Summary: Aj struggles with old feelings, Brian struggles with a failing marriage.
Categories: Fanfiction > Backstreet Boys Characters: AJ, Brian, Group
Genres: Drama, Humor, Romance
Warnings: Slash M/M
Series: Fighting For Love
Chapters: 12 Completed: Yes
Word count: 12521 Read: 28644
Published: 08/11/06 Updated: 04/15/07
The beginning by trubsbfan79
Author's Notes:
Sorry it took so long
I know it's short but I will be adding on to it.
Enjoy R&R
Chapter 8 The beginning
A week later Nick is being released from the hospital after talking to the hospital shrink and having Kevin assuring them that he would get the help he needed. “Is Kristin ok with me being there?” Nick asked Kevin. “For the sixth and final time Yes Nick she’s ok with it.” Kevin’s cell phone rings. “Hello? Baby we just got discharged Kris we haven’t even left his room yet. I’m not lying here you talk to her.” Kevin hands Nick the phone. “Hello, no we’re walking out right now. I’m in a wheelchair. I’m sure Kevin will drive safely. Um I don’t care what you fix for lunch. Ok I’ll see you in a few. Bye.” Nick hands the phone back to Kevin. “If you so much as hit a pothole Kristin’s going to kill you.” Nick says smiling a real smile for the first time in a long time. “You’d think I was transporting a priceless vase or something.” Kevin says playfully rolling his eyes. “Is it ok if I come over and help him get settled and see if we can give you a few more gray hairs? Brian asked smiling. “Like I could stop you.” Kevin says playfully shoving his cousin.
Meanwhile at Aj’s house he and Howie are making lunch for the four of them. “Is Bri going to stay here?” Howie asked as he put the ham and cheese sandwiches in the panni press. “Yeah, he doesn’t want to be alone.” Aj answered spreading the peanut butter on a slice of bread for Baylee just in case the four year old didn’t want a ham and cheese sandwich. Howie takes some turkey and bacon out of the fridge. He looks over at AJ. “Viggo doesn’t like ham.” He explains. “D, don’t let this turn into another Marshal ok?” Aj said softly. “It’s not like that he doesn’t demand stuff be done a certain way.” Howie responds looking into the living room at his boyfriend and Baylee playing. With the sandwiches done AJ gets out the chips and sodas for them. “V, it’s time to eat, you and Baylee go wash up and come eat.” Howie says sitting the food on the table. “We just washed them this morning they’re still clean.” Viggo says with a smile. “Fine, no lunch for you.” Howie says smiling. “We gots to wash ‘em if we wanna eat uncle Viggo uncle Howie don’t play around when it comes to clean hands and eatin’.” Baylee says pulling Viggo into the bathroom so they can wash their hands. They are in the bathroom for six minutes before Aj goes over and opens the door finding the two playing with the soap making lots of bubbles. “Come eat your food’s getting cold.” Aj says shaking his head. Maybe Viggo wasn’t that bad after all. He thought to himself. The four sat down and started eating. “Is this light mayo?” Viggo asks. “ No I don’t buy light.” Aj says looking at Howie for any type of reaction. “I like it.” Viggo says looking at Howie. “I’m sure you do, but I only buy light.” Howie says smiling. Viggo pouts and finishes his lunch. “uncle Aj?” Baylee says peanut butter all over his face. “Yes Bay, what happened to your face.” Aj says laughing. “You think daddy will let me go see my nana and pop pop in tucky? I misses them bunches.” “I’m sure your dad will but not with a face covered in peanut butter.” Aj smiles down at the boy. “When he comes home you can ask him ok?” Aj tells Baylee. They finish their lunch and settle down to watch a movie until Brian gets home.
At around 6:30 Brian walks in. “Hey, guys I’m home.” Baylee jumps off the couch and runs over to his daddy. “I missed you daddy.” Baylee says hugging his daddy tightly. “I missed you too baby.” Brian said standing up holding Baylee. “How’s Nicky?” Howie asked “He’s good I think he’s going to be ok.” Brian said looking at his long time friends. “Daddy?” Baylee says looking up at his dad.”Yes baby boy.” Brian said looking down at Baylee. “Can I go visit nana and pop pop in tucky? I misses them.” Baylee asks sadly. “Let’s go call them and see if they feel up to having a Baylee around.” “J, do you mind if I call my parents my cell is about dead.” Brian asked “I don’t have to answer stupid questions do I D?” “No, you don’t have to if you don’t want to.” Aj stuck his tongue out at Brian as Brian walked over and snatched the phone from between Aj and Howie. After a few minutes on the phone he comes back. “Baylee how long were you planning to stay with them?” “Just a little while.” Baylee says looking at his daddy. “You know uncle Harold’s birthday is coming up and nana said Uncle Harold has been bragging about beating you at some game.” Brian said smiling. “He no beat me, I been reading chaper books!” “Hey, I’m just telling you what she said.” Brian said holding his hands up in defense. “We leave Thursday morning ok?” Brian says “I read two chaper books already and grown up books no count.” Baylee says walking back over to the couch.
Disclaimer: All publicly recognizable characters and settings are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of the author. No money is being made from this work. No copyright infringement is intended.