Over Her by Tati
Summary: *****Sequel to Safest Place to Hide*****

(if you haven't read it yet, i suggest you read it before reading this one.)

Lexy has moved on in her career, away from Nick. Trouble is stirred once more will Lexy be able to handle it. Will Nick be brought back into her life?
Categories: Fanfiction > Backstreet Boys Characters: Nick
Genres: Drama, Suspense
Warnings: Sexual Content, Violence
Series: None
Chapters: 28 Completed: Yes Word count: 30940 Read: 71167 Published: 09/05/06 Updated: 09/07/06
Chapter 1 by Tati
*3 ½ years later*
AJ sat on the tour bus with Howie, they were looking at a magazine together. Nick walked in and Aj stuffed the magazine in his seat. Nick saw him and laughed-“wat are you hiding AJ? Is it some dirty magazine you don’t Lisa to find?”
AJ laughed nervously-“Yea, that’s it. I thought you were her so I put it away.”
Nick looked around-“Well I’m not her, so hand it over. I wanna see!”
Howie looked at AJ and shook his head-“Uh, Nicky lets go talk to Brian about that thing we wanted to do.”
Nick looked at them-“What’s going on guys? AJ give me the magazine!”
AJ laughed-“C’mon man, let’s save your dirtiness till later when you are alone.” He stood up and put a hand on Nick’s shoulder trying to make him walk away.
Nick dodged his arm and yanked the magazine and ran. He stopped running when he looked down-“Psh, this ain’t Playboy! It’s just Rolling Stones with...” He stared at a picture of Lexy on the cover, on her knees in a loose blouse and some boyshorts. Her hair was loose, curly wild in her face. She was laying on a bed on rose pedals. He opened to the pages where the interview was, he was shocked to see pictures of her with her tongue out with a tongue ring. Then in an another picture, she was facing the wall, wearing a short halter top with a low short skirt, showing off a butterfly tattoo on her lower back. Nick sat down on the couch and read the interview.
Lexy plopped on the couch next to Marley, who was on the phone with her new beau Hugh Dancy. She met him on the set of Ella Enchanted and from then on, they were an item. Lexy was happy for her, she could tell they were in love. Lexy put her phone down, and sighed. Marley said bye to Hugh and turned to Lexy-“What’s the matter hun?”
Lexy laughed-“Oh! my phone its going off all the time! I have been getting calls from everyone about that stupid Rolling Stones issue that came out today! All your fault DEAN!!”
Dean was sitting across from her, smiling-“How is it MY fault?”
She threw her head back-“UGH! Wat do you mean? You told them my wardrobe had to be much sexier, you wanted me to talk about my stupid tongue piercing that was a DARE! And my tattoo and explain it. You wanted me to dress that way because of the people I dated, and hung out with. People are constantly calling me asking me if my music is gonna change and if I’m a hoe now. Dean!!!”
He smiled and shook his-“Baby, this is real ok? You have been out for about 4 years, people wanna see a change in you. You don’t wanna get boring do you?”
Lexy shook her head, and sighed-“Not like we can do anything about it anyway.”
He clapped his hands-“GREAT! Now, I have called your charity and they wanna do a ball for you, so I scheduled it for next weekend.”
Marley and Lexy both shook their heads-”Nope, can’t happen sorry.”
Marley frowned-“Dean, I really wish you would ask to see the schedule before you start putting in stuff! That’s my job! You are gonna have to reschedule, Lisa and AJ are getting married next weekend. We have planned this for about 6 months now! Lexy is the maid of Honor, Toni and I are bride’s maids. Too bad Dean, you are gonna have to call them back.”
Lexy nodded-“Yep, I’m sure they will understand. Even if they didn’t, I haven’t seen her in like 4 years! I have to go!”
Dean nodded as he put his head down like a little kid. Then he got up-“Come on, we have to head to the airport, your flight leaves soon. She nodded and walked behind him, Mike(her body guard had her luggage.) When they got outside, there were tons of fans, screaming, more than she had seen outside of her hotel. She got a little worried as they stared pushing the security guards that were holding them back. When they finally reached the bus, she looked outside, more people were coming. Lexy pulled on Dean’s arm-“Dean!! How did ALL these people know??”
Dean got off the phone and turned to Lexy-“Oh hunny, I’m sorry! Some jerk on a radio station announced where you were staying!”
Lexy frowned-“Why would he do that?? Do you think there will be more?”
Her question was answered when they moved the bus and turned the corner seeing 100's more waiting, she held on to Mike’s arm-“Oh my...”
Mike whispered to Dean-“Dean, I have seen this before. During the BSB 100 hour tour in Rio! It got bad.” Mike used to be a bodyguard for the boys, he stuck with Lexy when she left them. About 15 minutes later, the bus was slowly moving, and completely surrounded. They were banging on her windows and trying to get on the bus. Lexy sat next to the window watching them, trying to plead them to scoot back. The bus started rocking, they were pushing the bus. Lexy looked at Marley who was on the other window. Dean was on the phone trying to get the cops to do something. Lexy was getting nervous-“Why are they doing this? I’m nobody big! Back up please, I don’t want anyone to get hurt. Just then, she felt like she wasn’t getting enough air. She sat in the middle of the aisle trying to get her breath steady again. But it was not working, she felt light headed.
Marley noticed her and quickly moved down with her-“Lexy! Hey, listen to me. Calm down, deep breaths.”
Lexy breathed-“We are gonna run over someone! They are gonna knock the bus over!”
Mike saw her and quickly ran to the front, making the bus driver find somewhere to park. They found a way to move the crowd away, and noticed they were close to the airport. The crowd was still around, just not as close. When they stopped, they had cleared a path with ropes and TONS of cops. Lexy was still on the floor breathing heavily, Mike walked over and picked her up-“It’s ok Lexy! We are almost out of here! Marley! Hold on to my shirt!” Marley nodded and held on to him as they walked out to the airport. He got both of them off the bus, and inside safely.
This story archived at http://absolutechaos.net/viewstory.php?sid=8071