there with a smile on his face. Baylee breaks free of his dad and runs full steam to his uncle.” I didn’t knowed you was on the plane too.” Baylee says giving Kevin a hug. “I wasn’t I came up here last night.” Kevin says smiling when he sees Aj and Brian pushing the luggage cart. “That’s why I couldn’t tell you on the plane he wanted to surprise Baylee.” Brian says looking at a shocked Aj. “It’s cool but if you’re here who’s with Nick?” Aj asked Kevin. “Nick is at home with Aaron and the girls.” Kevin Answered.

They leave the airport and walk out to the car where Tim is waiting. “Tim.” Baylee says trying to act unexcited to see his cousin.”Baylee.” Tim says in the same manner. “Alright the father of the youngest person in the car has to drive.” Kevin announces as Tim climbs into the backseat with Baylee. “What?! That’s not fair.” Brian whines.”Don't worry Bri I'll keep you company.” Aj says getting in the front seat.”You just wan to control the radio.” Brian says smiling. “And that's a problem how?” Aj says looking back at Kevin. Kevin rolls his eyes and shakes his head knowing it was about to be the longest 45 minutes of his life.
“I love this songs.” Baylee says trying to snap his little fingers. “I know isn't it the best?” Aj asks. Brian is gripping the steering wheel so tight his knuckles are turning white.

“Aj, please turn that song off.” Brian asks through clenched teeth. “Ok, what should we play next Baylee?” Aj asks looking back at the child. “Um, Daddy's song.” Baylee says.
“Which one?” Kevin asks, anything is better than what was on now. “ How me falls in love wif you.” Baylee says. “I don't sing that baby Uncle Howie does.” Brian says, “You sings it sometimes daddy.” Baylee counters. Aj starts the song. Brian swerves a little in response to the song. “Sings daddy.” Baylee says from the backseat Brian starts singing never one to turn down a request from his son. “Not dat one daddy da real one.” Baylee says starting to get a little angry that his daddy isn't singing the song right.
“Member when we neber needed each other, like broder and broder. That how it goes daddy,” Baylee says crossing his arms and pouting. Brian turns beet red, but sings the song the way he did when he thought no one was around. They pull into his parents driveway as the song ends. His parents are waiting in the door. Kevin and Tim exchange a look. “Out!” Baylee says. Kevin laughs and undoes the car seat and opens the door letting Baylee out. He runs to his grandparents as the rest of the group start getting the bags out. “Oh Alex I didn't know you were coming.” Jackie says hugging the man. “Yeah he didn't either until last last night.” Brian says hugging his dad. “Well, ya'll come on in the house mommas got some chicken and mac and cheese cooked for lunch.” Harold says. They go inside and sit down to eat. “Where's that runt of a nephew of mine.” Harold III says. “I no a runt and you better not be cheating or my uncle Aj will get you.” Baylee says holding his drumstick up. “I'm not cheating.” Harold says stealing a bite of Baylee's Mac and cheese. They finish eating lunch. “Brian you and Alex are going to have to share a room ok we don't have enough room for everyone.” Jackie says. Aj chokes on a cookie he had just bit. “J, you ok bro.” Kevin says patting him on the back. “Yeah, stop before you collapse a lung.” Aj says pushing Kevin's hand away.

“You hit too darn hard when you're patting people Kev.” Aj says trying to cover for the mistake. “I'm trying to help next time I'll let you choke.” Kevin says pushing Aj into Brian. Brian catches Aj. “Boys.” Jackie says looking at the four men. “He started it.” Kevin says pointing at Aj. “Did not.” Aj says Brian realizes he's still holding onto Aj and lets go causing Aj to almost fall. “What the.” Aj says as he catches himself before falling. The family stays up talking for a little while. Baylee's asleep in his uncle Harold arms. “I'm going to go lay Bay down.” Harold says, “I'm gonna turn in too.” Kevin says yawning. Everyone heads to bed. “I'll sleep on the couch.” Aj offered. “You act like we've never shared a bed before.” Brian said. They go in the bedroom, and start getting undressed. It takes everything Aj has not to watch Brian get undressed. He fails and looks over at Brian as he's taking his undershirt off. He shivers. “What?” Brian asked looking at his friend. “Never really looked at it.” Aj says his eyes downcast. “It's just a reminder of how blessed I truly am to be here.” Brian said running his hand gently down the scar. Aj strips down to his boxers and hops into bed.

Brian lays down next to him. “I guess I'll start looking for a place for me and Baylee when we get back.” Brian says as he turns his back to Aj. “No rush I'm actually getting use to you guys being there.” Aj says. “Yeah but I know how you like to have company and you can't because of me and Baylee.” Brian replies. “I haven't had company in about a year Bri, and you and Baylee have not be living with me that long besides I want you guys to stay.” Aj says closing his eyes but dreading sleep. “Really?” Brian asks. “Yeah.” Aj answers. “ I love you.” Brian whispers. “I love you too.” Aj says.

Brian rolls over to face Aj. I'm about to either make the biggest mistake of my life and lose a really good friend, or I'm about to get everything I ever hoped for. “No Alex I love you.” Brian said nervously. “I know and I love you too.” Aj says laughing. “Oh my god!, you don't know how long I've wanted to hear those words from you.” Brian said tears rolling down his cheeks. “Brian I love you so much I can’t think straight, I know everyone thinks I fell off the wagon because I wasn’t ready to get married to Sarah but the real reason is because I realized that with the birth of Baylee my dream of ever being with you was over.” Aj said.

Aj leans forward and kisses Brian lightly on the lips. Brian pulls Aj closes and deepens the kiss, having wanted it so long. Aj breaks the kiss. “We can't do this here Bri, I mean we're in your parents house.” Aj said leaning away from Brian. “I know, but we can cuddle right?” Brian asks. “Yeah they won't think much about that and if they ask just tell them it was my fault that I'll cuddle anything that lays next to me.” Aj said laying down wrapping his arms around Brian. For the first time in two years both men slept peacefully.

Kevin and Tim sneak into Brian's room to see what's happening between them, hoping their plan had worked. Kevin smiles as he sees Aj cuddled close to Brian and Brian smiling in his sleep. The brothers close the door and high five each other. Their plan had work.

The next morning Brian awoke feeling happier then he'd felt in years. He was now complete. He had everything he wanted, the man he loved and a child. Baylee came into the room to get his daddy for breakfast. “Daddy?” Baylee called from the door. “Yes sweetheart.” Brian answered smiling at his son. Baylee ran over to his dad and jumped on the bed. “Nana made pancakes and eggs.” Baylee said looking at his uncle Aj's arm resting on his daddy's chest. “That sounds great.” Brian says. “Uncle Aj likes to cuddle huh daddy?” Baylee asks. “Yeah he does and he doesn't care who it is.” Brian said smiling. “Uncle AJ!” Baylee says shaking Aj's shoulder. “Yes Bay. Aj asks sleep heavy in his voice. “You gonna miss the pancakes.” Baylee says climbing on top of his uncle. “You'll save me some.” Aj says now more awake but not opening his eyes. Baylee leans on his chest and pulls his eyes open. “Wake up.” Baylee says. Aj reaches up to support Baylee so he could sit up without hurting the child, he then starts tickling him mercilessly. “Daddy help!!” Baylee screams between fits of laughter. Brian laughs and starts tickling a very ticklish Aj. “Ok, Ok I give up.!” Aj says through laughter. They slip into their clothes and head downstairs “I waked 'em up nana.” Baylee says as he sits in his chair. “Good, I didn't want breakfast to get cold.” Jackie says smiling at Brian. Some thing was different about Brian that she didn't see last night. Kevin and Tim come downstairs smiling. “What have you two done?” Jackie asks. “What makes you think we've done anything?” Tim ask giving her his best innocent look. “I can see your horn Timothy.” Jackie says. They all sit down and start eating breakfast. “KEVIN!!!” Harold jr. screams from upstairs. He comes downstairs and half of his beard is shaved. “You look funny like that uncle Harry.” Baylee says with a mouth full of eggs “Don't talk with your mouth full Baylee.” Brian says trying not to look at his brother. Aj is fighting with everything he has not to laugh, but its lost cause. He burst out laughing. Brian hears Aj laughing and looses his battle as well. “Boo, pay backs a female dog.” Harry says as he starts fixing his plate. “Baylee are you going to stay with me and pop pop for a little while?” Jackie asks. “Yes ma'am I stay for a little while.” Baylee say finishes his breakfast. Everyone finishes their breakfast. Harold Sr, ask if he can talk to Aj alone for a moment. Aj looks at Brian a little fear in his eyes. They walk outside and start walking towards the lake. “Thanks for everything you've done for Bri and Baylee during this time.” Harold says. “It's not a problem he's been there for me so many times.” Aj says. “He's a good boy, he deserves to be loved.” Harold says looking at Aj. “I know.”

“I won't beat around the bush because I don't believe in doing that. Don't hurt my boy.” Harold Sr. says looking at a stunned Aj. “You know?” Aj asks a little above a whisper. “Of course I know, I've known about his feelings for you for a while but I didn't know if you felt the same way until last night.” Harold Sr. says. “I also know about your past, but I don't think I have to worry about you cheating on him do i?” Harold Sr. Asked. “No sir you don't, I've stayed on a straight path because of Brian. I knew he couldn't stand the old Alex. I'll do whatever it takes to be with him. “ Aj says. “Would you walk through hell for him?” Harold Sr. asked. “I would face Satan himself he stood between me and Brian and Baylee.” Aj says “So Baylee's not just baggage?” “I love Baylee as if he were my own.” “That's what I wanted to hear.” Harold says.
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